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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Here's a surprise and Blair's involved of course.

Earlier this year, Hamas condemned a PA deal to purchase $1.2 billion worth of gas from Israel Leviathan field over a 20 year period once the field starts producing. Simultaneously, the PA has held several meetings with the British Gas Group to develop the Gaza gas field, albeit with a view to exclude Hamas – and thus Gazans – from access to the proceeds. That plan had been the brainchild of Quartet Middle East envoy Tony Blair.

Several media outlest have reported allegations that Blair is very 'close' to an Israeli women, Ofra Strauss, who is head of a £1.3 billion food company. One Israeli paper even wrote an open letter to Cherie warning her to be more watchful of her husband's closeness to this woman! And if he was the brainchild of a scheme to facilitate Israeli access to gas resources, bypassing Gaza, then he is truely more evil (if that's possible) than I thought.
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Personally I really do not like this attitude that Jews round the world are required to explicitly stand up and apologise for the actions of Israel. It has nothing to do with me and IMO it simply continues the conflation of Jews and Israel being one and the same and thus it major fuel for anti-Semitism.

It reminds me of when individuals from BME communities are found to be fraudulent or wrong-doing, say in the police or in politics, the voices of condemnation are usually much louder and shriller than they would be for white people. The subtext, imv, is one of, 'see, we can't trust these people'. When western people criticise the actions/warmongering of their governments, they do not refer to the fact that the majority are white, christian men. As far as I can see, Christians has wrought untold suffering, exploitation and conflict upon the world. As a non-jewish person exposed to anti-semitism in mainstream culture throughout my life, as well as hearing it from my father, I have had to do a lot of work on challenging these deep-rooted prejudices. The tendency to link the actions of Israel to all Jews is unacceptable, as is the expectation that Jewish people must account for every wrong-doing committed by the state of Israel. I remember challenging my father, in response to his, "they all stick together and help only eachother", along the lines of, "what about all the white christian men in the old boys network helping eachother". Not a very sophisticated argument, I acknowledge, but he did begin to look at it a bit differently.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said there was a "new quality" to weapons used by Hamas against Israel and that countries coming under attack must be allowed to defend themselves, Reuters reports. "Both sides must accept painful compromises but we stand by the side of Israel when it comes to self-defence," she said at a news conference in Berlin.

What the fuck does she want us to do? Throw fucking rocks???????

European leaders are all a bunch of racist cunt supremacists! FUCK YOU!
Some very useful and excellent context and Western complicity:

That government was created largely because of Hamas’s desperation and isolation. The group’s alliance with Syria and Iran was in shambles. Its affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt became a liability after a July 2013 coup replaced an ally, President Mohamed Morsi, with a bitter adversary, Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Hamas’s coffers dried up as General Sisi closed the tunnels that had brought to Gaza the goods and tax revenues on which it depended.

Seeing a region swept by popular protests against leaders who couldn’t provide for their citizens’ basic needs, Hamas opted to give up official control of Gaza rather than risk being overthrown. Despite having won the last elections, in 2006, Hamas decided to transfer formal authority to the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah. That decision led to a reconciliation agreement between Hamas and the Palestine Liberation Organization, on terms set almost entirely by the P.L.O. chairman and Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas.

Israel immediately sought to undermine the reconciliation agreement by preventing Hamas leaders and Gaza residents from obtaining the two most essential benefits of the deal: the payment of salaries to 43,000 civil servants who worked for the Hamas government and continue to administer Gaza under the new one, and the easing of the suffocating border closures imposed by Israel and Egypt that bar most Gazans’ passage to the outside world.

Still, despite its opposition to the reconciliation agreement, Israel continued to transfer the tax revenues it collects on the Palestinian Authority’s behalf, and to work closely with the new government, especially on security cooperation.

But the key issues of paying Gaza’s civil servants and opening the border with Egypt were left to fester. The new government’s ostensible supporters, especially the United States and Europe, could have pushed Egypt to ease border restrictions, thereby demonstrating to Gazans that Hamas rule had been the cause of their isolation and impoverishment. But they did not.

Instead, after Hamas transferred authority to a government of pro-Western technocrats, life in Gaza became worse.

Qatar had offered to pay Gaza’s 43,000 civil servants, and America and Europe could have helped facilitate that. But Washington warned that American law prohibited any entity delivering payment to even one of those employees — many thousands of whom are not members of Hamas but all of whom are considered by American law to have received material support from a terrorist organization.

When a United Nations envoy offered to resolve this crisis by delivering the salaries through the United Nations, so as to exclude all parties from legal liability, the Obama administration did not assist. Instead, it stood by as Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, called for the envoy’s expulsion on the grounds that he was “trying to funnel money” to Hamas.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said there was a "new quality" to weapons used by Hamas against Israel and that countries coming under attack must be allowed to defend themselves, Reuters reports. "Both sides must accept painful compromises but we stand by the side of Israel when it comes to self-defence," she said at a news conference in Berlin.

What the fuck does she want us to do? Throw fucking rocks???????

European leaders are all a bunch of racist cunt supremacists! FUCK YOU!

The worst thing about the shit politicians come out with, and the media too, is that it's not like they don't know. It's not like they're being given false information when it comes to what's actually going on. But other interests trump justice and humanity when it comes to public statements. Pretty sick really.
It reminds me of when individuals from BME communities are found to be fraudulent or wrong-doing, say in the police or in politics, the voices of condemnation are usually much louder and shriller than they would be for white people. The subtext, imv, is one of, 'see, we can't trust these people'. When western people criticise the actions/warmongering of their governments, they do not refer to the fact that the majority are white, christian men. As far as I can see, Christians has wrought untold suffering, exploitation and conflict upon the world. As a non-jewish person exposed to anti-semitism in mainstream culture throughout my life, as well as hearing it from my father, I have had to do a lot of work on challenging these deep-rooted prejudices. The tendency to link the actions of Israel to all Jews is unacceptable, as is the expectation that Jewish people must account for every wrong-doing committed by the state of Israel. I remember challenging my father, in response to his, "they all stick together and help only eachother", along the lines of, "what about all the white christian men in the old boys network helping eachother". Not a very sophisticated argument, I acknowledge, but he did begin to look at it a bit differently.
I think the thing is maybe that (I may be wrong here) Israel is seen as being a "homeland" for Jews, so in my eyes at least people who are Jewish either need to distance themselves from that idea or have a position on Israeli actions re Palestine. But I certainly would not ask or expect a Jewish person to take responsability for or discuss with me their feelings about Israel's action. But the homeland (is that the right word?) issue might have some bearing. or that may be out of date, I have not really studied Judaism for 20 years since school.
I think the thing is maybe that (I may be wrong here) Israel is seen as being a "homeland" for Jews, so in my eyes at least people who are Jewish either need to distance themselves from that idea or have a position on Israeli actions re Palestine. But I certainly would not ask or expect a Jewish person to take responsability for or discuss with me their feelings about Israel's action. But the homeland (is that the right word?) issue might have some bearing. or that may be out of date, I have not really studied Judaism for 20 years since school.
the zionist entity is a homeland for zionists and not for jews.

personally i think there was a lot of merit to the auld ussr's birobidzhan but i accept i may be in a minority on that.
No german politician is going to critise israel ever 6 million reasons not to :(
also the way israel is "Never Again" being a thing very much down to german behaviour.
Holocaust is a handy excuse for any barbarity as the rest of the world looked on as the jews among others were industrialy slaughtered:mad:
Telling the israelis that international law will safeguard their exsistence is going to be a very hard sell.
This times a hundred.

The state of Israel does not = "The Jews". There's enough to be sickened about here without adding more to the cesspit.
I haven't seen anyone here make that connection so what are you trying to prove by dragging the conversation in that direction?
UN: 900,000 people, half of Gaza, population "without water supply"
this is starting to look more and more of a general massacre due to disease issues this will unleash and the destruction of medical facilities. instead of a death toll of thousands directly from zionist bombs, the casualties will be "in"directly killed by them due to the collapsed infrastructure :mad:
this is starting to look more and more of a general massacre due to disease issues this will unleash and the destruction of medical facilities. instead of a death toll of thousands directly from zionist bombs, the casualties will be "in"directly killed by them due to the collapsed infrastructure :mad:

Yep :( Water & sanitation plants, & agricultural land have all been targeted. Now the bombardment of hospitals.

ffs :(
I haven't seen anyone here make that connection so what are you trying to prove by dragging the conversation in that direction?
Humberto did, before apologising. And it's a conflation I have seen and heard many times over the years, and which has resurfaced in the last few days in meat space as well as social media.

I didn't bring it up, you will see from my post that I was approving of a comment already made, and I reiterated because it's an important point.
So take your mendacity and cant elsewhere, you boring little slug.
Humberto did, before apologising. And it's a conflation I have seen and heard many times over the years, and which has resurfaced in the last few days in meat space as well as social media.

I didn't bring it up, you will see from my post that I was approving of a comment already made, and I reiterated because it's an important point.
So take your mendacity and cant elsewhere, you boring little slug.
No i'll stay, you can go fuck yourself you self righteous little prick
I'll say one thing for this forum and that's that Hasbara thankfully don't seem to have shown up yet with their filthy lies. CIF is positively infested.
Now deleted tweet:

Reports of deliberate attacks on water infrastructure:
...three main water lines that feed al-Shujaiya and al-Sabra neighborhoods and provide about 21,000 people with water were also hit.

Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza live under the threat of water scarcity due to the fact that Israeli fighter jets bombed wells that provide water to several residential areas in the Gaza Strip. Municipalities in charge of these wells believe that the Israeli targeting of wells is motivated by a decision to destroy the infrastructure in Gaza and to undermine the people’s ability to remain steadfast.

Israeli planes targeted a well located in al-Nasr neighborhood, west of the city of Gaza, which provides water to about 20,000 people and the Ali well in al-Zaitoun area, south of the city, which provides water to about 7,000 people. In addition, three main water lines that feed al-Shujaiya and al-Sabra neighborhoods and provide about 21,000 people with water were also hit.

This targeting appears to be systematic and its obvious objective is to deprive people of water, the single most important element of daily life, especially during the month of Ramadan.

According to the head of the water facilities at the Gaza municipality, Saad al-Din Atbash, it is very difficult to repair the destroyed wells amidst the ongoing violence. Not to mention that the cost for each well to start working again at the same capacity it was working before is $120,000. “In addition, the cost of repairing the three water lines that were damaged is about $6,000 for each line,” he added.
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