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England local election results thread

The other (Labour) ward councillor is a bit annoying (young, petrolhead).
Mind you I don't know if John Kiely (LD) rides a bike to work - he certainly could as he works at the hospital I cycle past every day.
Easton Lib Dems put out a last minute leaflet last night saying that it's too close to call there and that the Greens have conceded they can't win. Obviously this is a complete lie
Martin Drake be the villain! He sent kids posting leaflets through doors around here, the coward!!!
i used to go leafleting for the labour party when i was a kid (dad was a LP campaigner). it's fairly common. mainly cause they struggle to get enough adults to go trudging in the rain rather than out of cowardice though.
Easton Lib Dems put out a last minute leaflet last night saying that it's too close to call there and that the Greens have conceded they can't win. Obviously this is a complete lie
i think that's the standard leaflet they send out to all wards they stand in.
You're all coming up with quite good points if I'm honest. I still prefer spoiling the ballot paper though. I think it's the act of having physically done something to show anger. I dunno.
I tend to agree, I remember Blair trying to claim that low turnout was because people were happy. Much harder to spin 'your all scum' scrawled on a ballot paper in the same way.
On the mandate issue, spoilt ballots reduce the majority of the winning party and therefore reduces heir legitimacy as hey have secured less of the votes cast. What we need hough is a campaign to get people to write the same message on their ballot paper. May I suggest the following: 'down with parliament, down withe bourgeois democracy, forward to international working class revolution.'

Usually though I am too lazy to go to the polling station to bother.
i think that's the standard leaflet they send out to all wards they stand in.
Yeah it's a variation on recurring themes. Greens in Easton reckon they can win, Lib Dems obviously worried they can't hold onto the seat if the Greens keep picking up votes from former Lib Dems
i used to go leafleting for the labour party when i was a kid (dad was a LP campaigner). it's fairly common. mainly cause they struggle to get enough adults to go trudging in the rain rather than out of cowardice though.

Twas but a cheap shot/joke fella! But the last tory that was door knocking round here did get threatend at a few houses.
i used to go leafleting for the labour party when i was a kid (dad was a LP campaigner). it's fairly common. mainly cause they struggle to get enough adults to go trudging in the rain rather than out of cowardice though.
I bet the lib-dem had to pay them though - knowingly putting them in immediate psychical danger at the same time. The rats.
I tend to agree, I remember Blair trying to claim that low turnout was because people were happy. Much harder to spin 'your all scum' scrawled on a ballot paper in the same way.
On the mandate issue, spoilt ballots reduce the majority of the winning party and therefore reduces heir legitimacy as hey have secured less of the votes cast. What we need hough is a campaign to get people to write the same message on their ballot paper. May I suggest the following: 'down with parliament, down withe bourgeois democracy, forward to international working class revolution.'

Usually though I am too lazy to go to the polling station to bother.
Spoilt papers with abusive messages are just ignored, they're not talked about - they literally mean nothing beyond inflating turnout figures. No one cares. Canididates don't really see them never mind wring their hands thinking oh no i've got to change the entire system now. The agent has a look, nods says yes i agree these are all spoiled - and that's it.
Spoilt papers with abusive messages are just ignored, they're not talked about - they literally mean nothing beyond inflating turnout figures. No one cares. Canididates don't really see them never mind wring their hands thinking oh no i've got to change the entire system now. The agent has a look, nods says yes i agree these are all spoiled - and that's it.

When i was supervising a ward count at the last local elections I took great pleasure in going through with the candidates the spoilt papers and my decision about rejecting them. Especially the BNP member who I read out to the remarks on the ballot papers that referred to the BNP in as loud as voice as possible.He agreed that they were indeed spoilt.
Is it Australia were it is a legal duty to vote but at the bottom of the paper there is a None of the Above choice or have I dreamt this?:confused:
Spoilt papers with abusive messages are just ignored, they're not talked about - they literally mean nothing beyond inflating turnout figures. No one cares. Canididates don't really see them never mind wring their hands thinking oh no i've got to change the entire system now. The agent has a look, nods says yes i agree these are all spoiled - and that's it.
not even the agent normally. One of the merry hoard of bored party supporters making sure they get every vote possible.

The only way to get a response out of any of them is to put your cross over two candidates' box. That way they'll both waste some time arguing that its a vote for them (and it'll eventually be dumped as spoilt)
the people working at election counts will be members of council staff who have volunteered for the role. so they may be managers just as easily as members of library staff or social workers.

They are paid though for that role.Managers usually get the supervisors jobs the counters where I am re mixture of low paid staff and local people. Our trade union argued very strongly that low paid staff rather than managers were recruited as counters
They are paid though for that role.Managers usually get the supervisors jobs the counters where I am re mixture of low paid staff and local people. Our trade union argued very strongly that low paid staff rather than managers were recruited as counters
they are paid, yes: but i never said they weren't.
UKIP will be the nights winners, could get 100+ seats.
They won't get anything like 100. I know they're riding a wave ATM but they didn't make any (net) gains in either the 2011 or 2012 local elections.

I reckon 20 seats would be a good result. Their share of the vote will be pretty good tho.
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