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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I'm trying to analyze it dispassionately, if it comes across like I'm not being empathetic enough then I am sorry, trying to stay as emotionally disconnected from it as I can.

It's difficult to analyse it dispassionately, especially at the moment. I wanna reply to your posts because I think they're good observations but I can't at the moment. I have to confess I've done most of my learning about the conflict in the past week by consuming lots of lectures, interviews and reading Btselem but I can't be dispassionate by it because I'm angry and upset by it, the whole thing is such a colossal injustice there's no words to do justice to how much of an injustice it is.
It's difficult to analyse it dispassionately, especially at the moment. I wanna reply to your posts because I think they're good observations but I can't at the moment. I have to confess I've done most of my learning about the conflict in the past week by consuming lots of lectures, interviews and reading Btselem but I can't be dispassionate by it because I'm angry and upset by it, the whole thing is such a colossal injustice there's no words to do justice to how much of an injustice it is.

I know, I am fucking raging about it too. Ashamed of some of my fellow Jews at the moment, and at the world in general :mad:
What stealing a country, displacing a whole population, murdering, massacring and the imprisioning the remainders?
Palestinians are just target practice for fucking loony ideologists. My heart bleeds for the Palestinians living in Ghazza. They've known nothing but misery.

I read somewhere that this would be the third sustained military attack a 7 year old Ghazzan will have experienced. What kind of fucking life is that? Are Ghazzan children subhuman therefore disposable?

Palestinians in Ghazza are my fucking heroes.
Israel is an unsustainable abomination, a multi-ethnic Palestine is the only way. If the zionists don't accept that the US will no doubt welcome them with open arms.
I know, I am fucking raging about it too. Ashamed of some of my fellow Jews at the moment, and at the world in general :mad:

Yeah there's a lot of horrendous things in the world, lots of things that ought to bring tears to one's eyes but it doesn't happen often for me. This though has, especially today it's just...well, like I said no words really :(
I read somewhere that a Palestinian lad was made to drink petrol and then set on fire. Abu Khedir was his name.
Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed: Israeli MP

A well-known Israeli politician and parliament member has branded Palestinians as terrorists, saying mothers of all Palestinians should also be killed during the ongoing Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip, Daily Sabah reported.

Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes."

"They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists," Shaked said, adding, "They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”


As I've previously written every Palestinian death is a nail in Israel's coffin. They aren't just up against the poor Palestinians however, there's the Ummah out there that numbers 1.5 billion.
If they wanted to have more support from religious Jews, as saturday is shabbat, they should have the march on Sunday...I won't be going because some of the stuff I have seen on these marches utterly depresses.me but fair play to anyone who is
you mean the deranged lefty loonbaggery as opposed to the humanistic abhorrence of killing?
If you do, as I suspect, think that,big hugs Froggy, I have that problem too
I'm not sure it has. Technically I mean, in terms of the organisation of the state. But that is changing.

What i mean is the use of paramilitary street thugs as a politicised force by the state, the worship of the charismatic leader, the clampdown on trade unions, media, the total repression of the working class that fascism represents. Israel has not met the technical definition of fascism although that doesn't really matter to be honest in terms of what itd done, at all .

But that is changing.
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