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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Yes Russia and a few other nations, even the US was involved. However we was in charge at the time? Then France armed Israel including the ability to make atomic bombs and then found themselves becoming a target and had a change of heart. The US then filled the void. I know simplified version of history but more or less sums up the timeline?

We were all arming Israel, under the table. As for blaming France for the nukes, we supplied crucial ingredients for their nuclear programme, as did the US.
I think you're confusing Mandate authority in Palestine, with "being in charge", by the way. We were no more "in charge" of the Mandate than we were ever in charge of Ulster. We occupied and dominated through military strength, and unfortunately taught the state of Israel many of the tactics of collective punishment still used to this day.
Take two centuries of Russian pogroms out of the equation, though, and the diaspora into western Europe wouldn't have happened to anywhere near the same extent, and the French and German Catholic churches of the late 19th and early 20th centuries wouldn't have had grist for their anti-Semitic mill, and the Holocaust and the subsequent foundation of the state of Israel wouldn't have happened as it did.
I don't see any reason to believe that.
A nuclear armed state with the most powerful military .. who will do what to stop them?

A nuclear armoury is only efficient against a particular type of enemy - in this case against a state you're at war with. Israel will never nuke Gaza or the West Bank, because they see the West Bank and Gaza as their own territory (temporarily occupied by vagabonds and gypsies).
What might stop them, though is the same sort of unending insurrection that the UK had in Ulster. The thing with a "terrorist" or "guerrilla" uprising is that the insurgents don't have to win, they merely have to exist to mark out the actions of the regime that dominates them. Eventually, Israel will be thinned down to a core of religious and political zealots, and currently, most of those religious zealots won't even serve in the military of that state.
huwaidaarraf: NOW: @LondonPalestine occupying UK gov offices to demand arms embargo on #Israel. #StopArmingIsrael #GazaUnderAttack http://t.co/lhJBnCLmBH [

The original Zionists were for the most part secular. Both the Labour and the Revisionist wings. They were trying to renew the Jews as a nation rather than a ghettoised sect. They were often quite hostile to Judaism. Granted some think the above, though.
But religion is relevant to this because of the actual land involved. They chose the land of their mythological forebears because of the covenant with god.
Hoax alert: Video showing “Hamas using children as human shields” is from Syria

As the number of atrocities in which Israel kills children in Gaza mounts, Israel advocates are getting more desperate to find justifications for the slaughter.

Many are sharing the above video titled “Hamas using children as human shields.” But the video is not from Palestine. It is actually from Syria. It was first posted to YouTube at least five months ago.

I don't see any reason to believe that.
A nuclear armed state with the most powerful military .. who will do what to stop them?
Same thing that stopped apartheid SA.....demographics & non stop resistance in some form from the oppressed majority. Israel is committing slow suicide & will continue to do so as long as endless war can be used by their right wing to stay in power.
Do Russia put Israel in a special category? There's a lot of antisemitic discrimination in Russia.

Quite a lot of Russian Jews have moved there to take Palestinian land though. Most of them very rich, with links to the Russian elite, to push the US out.
Do Russia put Israel in a special category? There's a lot of antisemitic discrimination in Russia.

Do you think bush really believed that god told him to go to war and that is the only reason why there was a war?
Not the only reason, but religious extremism is certainly a part of it. There's a reason why the phrase 'american taliban' is a thing.
Not the only reason, but religious extremism is certainly a part of it. There's a reason why the phrase 'american taliban' is a thing.
Do you think they have any real influence on US FP? If that is so why has Obama more or less continued Bush's policies?
Quite a lot of Russian Jews have moved there to take Palestinian land though. Most of them very rich, with links to the Russian elite, to push the US out.
i would be grateful to see the evidence for your claim that 'most' russian jews who have moved to the zionist entity are 'very rich'.
frogwoman said:
Do you think they have any real influence on US FP? If that is so why has Obama more or less continued Bush's policies?
Is this relevant to the actions of the Israeli government, which is the topic at hand?

It is.

The government of Israel does whatever it can get away with while keeping the cash pouring in from the US.

I do believe the US Taliban have an influence. They sit waiting for any step by any Democrat President that can be twisted into declaring the party "unpatriotic". The standard of political discourse in the great majority of the US is so low that this accusation can lose elections. And in the US there are national elections every two years.
It is.

The government of Israel does whatever it can get away with while keeping the cash pouring in from the US.

I do believe the US Taliban have an influence. They sit waiting for any step by any Democrat President that can be twisted into declaring the party "unpatriotic". The standard of political discourse in the great majority of the US is so low that this accusation can lose elections. And in the US there are national elections every two years.
The question was about Iraq and the US decision to invade. I'm not interested in that discussion.

The religious right in America has a huge influence. You simply cannot, broadly speaking, procaleim atheism for example in america without there being a very real possibiliyt of it impacting you in everyday life, including at work. The recent Hobby Lobby decision is religiously based for example. The religious right also believes that everyone else is less equal, particularly muslism and arabs.
The question was about Iraq and the US decision to invade. I'm not interested in that discussion.

The religious right in America has a huge influence. You simply cannot, broadly speaking, procaleim atheism for example in america without there being a very real possibiliyt of it impacting you in everyday life, including at work. The recent Hobby Lobby decision is religiously based for example. The religious right also believes that everyone else is less equal, particularly muslism and arabs.
americans proclaiming atheism recently

A nuclear armoury is only efficient against a particular type of enemy - in this case against a state you're at war with. Israel will never nuke Gaza or the West Bank, because they see the West Bank and Gaza as their own territory (temporarily occupied by vagabonds and gypsies).
What might stop them, though is the same sort of unending insurrection that the UK had in Ulster. The thing with a "terrorist" or "guerrilla" uprising is that the insurgents don't have to win, they merely have to exist to mark out the actions of the regime that dominates them. Eventually, Israel will be thinned down to a core of religious and political zealots, and currently, most of those religious zealots won't even serve in the military of that state.

Excellent post :)
latest PFLP communique

Escalate the Resistance: Occupy the Occupiers Embassies and Consulates!

The occupation forces have launched their ground invasion of Gaza,
Palestine following ten days of an aerial assault by the killing machine of
the occupation forces, taking the lives of 245 Palestinians at the hands of
the occupation military and its US-made and funded weaponry, raining
destruction upon the Palestinian people of Gaza from the sky.

The occupations assault has included the targeting of children and elders,
attacking schools, mosques, hospitals, family homes, and care centers for
people with disabilities. Today alone, the Israeli forces targeted and
bombed a rehabilitation hospital after killing eight children and four
adults elsewhere in Gaza. They have taken the lives of families, demolished
over 800 homes and severely damaged over 18,000 more, destroyed
infrastructure, targeted critical resources and have relentlessly made use
of their US-funded and supported killing machine targeting the Palestinian

Despite the brutal assault on Gaza, Palestinians in Gaza and throughout
occupied Palestine and in exile have continued to resist and to reject the
occupiers logic that through death and destruction they will force us to
accept surrender and die quietly. The Palestinian people in Gaza are
committed to resist the occupier by all means and never to give up that
resistance until victory, despite the attempts of the occupier to separate
our resistance from our people through deadly force.

Throughout this assault, the Arab people and the people of the world, in
massive numbers, have taken to the streets. Tens of thousands have marched
in Cape Town, in Paris, in London, in Stockholm, in Tunis, in Istanbul, in
San Francisco, in Santiago, in Caracas, in Chicago, in Mexico City, in New
York, in The Hague, in Yemen, in Jakarta, in Sydney. In hundreds of cities
and towns around the world, the voice of the people has been heard
rejecting the imperialist and Zionist assault on the Palestinian people and
demanding an end to the complicity, silence and direct participation of the
imperialist powers, international institutions, and war-profiteering
corporations in the assault on Palestine.

Now, it is time to escalate the international resistance. The tanks are
rolling into Gaza. The occupiers embassies and consulates must not be
allowed to operate as normal and engage in business as usual while its
forces are conducting a murderous occupation.

U.S. imperial power must not continue uninterrupted around the world while
it provides the economic, political and military support that runs the
killing machine in fact, the U.S. imperialists Congress have just passed a
bill to provide more money and more funding to make the occupations killing
machine even more lethal against the Palestinian and Arab people.

The war-profiteering corporations that are making a financial killing on
the killing of our people must not continue to see nothing but benefit for
their involvement in murder, torture, apartheid, racism and occupation.

It is time to not only continue to take the streets, but to escalate the

Friendly and progressive governments of the world must cut their ties with
the occupation state, close its embassies and recall their ambassadors,
fully isolate, boycott and reject the criminal apartheid racist
illegitimate settler-colonial state that is massacring Palestinians.

The reactionary Arab regimes must no longer be permitted to engage in
diplomatic relations with the occupation state and host its embassies and
ambassadors while it is killing Palestinians. All occupation embassies in
Arab nations must be shut permanently.

And our call to the people of the world, the millions who have taken to the
streets, who have raised the Palestinian flag alongside the sons and
daughters of Palestine in exile and diaspora in every city and country of
the world, we call upon you to:

Occupy Israeli embassies and consulates shut them down, close their doors,
prevent them from engaging in business as usual. The occupation state must
be entirely boycotted and isolated, and fully rejected as the illegitimate
settler-colonial occupier that it is.
Occupy U.S. embassies and consulates U.S. imperialism is the principal
sponsor of the killer occupation in Palestine and it must be held
accountable by the people of the world for its crimes, not only in
Palestine but throughout the world.
Take the profits from the hands of the killer corporations Already
protesters are confronting these killer corporations like Boeing, Lockheed
Martin and G4S, facing arrest in U.S. cities such as Chicago. These
corporations must face consequences their operations interrupted and shut
down. No more profits from Palestinian blood!

As the resistance in Palestine escalates, so must the resistance of the
world. The occupation and its sponsors must not be permitted to continue
their criminal slaughter of our people now in its latest stage after over
66 years of murder, repression, occupation, apartheid, racism and
dispossession without consequence and without meaningful blows to their
ability to function. It is time to shut them down, and for the resistance
of the people of the world to be heard alongside the resistance of

They shall not pass! Gaza shall not fall! From the river to the sea,
Palestine will be free!
Do Russia put Israel in a special category? There's a lot of antisemitic discrimination in Russia.

The timing of Putin saying "I support the struggle of Israel as it attempts to protect its citizens." was a bit poor. That said he is probably more 'neutral' than his western counterparts.
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