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Secretary of State for Education, Nicky Morgan, gets DESTROYED on Newsnight

You can be a right pedant on occasion Pickman's.

Look Pickman's pedantry aside, the bottom line is Labour promised to raise the minimum wage to eight quid an hour by 2020. The Tories won and they are going to increase it to nine.

That's the inconvient truth, however you slice and dice it.
Because the Tories have done something to benefit the poor. Indeed more than Labour were planning to do.

For those on the left who consider the Tories to be next to vermin, that must be awkward, surely?
not really, no. next thing you'll be telling me auld bismarck was something of a socialist for the introduction of social welfare in germany.
They harm they have done to the poor, not just during this administration, far far outweighs any so-called benefit.
Sure. I'm not here to defend previous Tory administrations or even the current one.

I'm just saying it isn't as simple as just saying Tories=scum. It's much more complicated than that.
Look Pickman's pedantry aside, the bottom line is Labour promised to raise the minimum wage to eight quid an hour by 2020. The Tories won and they are going to increase it to nine.

Living Wage, not Minimum Wage. And that's only for the over 25s. Under that it's still the Minimum Wage.

But, offset by quite a lot of cuts too.

Not that I would expect Labour to have done much different, but then they can fuck off frankly too.
Sure. I'm not here to defend previous Tory administrations or even the current one.

I'm just saying it isn't as simple as just saying Tories=scum. It's much more complicated than that.

It isn't correct to just say Tories=scum, but I don't think saying politicians of all parties are scum is that much more complicated, TBH
Because the Tories have done something to benefit the poor. Indeed more than Labour were planning to do.

For those on the left who consider the Tories to be next to vermin, that must be awkward, surely?

No. Because the rise in the minimum wage is more than offset by the ongoing cut backs and increased restrictions on tax credits. Its a purely political cunts trick. Performed by tory cunts.
No. Because the rise in the minimum wage is more than offset by the ongoing cut backs and increased restrictions on tax credits. Its a purely political cunts trick. Performed by tory cunts.
It's purely a macro-economic sleight of hand as the consolidator state seeks to remove welfare expenditure from the books by bribing capital to pay slightly raised wages in compensation for large cuts in corporate taxation.
It's purely a macro-economic sleight of hand as the consolidator state seeks to remove welfare expenditure from the books

I don't think it is terribly radical to suggest that full time workers should be paid enough to meet their own needs without needing to claim welfare.

*Of course* we should continue to pay benefits to low earners with dependent children, etc.
I don't think it is terribly radical to suggest that full time workers should be paid enough to meet their own needs without needing to claim welfare.

*Of course* we should continue to pay benefits to low earners with dependent children, etc.
Try reading what you've written there, have a good think about it...and see if you can discern why it's self-contradictory.
Getting back to the original subject, I'm not sure she was "destroyed". I've watched the whole thing now I',m back on the broadband at home and I'm far from convinced it constitutes being "destroyed".

A rough interview, maybe, but nothing worse.
No, I can't.
How about we cross through some of the words? That might make it more apparent.
I don't think it is terribly radical to suggest that full time workers should be paid enough to meet their own needs without needing to claim welfare.

*Of course* we should continue to pay benefits to low earners with dependent children, etc.
Which of those do you actually agree with?
Getting back to the original subject, I'm not sure she was "destroyed". I've watched the whole thing now I',m back on the broadband at home and I'm far from convinced it constitutes being "destroyed".

A rough interview, maybe, but nothing worse.
she did do better than you'd have done
How about we cross through some of the words? That might make it more apparent.

Which of those do you actually agree with?

Both. Full time workers should- at an absolute minimum- be paid enough for themselves to live on. But we should continue to pay things like child benefit to those with more mouths to feed than their own. I don't see what is contradictory about that.
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