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Freddie Starr Nicked

I thought that racehorse he owned/part owned did a lot to restore his fortune when it won some major race a few years back - IIRC Starr regained his millionaire status from that alone, never mind the substantial long term income from stud fees for as long as the animal could procreate?

Yep, his fortunes are restored. As I said, he blew most of the money he made in the '70s and '80s, either down his neck or up his nose.
... making a pitiable yet strangely laughable figure as he hobbled away, the old wretch seemed to derive an obscure consolation from the incessant repetition of his weird mantra...

Not my weird mantra, cuntlugs, the mantra of many Urbanites, whenever "graced" with your (lack of) wit.
A bunch of roses works better, try that instead?
While roses may work once as a conciliatory gesture, I'm sure you're aware that the second and third times it's likely to make things worse and lead to "what the fuck have you done this time?". IME the same goes for jewellery, cheap or otherwise etc. I was that infuriated ring-thrower.
... making a pitiable yet strangely laughable figure as he hobbled away, the old wretch seemed to derive an obscure consolation from the incessant repetition of his weird mantra...
You must lead a dull life to have such a rich fantasy life. Between buying lots of roses and doing whatever caused you to need to apologize again, that is. ;)
Poor old Fred Astaire. Growing up, I always thought that him and Bobby Davros were the same person.

And why, in this parade of wrongers, have the feds not pulled in [ed:removed] He had the Savile factor times ten.
UhOhSeven said:
Poor old Fred Astaire. Growing up, I always thought that him and Bobby Davros were the same person.

And why, in this parade of wrongers have the feds not pulled in [--]? He had the Savile factor times ten.

I think you have got a few people confused :D
And why, in this parade of wrongers, have the feds not pulled in [ed:removed] He had the Savile factor times ten.
Do not - repeat DO NOT - post up potentially deeply defamatory claims based on nothing more than what you think someone's appearance suggests. Repeat that allegation and you will be banned. I've got a site to protect here.
Do not - repeat DO NOT - post up potentially deeply defamatory claims based on nothing more than what you think someone's appearance suggests. Repeat that allegation and you will be banned. I've got a site to protect here.

It's still viewable in #127

I was very angry that Freddie Starr tried to sue Karin Ward, a woman who was a huge component of the original public exposure of Savile.

I am so happy that it blew up in his face, and now Karin can give further encouragement to other victims.


Dismissing the claim, Mr Nicol, who held the case without a jury, said: "She [Ward] has proved that it was true that he groped her - an under-age schoolgirl."

He added that Starr had "humiliated" her and said that in truth, the entertainer had no recollection of what happened that evening.

Speaking after the ruling, Ms Ward, who has waived her right to anonymity, said she was "relieved" at the outcome.

"For anyone who hasn't yet dared to come forward, I say - do not take this case as a reason not to do so," she said. "Stand tall, it wasn't your fault, and you have a right to be heard without fear or threat of not being believed."
He lives very near me and my daughter knows his ex wife who doesn't think he's guilty. Apparently he's just not like that and wouldn't have done such a thing.
The entertainer, who was not in court for the ruling, is now reportedly facing a £1m costs bill and says he has lost £300,000 from shows being cancelled over the allegations.

Good. Shame on him for bringing the case against her in the first place.
The celebrity football match thing with Elvis and the fake Hitler thing was funny as fuck as a child in the 70/80s. Apart from that, nowt else.
I remember seeing him do the Hitler thing in a Royal Variety performance when I was a kid, then I saw him do it again and again and again...:D
He lives very near me and my daughter knows his ex wife who doesn't think he's guilty. Apparently he's just not like that and wouldn't have done such a thing.
He and his legal team apparently failed to persuade the court that though.
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