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Election Window Posters: How's your neighbourhood?

Seen a few Labour posters in windows.
But there's always massive Tory boards in farmers' fields. I wonder if there'll by Brexit party ones instead or as well
Safe Labour seat but with a strong leave bias in the Euros and so far only the Brexit mob have leafleted the area and two neighbours have taken up the offer of the posters to display. No sign of any other party yet.
Still surprisingly quiet round here. A very small sprinkling of shiny garden placards for Labour in the neighbouring ward. A Tory one near me (but I think that's their LE candidate). Nothing in the windows yet. 2017's wave of Labour posters going up was remarkable. Hasn't happened this time...yet.

Most interesting is the complete absence of Green Party posters and placards.
Lots of Liberal placards and no Tory ones round my way, which is surprising on the face of it for an area that always returns a Tory with over 50% of the vote. (No Labour, of course — they struggle to even retain their deposit.) The Liberals are always pretty public with their support, though, whereas the Tories either can’t be bothered or are shy about it. Imagine being passionate about the Liberal fucking Democrats.
Lots of Liberal placards and no Tory ones round my way, which is surprising on the face of it for an area that always returns a Tory with over 50% of the vote. (No Labour, of course — they struggle to even retain their deposit.) The Liberals are always pretty public with their support, though, whereas the Tories either can’t be bothered or are shy about it. Imagine being passionate about the Liberal fucking Democrats.
Lots of squirrel haters round your way then. (((((Squirrels))))))
Hard-core Labour around here - so plenty of Labour posters, a few Greens about, there's a vary passionate biking lady down the road so she is very hard core Green.
We usually get little or no Lib Dem stuff here because Nuneaton holds no promise for them and there is probably little in the way of local party - think they just dump the task on the Rugby branch which lacks funds. They do field a candidate who might get a tenth of the number of votes the Labour and tory candidates can typically muster, think the candidate is still the doctor who does both botox injections and other aesthetic stuff, and shamanic healing.
One libdem one has cropped up down road. They've put two signs in front garden to make it look like more support in typical libdem style. I've already plotted out an after dark rendezvous
Print out some of these and stick them on:

In 2017 there were loads of Labour and Plaid placards up here. I imagine the local Plaid are in some disarray (I live in Neil McEvoy's old patch) and Labour are focusing on nearby marginals so it's quiet. The odd, rare Labour sign, haven't seen anything else. The student areas of Cardiff Central had a fair amount of Labour placards up. Going to the Vale at the weekend, be more interesting as Labour are throwing a lot of effort at unseating the odious Alun Cairns but I'd imagine it's hard going for them outside Barry.
Had the "normal" self congratulatory news-sheet from the local tory mp/party
(the constituency is blessed with these news-sheets every few months) ...

and our poll cards !
Front gardens! Two front windows! All sounds a bit Tory. ;).



The Labour bloke rather sportingly turned up here (20k+ Tory majority), so in a spirit of good natured compromise I shot him, but tied his remains to the gatepost, thus kind of having a labour poster...
This is a fairly safe labour seat, but I suspect my street is a bit Tory - old people in larger houses. No posters other than my house.
I haven't spotted any prominent posters but I was handed a Labour flyer on Tuesday. It said they were the only chance to unseat the local tory. I will have to go and check the result last time out.
Hard-core Labour around here - so plenty of Labour posters, a few Greens about, there's a vary passionate biking lady down the road so she is very hard core Green.
Round my way (assume you're also HN&SN?), one Diane Abbott poster, one Green thing on a shop shutter and some quite restrained 'Fuck Boris' graffiti. Disappointing.

I did get a Lib Dem leaflet though so swings and roundabouts. :thumbs:
I've seen a few Labour window posters and garden stakes in my neighbourhood. No others as yet. There used to be LibDem window posters in previous elections but after losing their deposit in the 2017 GE they seem to have gone quiet. No election leaflets from them either yet.
The Conservatives seem to be shy about showing their allegiance and I don't remember ever seeing any Tory window posters, even though their organiser lives in my road.
A few more Labour ones have popped up. But only a few. Still very very quiet around here from everyone, which for a key seat is a little disconcerting.
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