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Filth by name. . .

As abhorrent as this report is into the police, dont you think the timing is all a bit operation save big dog ?
Thought this piece in the i worth a read, about misogyny and how women's genitals are used to shame them, in light of the way Dr Koshka Duff was treated by Met officers. It was written by Emma Barnett after the piece on the matter on Woman's Hour, mentioned upthread by Pickman's model.

Emma Barnett: Throughout life women's vaginas are used against them - and it stinks

"The police’s full statement did not refer to what had actually been said. (It also didn’t mention what had been ordered by Sergeant Kurtis Howard, who was in charge when ordering Dr Duff’s search. He told officers to show her “resistance is futile” and to search her “by any means necessary”, adding: “Treat her like a terrorist. I don’t care.”)

Many of the broadcast news bulletins did not mention the “smelly knickers”. Which is why it’s so important to say and write the actual words, that so many recognise, and let them linger like the truly bad smell they are. Many listeners got in touch during and after the show expressing their gratitude that I actually repeated their direct words and didn’t paraphrase or sanitise in any way.

Women’s bodies, especially their vaginas, are still used against them. Our genitals have been made into monsters that stink, bleed and should be ridiculed."

"The Metropolitan police have denied the force is plagued by a culture of misogyny after an official report revealed shocking details of officers sharing messages about hitting and raping women, as well as the deaths of black babies and the Holocaust."

Metropolitan police officers joked about raping women, police watchdog reveals

Is there anyone left who doesn’t think the Metropolitan Police is racist?


(Source: as stated in image)

Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Dame Cressida Dick CBE QPM, was awarded a two-year contract extension in September 2021 despite requests that she be removed from her position.
Far more than that, killing an innocent Jean Charles de Mendes and the Daniel Morgan cover up bullshit.

Failing upwards, like as you say, a female Johnson.

Well, quite. That's what I don't get about it. Both Johnson and Dick (and you don't know how much self-restraint is necessary to keep from making childish jokes here) gave ample warning of what sort of people they were. Frankly, they did everything apart from sing it in C sharp. How the fuck can anyone be surprised?
Rastafarian woman 'humiliated' by police strip order Rastafarian woman 'humiliated' by police strip order

Ms Farrell said officers said they were taking her clothes because she would not tell them who she was.

Strip searching as punishment is all too common, it’s assault.
And look at what the result was - the police pay out 45 grand of public money to her, a few platitudes about needing to make improvements and that appears to be it. No word of disciplinary action, sackings, nothing. That seems to be how things work bar the most extreme cases. They need to take the compensation money off the officers involved then throw them out. The barrel is rotten.
Also, see this article:

Another misuse of strip search, this time on s Rastafarian woman who was left naked as she would not give her name.

Hertfordshire Police said ' on this occasion we did not get everything right'.
Also, see this article:

Another misuse of strip search, this time on s Rastafarian woman who was left naked as she would not give her name.

Hertfordshire Police said ' on this occasion we did not get everything right'.
Yeh what they mean is she fought back legally.
Also, see this article:

Another misuse of strip search, this time on s Rastafarian woman who was left naked as she would not give her name.

Hertfordshire Police said ' on this occasion we did not get everything right'.

A shocking story. And from that BBC article, also this:
Hertfordshire Police's professional standards department initially rejected Ms Farrell's complaint. She then enlisted the help of solicitor Iain Gould, who specialises in claims against the police.

They couldn't see what they'd done wrong.

And there is a solicitor (probably many more than one) who specialises in claims against the police, because it is such a regular thing.
One of the officers from Charing Cross Police Station who was sacked for gross misconduct has been identified.

Charing Cross police officer threatened to kill female colleague - The Times (archived)


James McLoughlin-Goodchild, a constable at Charing Cross, was under investigation for sexual harassment of a female colleague when he threatened to stab her and two other officers if they came to arrest him. After a trial at Hendon magistrates’ court he was convicted of sending by public communication network an offensive, indecent, obscene or menacing message and was sacked by the Met in 2019.

According to court reports, he said: “I will kill them, I will murder them if I see them, I know where they live and what cars they drive. If they come to my home and arrest me they are going to get stabbed. I will not go to prison alive.” (...)

After his sacking he remained under investigation for a series of disturbing messages that were the subject of an Independent Office of Police Conduct inquiry.

The Met has refused to name McLoughlin-Goodwin even though he was the subject of a public criminal conviction. When the behaviour of McLoughlin-Goodwin and PC B reached the disciplinary hearing in September, the independent chairman gave them anonymity due to concerns of the welfare of one of the officers.

An IOPC press release said in September: “Allegations proven against former PC A included the bullying and harassment of a colleague and sending WhatsApp message or texts messages to other officers threatening to harm that person when a complaint was made about the bullying. It was also found that former PC A exchanged inappropriate text messages with former PC B during which comments were made about drug taking and derogatory remarks made about women, referencing domestic abuse and prostitution.”

Of 14 officers investigated at Charing Cross, nine are still serving and one who resigned has returned as a contractor.
This is the Metropolitan Police's former PC Kashif Mahmood, who used his uniform and patrol car to pretend to stop and search drug dealers so he could steal their money ...


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

... former PC Kashif Mahmood, seized hundreds of thousands of pounds for an organised crime gang controlled from Dubai.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

Earlier today, Southwark Crown Court heard that it was not the first time that former PC Kashif Mahmood had been before the courts for a criminal offence during his 10 year career as a police officer.

Two years ago, he was ordered to do 200 hours of community service after assaulting a man at a crime scene in Lower Clapton.

He was allowed to stay in the Metropolitan Police.


This is former PC Shareen Kashif of the Metropolitan Police's Central East Command Unit ...


... on 31 January 2022, former PC Shareen Kashif was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, suspended for 21 months, and ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work following her guilty plea at Southwark Crown Court in September 2021 to concealing criminal property. Former PC Shareen Kashif had concealed money she knew had been illegally obtained by her husband, former PC Kashif Mahmood.

When officers from the Metropolitan Police's Anti-Corruption Crime Command went to arrest former PC Kashif Mahmood in the middle of the night on 28 April 2020, former PC Shareen Kashif hid a box belonging to PC Kashif Mahmood with the stolen money inside.


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

Former PC Shareen Kashif was dismissed on 2 December 2021. When questioned following her arrest in July 2020, former PC Shareen Kashifadmitted that she knew what her husband had been doing, but had not reported him to police. The box containing stolen money that she hid has never been recovered, with police admitting they will never know how much was inside.

On 2 February 2022, serving Lincolnshire Police officer, 23 year-old PC Fraser McDowall was charged with raping a woman in Lincoln in the early hours of 16 October 2021 while off duty.

PC Fraser McDowall has been suspended from his duties and has been released on police bail. He is due to appear at Lincoln Magistrates' Court on 10 March 2022.
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