It’s a bit strange for me to see how swiftly things like wearing a mask have become normal.
I have a couple of single-use surgical masks that were given to me by the shop manager where I work. I’m hanging them in sunshine and reusing these judiciously, knowing they’re less effective each time.
I also have several home made masks of various designs, all with pockets for paper of some kind (for example Henry hoover filter paper), very kindly gifted to me by an Urbanite. I’m road testing them.
Plenty of people hereabouts using the single-use surgical masks but really badly (nose sticking out, huge beards apparent on all sides, around their chin while smoking, children being made to wear them and constantly tugging at them because they don’t fit etc). Also lots of people wearing gloves.
The litter in the street has changed from chicken shack boxes to surgical masks and hairdressing gloves. Pigeons are well pissed off, started coming into my garden to find what they can. And apparently street smarts is not the same as garden smarts because the neighbourhood cat who prowls my garden can’t get near the blackbirds or blue tits, but I have pigeon feathers all over the place.
My mother, who lives in Greece, tells me that they’re being advised to use a hot iron on their facemasks to re-use them. I don’t have an iron because I don’t need or use an iron. My mother is now insisting that I buy an iron. It is her new obsession.
Oh. Going back to my original point:
Even though there are plenty of people not wearing masks of any kind, I notice that my brain has already factored in “Is wearing a mask” as an option when I look at someone’s face, rather than “Person with a strong beard”.
Similarly (I think others have remarked on this already) the immediate feeling of concern and alarm when I’m watching telly and I see crowds or hand shaking or kissing and hugging.
The Before Times...