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Election Window Posters: How's your neighbourhood?

Made sure my German neighbour received his UKIP flyer warning about the numbers of EU immigrants entering UK. :)
We have a German standing as a UKIP council candidate in the neighbouring constituency. Will he vote for himself to have himself ejected from the UK? Must be terribly confusing for him.
I'm not sure that Harrow Council has much say on whether the UK remains in the EU though.
That was meant to be tongue in cheek. UKIP are supposed to be against the unrestricted immigration of people from the EU, and this guy is from the EU. He would probably say he is a skilled worker/businessman or whatever, and that they are only against unskilled Europeans taking jobs from British workers.
Greens and Labour seem to be really going at it in the neighbouring ward. Still nowt in mine.

Saw UKIP posters today. One, unsurprisingly, in Marlow and one in the aforementioned Green ward.

Pleasing absence of LibDems.
I've just read the UKIP leaflet. Unsurprisingly it is all about immigration and the EU, with various assertions about jobs and fuel etc., but it also claims that if we left the ECHR we could "deport foreign criminals (even if they have a cat)." That claim about cats is one they seem to wheel out regularly, and it just isn't true. :rolleyes:
I've not seen any window posters but there are UKIP posters on the roadside between here and Keighley :(
Lib-Dems are piling it on here (Cathedrals ward Southwark) I'm actually getting tired of ripping up the glossy shit they leave all over the shop.
Lib-Dems are piling it on here (Cathedrals ward Southwark) I'm actually getting tired of ripping up the glossy shit they leave all over the shop.

Used to live in Chaucer when I was in Simon Hughes' constituency (a million years ago). Cathedral and nearby used to be their strongest areas. Any chance of them losing more seats in Southwark this time do you think?
not seen a single one

I've had some shit through my letterbox though

Sorry about that - you know how it is, we've all done it. On the way home from a curry and a few pints. You get the urge but can't find any bogs. You don't wanna do it on the street cos that would be fucking disgusting. But letterboxes are just at the right height and if your aim is true and you hold it open you can get it in there without so much as a skidmark.
Used to live in Chaucer when I was in Simon Hughes' constituency (a million years ago). Cathedral and nearby used to be their strongest areas. Any chance of them losing more seats in Southwark this time do you think?
I've only been here for a bit more than a year but they seem to have it sewn up.In the general election I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and vote labour if it means getting rid of that prick Hughes.
As to the rest of Southwark I'm not sure but I wouldn't underestimate the backlash caused by them chumming up to the tories.
(I live in one of the housing co-ops in the area and off hand I'd say nobody here will vote Lib-Dem doesn't stop the fuckers annoying the shit out of everyone though)
none at all in Central Reading, safe Labour, Lib Dems have given up and I'm not in the ward that the Greens hold (their de-facto HQ is on the next street over though)
none at all in Central Reading, safe Labour, Lib Dems have given up and I'm not in the ward that the Greens hold (their de-facto HQ is on the next street over though)

Yeah my ward seems to have been abandoned to Labour. Whilst the Greens have set up camp in the PlayCafe in Palmer Park,
it would seem my brother's standing for the lib dems in the council elections, but in a ward that's solid labour with the lib dems absolutely miles behind (and not where he lives), so I think he's just going through the motions or something.

he's said fuck all about this to me or my parents, probably down to the increasing hostility we've been aiming at the lib dems for the last 4 years. Not a welcome development.
on the plus side, I noticed he'd not delivered the last load of leaflets before the next lot arrived, and we're looking like being pretty busy at work the next few weeks so they've lost someone who was pretty much full time sticking poster boards up for them for 4 weeks at the last election.
LIb-Dem / N Devon ward : the only posters / placards are UKIP , not quite as many as 2 years ago I don't think at this stage (and one less as of yesterday) - the majority are on roadside display from farmers, who obviously resent the evil/restrictive/wasteful EU, especially now they're on double-bubble subsidies as they throw up wind turbines in the fields the EU pays them to keep fallow.

I need to check out this low rise estate in town to get a better picture, last time ( 2 years ago ) there seemed to be UKIP placards every other house ( though saying that, am wondering if we had local elects. 2 years ago, and so only Euros this time = less 'engagement' from non farmers...cld always look it up ...zzzz)
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not seen a single one

I've had some shit through my letterbox though
So have ukip the real stuff ,so they have stopped the freepost thing.Not seen any posters in my area ,even the woman across the road who is labour cllr doesn't have one in her window
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