ernestolynch said:Aha! European Kultur, eh? What makes you different from a Turk from Ankara then? Or a Kashmiri? Why are you 'European'? Because you believe 'whiteness' is a defining aspect?
They won't.Johnny Canuck2 said:The students will pay tomorrow.
poet said:No, because europe is the only place on earth that has a real ideology of multiculturalism, of unity through difference. Because europe is the most thrilling, culturally dense place on earth. Because the EU is the political organisation with which I most identify - a loose organisation defining the rights and obligations of it's member citizens whilst leaving them great internal freedoms. Because I have spent most of my life within europe. Because it is the only place at this current moment that I would choose to reside. Because I have faith in the protection of the european community. And because the flag is well snazzy.
poet said:No, because europe is the only place on earth that has a real ideology of multiculturalism, of unity through difference. Because europe is the most thrilling, culturally dense place on earth. Because the EU is the political organisation with which I most identify - a loose organisation defining the rights and obligations of it's member citizens whilst leaving them great internal freedoms. Because I have spent most of my life within europe. Because it is the only place at this current moment that I would choose to reside. Because I have faith in the protection of the european community. And because the flag is well snazzy.
layabout said:Poet, I've worked in Holland & Germany, heck I've even worked for the European Central Bank, but that above statement would get even the most hardened of Europhiles chucking up in the sick buckets.
Unless you count all those wars, empires and acts of genocide that just seem to keep happening. Or is that the fault of those damn uppity fuzzy wuzzies?poet said:Nowhere in the world has such a solid human rights record.
In Bloom said:Unless you count all those wars, empires and acts of genocide that just seem to keep happening. Or is that the fault of those damn uppity fuzzy wuzzies?
I'd rather not get arrested myself. Definately want to be arrested even less in Italy or Russia (just to pick a few examples out of the air )poet said:It's a statement of fact. Europe has the best human rights record. I'm not saying members of the EU don't engage in dodgy wars, but where else would you rather get arrested?
In Bloom said:I'd rather not get arrested myself. Definately want to be arrested even less in Italy or Russia (just to pick a few examples out of the air )
I don't see what would be so bad about North America, compared with Europe.poet said:Yeah but let's say you had to choose a continental type block to get arrested in a random country within. Do you pick africa, the middle east, asia, south america, north america, the former soviet states, australasia or europe? By my reckoning australasia or europe are the pick of the bunch by a long way.
Eastern Europe isn't exactly fluffy bunny land either you knowpoet said:
Mandatory sentencing for drug posession, capital punishment, the highest rate of prison rape in the world and thousands being disappeared without charge or due process. I'd say there's plenty wrong, so do amnesty.
ernestolynch said:A more polite poll then.
lol Quite rightlongdog said:I refuse to take part in a poll with no Man of Kent option.
madzone said:I refuse to take part in a poll which lumps me in as 'other Celt'