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Freddie Starr Nicked

One of our neighbours spent a fortune buying his old number plate: 111FS, and the neighbourhood was impressed for years. Do you think he will be able to get a refund?

Lovely teeth, though, you have to admit.
I've never even seen Freddie Starr's 'comedy' apart from once where he appeared on some charity thing (children in need?) where he put oily hands all over someone's white suit (Ben Elton's?) which wasn't funny in the slightest apart from it being cunty to (Ben Elton! Lenny Henry?) someone who perhaps deserved it.

In my view, Freddie Starr was to comedy what Glitter was to music. Had a gullible following but generally surprising they made it in the talent stakes. I guess Savile falls into that bracket too. Why the fuck was he 'Mr BBC'? We accepted it because he was put on our screens. Given the choice, would we have selected him for it? I doubt it. And I'm not just saying that in retrospect. These murky allegations are surrounding novelty acts and DJs in an age where musical greats dominated the charts.
I think Freddie "Starr" won New Faces or similar, and used to do Seaside Specials. He had a programme called Freddie Starr's Madhouse but he was sacked, I think, and it became Russ Abbot's Madhouse.

Was that Brian Connolly the blond lead singer of Sweet, now dead?
Teenage Rampage:
I've never even seen Freddie Starr's 'comedy' apart from once where he appeared on some charity thing (children in need?) where he put oily hands all over someone's white suit (Ben Elton's?) which wasn't funny in the slightest apart from it being cunty to (Ben Elton! Lenny Henry?) someone who perhaps deserved it.

In my view, Freddie Starr was to comedy what Glitter was to music. Had a gullible following but generally surprising they made it in the talent stakes. I guess Savile falls into that bracket too. Why the fuck was he 'Mr BBC'? We accepted it because he was put on our screens. Given the choice, would we have selected him for it? I doubt it. And I'm not just saying that in retrospect. These murky allegations are surrounding novelty acts and DJs in an age where musical greats dominated the charts.

Hang on, many of those "musical greats" were in this right up to their necks.

In fact, there's a good case for indicting "rock" and "pop" culture as a whole in this affair.
starr has a girlfriend who is at least 50 years his junior.
Which tbf probably makes her about 39 and some....hard to imagine all this was going on , when we spent our saturday evenings harmlessly watching Benny Hill groping teenage nurses and turned over just in time for Love thy neighbour and the jolly racial slurs.

The seventies....a corking time to grow up , so long as we escaped the thinly veiled veneer that sugar coated sexual inequality, child abuse, homophobia and overt racism.
The seventies....a corking time to grow up , so long as we escaped the thinly veiled veneer that sugar coated sexual inequality, child abuse, homophobia and overt racism.
If you think the 70s were bad, it's probably best not to think of the decades before.
If you think the 70s were bad, it's probably best not to think of the decades before.
I'm sure, but thankfully have no experience of them....I think the seventies were good pickings for the likes of savile...a combination of the overflow from the free loving sixties rose tinting the abusers conscience, combined with a huge girly teenybop movement blossoming with the dawn of totp, glossy mags and accessible fashion...a powder keg waiting to be taken advantage of by bad apples in the 'business' .
If you think the 70s were bad, it's probably best not to think of the decades before.

Actually I suspect the 70s were the worst decade, because people thought they'd just discovered sex for the first time.

Before the very late 60s, British people didn't talk about "it" in an overt, crude manner as they do today. They spoke about it alright, but they used euphemism, ambiguity and metaphor to do so. But the generation of the 70s denounced such circumlocutions as hypocritical and puritanical, demanding that everyone just "let it all hang out"--with consequences that we are only now beginning to understand.
But the generation of the 70s denounced such circumlocutions as hypocritical and puritanical, demanding that everyone just "let it all hang out"--with consequences that we are only now beginning to understand.

That's a really interesting point, Phil.

... and Left-wing sects were no fuckin' better. Full of sometimes fat, sometimes painfully thin, balding (whilst often simultaneously long-haired) pseudo-intellectuals... blokes who normally would struggle to get a ride in a brothel whilst clutching a fistful of fivers... surrounded by a wee gaggle of acolytes... all looking first bagsie on the 'fresh meat'... the impressionable young girls (or boys)... who would swallow their line about throwing off the shackles of a bourgeois/capitalist imposition of sexuality...

you see you must reject the manufactured bourgeois construct of 'beauty'... physical beauty is nothing compared to the freedom of embracing intellectual beauty... so if you really want to embrace Marxism... if you really want to reach the next level... SUCK ON MY FLACCID OLD COCK.

They held up sexual promiscuity as a statement of personal independence and some kind of societal cure-all. It wasn't. IMO... formed over 10 years of enthusiastic engagement with promiscuity... and another 20 of reflection... it was, in fact, the opposite.
I think Freddie "Starr" won New Faces or similar, and used to do Seaside Specials. He had a programme called Freddie Starr's Madhouse but he was sacked, I think, and it became Russ Abbot's Madhouse.
Freddy Stars Variety Madhouse, it was more of a stage show than Russ Abbots sketch thing I think. I guess they made it different to so that it didn't just look like Russ took over. Plus I guess it was cheaper.
Nothing wrong with the 70s at all. No political correctness, footballers weren't overpaid and didn't fall over like girls (unless you were Francis Lee) and no-one suffered from ME or ADHD. TV was good too.
Freddy Stars Variety Madhouse, it was more of a stage show than Russ Abbots sketch thing I think. I guess they made it different to so that it didn't just look like Russ took over. Plus I guess it was cheaper.

Wasn't that the one that seemed to consist of him dressed as Hitler in wellies, chucking buckets of water around the place? Even as a kid I knew it was shit!
That's a really interesting point, Phil.

... and Left-wing sects were no fuckin' better. Full of sometimes fat, sometimes painfully thin, balding (whilst often simultaneously long-haired) pseudo-intellectuals... blokes who normally would struggle to get a ride in a brothel whilst clutching a fistful of fivers... surrounded by a wee gaggle of acolytes... all looking first bagsie on the 'fresh meat'... the impressionable young girls (or boys)... who would swallow their line about throwing off the shackles of a bourgeois/capitalist imposition of sexuality...

you see you must reject the manufactured bourgeois construct of 'beauty'... physical beauty is nothing compared to the freedom of embracing intellectual beauty... so if you really want to embrace Marxism... if you really want to reach the next level... SUCK ON MY FLACCID OLD COCK.

They held up sexual promiscuity as a statement of personal independence and some kind of societal cure-all. It wasn't. IMO... formed over 10 years of enthusiastic engagement with promiscuity... and another 20 of reflection... it was, in fact, the opposite.

The words "Gerry Healey" spring to mind...
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