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Gammon is not racist

You can also use 'what a clown' when hearing of someone mishandeling a difficult situation, through their own actions.

Like Brexit. Just call politictions clowns.
vampire castle. mark fisher has written some good stuff but this particular piece of shit is odious and reactionary and he knew exactly what he was doing in the climate it was published. it's still used to attack anyone - feminists, postcolonialists, disabled people, queer people and others - who depart from macho left orthodoxy by not reducing all oppression to a dematerialised colonial model of "class" while claiming to oppose identity politics.

That is not why that text is wrong (and it is most definitely wrong) you masochistic putrescent pasty-faced bohemian Wyndham Lewis lookalike.

And if you had any sense and actually cleaned the smegma under your civilised gentile appendage you would realise that your antifascism is the most infantile politics this side of 1935 (and that would be a compliment.) Fool, democracy is not some rapturous shrine. There is no such thing as unique fascist ideology (have you even read Mussolini exalting fascism as a real democracy?) it is all state organisation. Do you seriously believe that the crusty reactionary nostalgics like Michael Oakeshitt could run a country? In wanting to give us a necrotic erection you have relapsed into the most kneejerk anti-imperialism. You were cleverer when you did not sign up for that ph.d programme. You are going to end up pitting yourself against the invariant monolith of the proletarian theory of knowledge in favour of .. smeering us with the donkey excrement of that french anticolonial national liberation supporting fascist beloved of the present day bourgeois existential wrecks.

Unfortunately you missed the art school posturing that was hip a few years ago so you'll have to reinvent the sci fi aesthetic.

is wrong cos it was an outgrowth of his shit left accelerationism and doesn't deal with the conditions of migrant workers (both temp and permanent) and the increasing intrusion of labour surveillance/union management technologies. It's basically a deification of a tendancy of capital. That Asad haidar book also sounds a bit boring (i haven't read it yet) but it seems to be shitty NCM nostalgia - that whole eclectist US left is another fucking story. sigh.
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That is not why that text is wrong (and it is most definitely wrong) you masochistic putrescent pasty-faced bohemian Wyndham Lewis lookalike.

And if you had any sense and actually cleaned the smegma under your civilised gentile appendage you would realise that your antifascism is the most infantile politics this side of 1935 (and that would be a compliment.) Fool, democracy is not some rapturous shrine. There is no such thing as unique fascist ideology (have you even read Mussolini exalting fascism as a real democracy?) it is all state organisation. Do you seriously believe that the crusty reactionary nostalgics like Michael Oakeshitt could run a country? In wanting to give us a necrotic erection you have relapsed into the most kneejerk anti-imperialism. You were cleverer when you did not sign up for that ph.d programme. You are going to end up pitting yourself against the invariant monolith of the proletarian theory of knowledge in favour of .. smeering us with the donkey excrement of that french anticolonial national liberation supporting fascist beloved of the present day bourgeois existential wrecks.

Unfortunately you missed the art school posturing that was hip a few years ago so you'll have to reinvent the sci fi aesthetic.

is wrong cos it was an outgrowth of his shit left accelerationism and doesn't deal with the conditions of migrant workers (both temp and permanent) and the increasing intrusion of labour surveillance/union management technologies. It's basically a deification of a tendancy of capital. That Asad haidar book also sounds a bit boring (i haven't read it yet) but it seems to be shitty NCM nostalgia - that whole eclectist US left is another fucking story. sigh.

Apologies, I'd thought Lucille (and possibly the other) was you on a windup.
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I didn't. But has the Lucille character gone now? Good.

Wasn't there a really dire country western song about Lucille?
Hah. Found it. Kenny Rogers. leave me lucille - Bing video

But it is so damn - I don't know what. So schunkeln and sort of fall asleep over your beer music. OK, I suppose a song addressing the socio-economic factors might not have been quite so popular, but still ...

Eek, I now notice that it was Number 1 in the UK at some point in 1977. :eek:
Apologies, I'd thought Lucille (and possibly the other) was you on a windup.

Why? the identity politics stuff is just a constructed debate that has no relevance outside the universities or leftist scenes over who wants to monopolise cultural production with some 60s social democratic nostalgia tacked on. talk to people not involved in that stuff and idpol as a construction (pro or anti) would just not make sense. it's an insulated left/SJ concept. same shit innit.
Why? the identity politics stuff is just a constructed debate that has no relevance outside the universities or leftist scenes over who wants to monopolise cultural production with some 60s social democratic nostalgia tacked on. talk to people not involved in that stuff and idpol as a construction (pro or anti) would just not make sense. it's an insulated left/SJ concept. same shit innit.

It was the style, rather than the content that made me suspect it was you fucking about. And that fact you've been a bit bonkers lately.
It's not, being a middle age fat angry white racist bloke is not a protected group.

If you are angry at being called gammon you should probably have a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror.

nobody's going to be shoving gammon steaks through people letterboxes or screaming it at kids.
according to left-wing ideology, then gammon is in fact 'racist' - ie. persecution of a group based on their beliefs
is gammon racist? no, but many racists are gammon faced head boilers who need curing. or smoking.
And the majority of us gammon faced baldies are not racist. If some spotty pencil-necked student dressed up like a bloody ninja calls me a gammon when I turn up to oppose fascists as I have done for the last 4 decades, I will be having a robust chat with them I promise
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