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England v Slovakia 5pm 30/6

I've often defended Southgate's record, and I genuinely do believe it can't be ignored and is to his credit.

But that was dire, off the back of three further very weak performances.

We looked listless and idea-less. It was like watching England back in the 00s.

We were 3 minutes away from going out to a team ranked 45th in the world, and spent the final 15-20 minutes clinging on. We scraped through.

Just as Southgate's record deserves recognition, so does that.
Best teams ahead of england and the final - Switzland, Holland and Austria. And we have the best crop of players ever. Takes a special kind of medicority to make England outsiders to get there. Equivalant to only polling 37% agasint the current government.
I think it's doubtful to say this squad is England's best ever. We'll see. But I'm not convinced of that. Different opinions and shit...
Millwall would have ruined England today. They look like they lack adrenaline, and belief. They look half a yard off the pace. The team is clearly there and it just needs some fires in bellies me thinks. Just not really sharp enough. A wins a win, tho

(Reading that back is like football cliche bingo)
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