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Former police officer, Andrew Stevens, who sent inappropriate images of himself in uniform while on duty, would have been dismissed from Staffordshire Police had he not resigned, a misconduct hearing has found:

Ex-Staffordshire Police officer sent inappropriate images
A Metropolitan Police officer has been charged with committing six more rapes after new alleged victims came forward.
David Carrick, 47, had previously been charged with 20 offences, including seven counts of rape, against four women.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has now authorised nine new charges relating to four separate women.
They are six counts of rape, one count of attempted rape, one count of assault by penetration and one count of coercive and controlling behaviour.
The allegations relate to four new complainants and took place between 2009 and 2018.
Mr Carrick will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday over the new charges.



The Crown Prosecution Service has now said that it has authorised Hertfordshire Police to charge PC David Carrick of the Metropolitan Police's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command with nine additional offences which relate to allegations involving different four women, including six counts of rape.

In total, PC David Carrick is now charged with 29 different offences against eight different women between 2009 and 2020, including:

• Thirteen counts of rape;

• Five counts of sexual assault;

• Three counts of assault by penetration;

• Three counts of coercive and controlling behaviour;

• Two counts of false imprisonment;

• One count of attempted rape;

• One count of attempted sexual assault by penetration;

• One count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC David Carrick will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 12 January 2022 in relation to the new charges. PC David Carrick is already due to stand trial at St Albans Crown Court in relation to the 21 earlier charges.

The Crown Prosecution Service has now said that it has authorised Hertfordshire Police to charge PC David Carrick of the Metropolitan Police's Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command with nine additional offences which relate to allegations involving different four women, including six counts of rape.

In total, PC David Carrick is now charged with 29 different offences against eight different women between 2009 and 2020, including:

• Thirteen counts of rape;

• Five counts of sexual assault;

• Three counts of assault by penetration;

• Three counts of coercive and controlling behaviour;

• Two counts of false imprisonment;

• One count of attempted rape;

• One count of attempted sexual assault by penetration;

• One count of causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC David Carrick will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 12 January 2022 in relation to the new charges. PC David Carrick is already due to stand trial at St Albans Crown Court in relation to the 21 earlier charges.
Scrumpy Jack has a lot to answer for.

This is 51 year-old father-of-three, former PC Paul Chadwick of Gwent Police ...


(Source: as stated in image)

... on 20 December 2021, having previously pleaded guilty to two charges of misconduct in public office, former PC Paul Chadwick was sentenced to 18 months' imprisonment at Cardiff Crown Court.


(Source: as stated in image)

Former PC Paul Chadwick was imprisoned over relationships he had last year with two vulnerable women who had given him witness statements. Former PC Paul Chadwick had sex with the first vulnerable woman up to 20 times during a four-month period after she had reported an assault. He also kissed and exchanged over 240 text messages - some of a sexual nature discussing sexual preferences or sexual positions - with the second vulnerable woman. Defending former PC Paul Chadwick, Susan Ferrier said: "At the time this happened there were a number of factors which were affecting him. His wife had been diagnosed with cancer. This diagnosis was just before they were due to marry, and she was still receiving and does in fact still receive treatment.

Former PC Paul Chadwick retired from Gwent Police in June 2021, before these offences came to trial.
Have we had this one ? (Bit hard to keep up)

Police officer appears in court over alleged inappropriate relationships with women - Sky News


Oliver Perry-Smith, who serves as a PC with Thames Valley Police, has been charged with misconduct in public office over the alleged incidents. (...) three misconduct charges, along with two counts of computer misuse (...) including having a sexual relationship with a woman he met through his work between October 2015 and December 2016. Perry-Smith had been dealing with her case after she had been accused of harassment (...)
He is also charged with obtaining personal information about a woman he met in a shop in Newbury while on duty. He allegedly visited her home for non-police reasons and made "inappropriate remarks" to her in February 2019. Another charge refers to accusations that the constable engaged or attempted to engage in sexual relationships with female members of the public while on duty and in uniform.

The accusations span more than a five-year period from September 2014.
In 2019, Perry-Smith also allegedly used the police national computer system to find personal information about a woman, and data about another person. Previously, the IOPC said Thames Valley Police had referred the case to them in November 2019, and they completed their investigations in June last year. Perry-Smith was released on bail and will next appear at Reading Crown Court on 15 February.

So I went over to the IOPC site to look at their press release about him and instead found this about yet another one.

Surrey Police officer given final written warning for inappropriate relationship with woman - Independent Office for Police Conduct

A Surrey Police officer was given a final written warning after a disciplinary hearing which concluded on 7 January decided he had formed an inappropriate emotional relationship with a woman he had met during the course of his work, who was in a vulnerable position.
Gross misconduct allegations against Police Constable (PC) Kuldip Bhart were found proven (...) Our six-month investigation, following a referral from Surrey Police in June 2020, looked at allegations that PC Bhart had formed an inappropriate relationship with a victim of crime while he was working for the force’s Safeguarding Investigation Unit.

According to Surrey Live:
PC Bhart was presented with a Victim Care Award in November 2019. They were given the award for their work with the Safeguarding Investigations Unit, which tracks down and arrests offenders involved in serious sexual or domestic abuse.

You'd think that someone ought to be telling the filth that 'Me Too' doesn't mean what they evidently think it does.

Meet 40 year-old father-of-two, PC Daniel Wallwork, of Avon and Somerset Police ...


... earlier today, he was dismissed without notice for gross misconduct.

PC Daniel Wallwork was sent to an address in Radstock on 16 April 2020 following the sudden death of 42-year-old Sharon Louise Stone, a woman he knew to be vulnerable. While at the address, PC Daniel Wallwork used his own personal phone to take a photo of The Late Sharon Louise Stone as she lay dead, partially clothed and face down on a bed, before sending it to PC Steve Carey on WhatsApp. Both had had previous policing contact with The Late Sharon Louise Stone.

The accompanying message read: "Look who’s turned up dead".

The image was still on PC Daniel Wallwork's personal phone when it was examined by investigators, although he claimed he believed he had deleted it. PC Daniel Wallwork served in the Army with the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers and as a prison officer before joining the police in 2014.

Meet 40 year-old father-of-two, PC Daniel Wallwork, of Avon and Somerset Police ...


... earlier today, he was dismissed without notice for gross misconduct.

PC Daniel Wallwork was sent to an address in Radstock on 16 April 2020 following the sudden death of 42-year-old Sharon Louise Stone, a woman he knew to be vulnerable. While at the address, PC Daniel Wallwork used his own personal phone to take a photo of The Late Sharon Louise Stone as she lay dead, partially clothed and face down on a bed, before sending it to PC Steve Carey on WhatsApp. Both had had previous policing contact with The Late Sharon Louise Stone.

The accompanying message read: "Look who’s turned up dead".

The image was still on PC Daniel Wallwork's personal phone when it was examined by investigators, although he claimed he believed he had deleted it. PC Daniel Wallwork served in the Army with the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers and as a prison officer before joining the police in 2014.
There is a reasonable argument to be made that, since police officers encounter all kinds of upsetting and gruesome situations in their work, that this kind of hardening to such things is inevitable. It is, if you don't establish a thoroughly embedded psychological wellbeing approach to pre-empt such hardening.

Each of these officers is culpable - nothing can excuse the decisions and choices they made. But the responsibility goes a long, long way further up the chain.


Chief Superintendent Paul Martin and Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla of the Metropolitan Police have both been dismissed without notice for gross misconduct, both having been found to have breached standards of professional behaviour.

Chief Superintendent Paul Martin and Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla were both found to have failed to declare conflicts of interest in a promotion, been involved in improper spending of police funds and mistreated more junior colleagues.

The disciplinary panel found that Chief Superintendent Paul Martin did not disclose a conflict of interest in the promotion process for Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla. Chief Superintendent Paul Martin was also found to have misused a corporate credit card and behaved badly towards a pregnant colleague.

Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla failed to declare a conflict of interest in his own promotion process, misled an investigation into an expenses claim he had made and also behaved badly towards junior colleagues, the disciplinary panel found.

The same disciplinary panel also considered allegations against two other officers.

Sergeant James Di-Luzio was found to have misused a corporate credit card and behaved badly towards his junior colleagues and was issued with management advice.
Allegations made against PC Karina Kandohla were not proven.


Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla (left) and Chief Superintendent Paul Martin (right) at work ... before they were dismissed without notice.


(Source: as stated in image)

"Have you got one of these?"

Chief Superintendent Paul Martin and Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla of the Metropolitan Police have both been dismissed without notice for gross misconduct, both having been found to have breached standards of professional behaviour.

Chief Superintendent Paul Martin and Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla were both found to have failed to declare conflicts of interest in a promotion, been involved in improper spending of police funds and mistreated more junior colleagues.

The disciplinary panel found that Chief Superintendent Paul Martin did not disclose a conflict of interest in the promotion process for Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla. Chief Superintendent Paul Martin was also found to have misused a corporate credit card and behaved badly towards a pregnant colleague.

Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla failed to declare a conflict of interest in his own promotion process, misled an investigation into an expenses claim he had made and also behaved badly towards junior colleagues, the disciplinary panel found.

The same disciplinary panel also considered allegations against two other officers.

Sergeant James Di-Luzio was found to have misused a corporate credit card and behaved badly towards his junior colleagues and was issued with management advice.
Allegations made against PC Karina Kandohla were not proven.


Chief Inspector Davinder Kandohla (left) and Chief Superintendent Paul Martin (right) at work ... before they were dismissed without notice.


(Source: as stated in image)

"Have you got one of these?"
Crime reporter Jon Austin provided some detail on the actual offences and alleged offences in this pre-hearing report:


Earlier today, 33 year-old PC Will Scott-Barrett of the Metropolitan Police's intelligence command pleaded guilty at Isleworth Crown Court to a charge of sexual communication with a child on or before 3 February last year. PC Will Scott-Barrett was off-duty at the time that he sent videos of himself performing a sex act as well as pictures of his genitalia to the child, who was aged 15 at the time, on Snapchat and Discord social media apps; these activities are reported to be unconnected with PC Will Scott-Barrett's role in the Metropolitan Police.


(Source: as stated in image)

PC Will Scott-Barrett who, while serving as a member of the Northcote Safer Neighbourhood Team in March 2016, had helped save the life of a man who had collapsed in the street n Battersea, will be sentenced at Isleworth Crown Court on 28 February 2022.
Perving at a colleague, allowed to resign.
Just a minor point here - and certainly not defending him or his actions - it’s quite common for cops to resign just prior to the hearing - but “allowed” isn’t really the right word as it’s an option to anyone who’s been suspended in any job role really.

When this happens it is recorded in police HR systems as “resigned - would have been dismissed” so it’s not totally brushed under the carpet.

I’m not 100% sure of the impact on pension of either dismissal or “would have been dismissed” - I think you need to have been convicted of a crime - but while you’re suspended on full pay you’re certainly still accruing time in the scheme - and of course being paid.

At worst I think a pension would be based only on the cops own contributions, so no employer contributions included in any pension payment made to a disgraced ex cop.
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When this happens it is recorded in police HR systems as “resigned - would have been dismissed” so it’s not totally brushed under the carpet.
Suspect that Ian Tomlinson might have a different perspective on that, except for the fact that he's dead and not capable of holding any perspectives at all, what with his having been murdered by Simon 'retired from Met to avoid disciplinary, hired as civvie then rejoined as TSG thug' Harwood
Suspect that Ian Tomlinson might have a different perspective on that, except for the fact that he's dead and not capable of holding any perspectives at all, what with his having been murdered by Simon 'retired from Met to avoid disciplinary, hired as civvie then rejoined as TSG thug' Harwood
Quite - perhaps the irony in my post was not sufficiently clear.

I was trying to point out that it isn’t recorded the same way within an HR system as a regular resignation. As you say, makes very little difference to the victim :(
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A model who was secretly filmed by a senior detective has been left with bald spots after pulling out her hair through stress, a court has heard.
Met Police Det Insp Neil Corbel conducted fake photoshoots in hotel rooms and Airbnbs across the UK.

He used cameras in tissue boxes, phone chargers and glasses to film women. The model told Isleworth Crown Court her life had been "completely derailed".

"The fact he is a policeman is a huge deal," one said. "These people are meant to protect us.

"Following the murder of Sarah Everard this feels a very frightening time to be a woman.

"If the police can't protect us what can we do?"

“It was such an effective gaslighting: ‘We were just concerned for your mental health, that was why we had to – for your own good – forcibly strip you naked and mash you up.’

“It was so obviously not what they were doing at the time. They were doing it as punishment, they were doing it as intimidation, they wanted to soften me up and get my details.”

...In a cell, three female officers bound Duff by her hands and feet, pinned her to the floor and cut her clothes off with scissors. Duff described the ordeal, which left her with a number of visible injuries, as like a sexual assault.

The CCTV footage then shows the officers who searched Duff returning to the reception. A male officer asks them: “Didn’t find anything untoward on her, ladies?”

“A lot of hair,” one of the female officers replies. The others laugh.

About a minute later, as two male officers go through Duff’s possessions, one asks in mock alarm: “Sorry, sorry, what’s that smell?”

“Oh, it’s her knickers, yeah?” his colleague replies.

A female officer then returns again from handling Duff. “Ugh, I feel disgusting; I’m going to need a shower,” she says.

“You need defumigating,” a male officer tells her.

Another female officer asks her: “Is she rank?”

“No, she’s not actually,” she says.

“She is, her clothes stink,” another male officer says.

“Is it? Her body isn’t,” she replies...

Amazing. The police are cunts. Who knew.

On a slightly different slant here though, I (a guy) was subjected to some pretty awful shit by an all female team while my ex and her friend stood by sniggering, them in the warmth of the inside of a tube station, me being made to stand outside while this went on. I was also on crutches at the time with a broken ankle and when I asked if I could make a complaint I was told I couldn't and at that point I just gave in and hobbled downstairs.

What can you do. It's men, its women. If you work for the pigs you're exactly that.

My 'crime' by the way was asking the ex in question why she was two hours late to pick up our son from outside the tube station. Controlling a 2yo kid while on crutches in January is not easy so I decided to 'leg' it with said son before being intercepted by the cops. The mockery was the worst. They asked if I would prefer to sit in the squad car rather than outside the station. Cunts.


“The crucial issue is that racism, misogyny [and] sexual violence, are normalised in policing,” said Duff, who has written widely on the politics of police abolition.

“And the way in which they treated me, the fact that’s normal is shown by the way that at every level of the system it was rubber-stamped for eight years.

“Because the scrutiny is always placed on the person who has been subject to violent policing, looking for something about them which means that they deserved it. Any way in which you have not complied, or you have stood up to them, or you have resisted, is taken as a justification for an escalation of force and violence against you.”

Good for her seeing that through, not sure I'd have the stomach for a fight like that.
8 years since the initial incident and yet the Met says that the investigation into the incident is still ongoing. That's fucking unbelievable.
I imagine it's because they only decided to start investigating it when it looked like they might be publicly called to account for it. Which is both utterly unsurprising, and disgusting. Because it means that they think it doesn't matter unless it becomes public knowledge.
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