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England local election results thread

The Graunid was talking up the prospects of UKIP winning South Shields, I can't imagine it for a second but then again Bradford West happened..
not a chance. Labour are talking about the possibility as a way of getting their vote out. They want a decent swing to them, to take as much shine of UKIP as possible
Regarding UKIP, if they do well is there a possibility it could damage them in the long term as the have to deal with having lots of elected councilors?
even more exposed as truly barking? You'd have to think so. A few, no doubt, will prove to be relatively sane and sensible, but as councillors have so little power, we'll only get to hear about the nutters
I think because its looking like the tories and libs are going to take a pasting and the assumption is that labour and UKIP will make the gains.
LibDems probably won't do as badly as they have in the last two years. Most of their marginals this time are Con/LD, where they still do ok, rather than Lab/LD. Plus UKIP could help them significantly as they did in Eastleaigh.
even more exposed as truly barking? You'd have to think so. A few, no doubt, will prove to be relatively sane and sensible, but as councillors have so little power, we'll only get to hear about the nutters
Yeah that's what I was thinking, it's quite easy to sit around snipping (something those of us on the left know all too well) but they will come under much closer scrutiny once elected.
you are so boring they made you a librarian - at least that posh school of yours gave you some sage career advice
you are so boring they made you a librarian - at least that posh school of yours gave you some sage career advice
if you are going to insult people please make sure they know about it by either quoting them or tagging them. otherwise you come across as a loser, when i thought you wanted people to stop thinking of you as a loser and begin to show you the respect you think you deserve. given you know as much about my schooling as you do about the construction of a faceted classification scheme, perhaps you should stop showing your ignorance.
boring, even by the standards of your own profession
i don't know why you find librarians, and by extension libraries, boring. what i spend my days doing is helping people get their hands on information they need, and in the process finding out quite a bit about subjects i would otherwise never have encountered. while some aspects of librarianship are quite dry, the location, organization and retrieval of information are not: and of the two ways of getting information - remembering it or remembering where you can find it - the latter is simpler, and that is what librarians do. you may have noticed the outcry when it is proposed libraries are closed. i wonder whether anyone would care a jot whether where you work were closed. by the way, some librarians of whom you may have heard are casanova, leibniz, mao tse-tung and philip larkin.
I actually know and quite like some librarians. The ones who don't act like pricks on internet bulletin boards. I do like and value libararies - and have been a vocal critic of my local Labour group's decision to close half of them in the borough :facepalm: I'm not sure the world would have been worse off without the 4 famous examples you cite though
I actually know and quite like some librarians. The ones who don't act like pricks on internet bulletin boards. I do like and value libararies - and have been a vocal critic of my local Labour group's decision to close half of them in the borough :facepalm: I'm not sure the world would have been worse off without the 4 famous examples you cite though
perhaps then you could show your librarian friends the posts where you describe their profession as boring and see how pleased they are with what you really feel.
Neither solution is perfect but at least turning up and spoiling a ballet paper stops them calling you apathetic.
That's another reason spoiling as politics is a terrible idea. It's a built-in split in the working class and involves those "conscious" ballot spoilers feeling superior and more "political" than the poor lumpen apathetic non turning up masses, who's choice is seen as being somehow outside politics.
what's a ballet paper?
no I'm not! Researching policy related issues for trade unions, and helping them influence the policy makers.
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