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Fucking King Charles’s voiceover, and fucking ‘Britain welcomes everyone’ message during the NYE London fireworks

T & P

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I just sicked a little. Is this government so fucking desperate now to deem necessary to add political messages to the New Year London firework celebrations?

Fuck off already you fucking cunts :mad:

(Happy New Year to all Urban folk, by the way)
Is he just fucking clueless?
For context, I am not sure whether this was his initiative or actually forced on to him, but for anyone who hasn’t watched it, this NYE’s London fireworks display included a short voiceover from Sausage Fingers and a drone display message telling the world how welcoming Brexit Britain really is to Johnny Foreigner.

Cunt off you fucking cunts.
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.

Watched NHK Eurovision style extravaganza they have every year. Absolute toss, but better than the king dim son speechifying.
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.

Never noticed William's sausage fingers before
William actually seems the most normal of them all. I know it's a low bar. I wonder if he'll dress up like that when his old man moves on. I'd hope not. Look how fucking ridiculous Charles looks. I'm assuming that big cloak thing is fake fur, hmm, Charles?
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.

Somehow I missed the creepy kid in camouflage the first time I saw this picture and now I worry he could be anywhere.
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.

I know it’s not fashionable to say so, but the Monarchy doesn’t just cause damage to the psyche of our society: it causes damage to the members of the institution. It’s not good for their mental health.
Wasn't too impressed with this year's fireworks.
The drones were disappointingly under-used [apart from the dandelion clock].
Especially with the shite CIII & political messages.
Rick Astley was still shite, his hair looked like Tin-Tin's !
I saw this picture the other day in a paper and it did occur to me a bit like some weird fucked up inbred cosplay thing he's going through. Wearing his mum's clothes and hats. I don't know why had to lead with that glorified dole bludger telling us how wonderful this country is. And why they didn't actually include the word 'Loaded' in 'Loaded' which was about the only decent tune they chose.


I saw that and others and was reminded me of his old mate Jimmy Savilles interview with Louis Theroux and keeping his moms musky clothes mothballed for many years in his wardrobe I find it really creepy make me wonder what the staff etc really think these days it must be a very fucked up job

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