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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

If both sweden and the usa apply for extradition who decides which one takes priority? Courts or government? If government then i guess they won't want to upset trump.
If both sweden and the usa apply for extradition who decides which one takes priority? Courts or government? If government then i guess they won't want to upset trump.
The home sec.

If the swedish/european request was suspended/in abeyance rather than being rescinded then i expect that allied with their previous actions (the US has done sweet FA really) would give them the nod. I'm sure it was asked years ago and made clear at that time it would be sweden.

Btw, if the first condition is true then we also can't extradite him to the US without sweden's agreement either. Unless we leave the EU i suppose. Again sure that's correct but that is going from memory from battles about this years ago.
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I sort of expect the wibble defence.


It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
If both sweden and the usa apply for extradition who decides which one takes priority? Courts or government? If government then i guess they won't want to upset trump.

Generally whoever put in the application first. But this case is murky as Sweden kind-of dropped it. And the Savid's big head can override it, "in the national interest".
Maybe they can have some sort of free market bidding system for who should get him. Given what Assange said to Forbes many years ago....

Would you call yourself a free market proponent?

Absolutely. I have mixed attitudes towards capitalism, but I love markets. Having lived and worked in many countries, I can see the tremendous vibrancy in, say, the Malaysian telecom sector compared to U.S. sector. In the U.S. everything is vertically integrated and sewn up, so you don’t have a free market. In Malaysia, you have a broad spectrum of players, and you can see the benefits for all as a result.

How do your leaks fit into that?

To put it simply, in order for there to be a market, there has to be information. A perfect market requires perfect information.

There's the famous lemon example in the used car market. It's hard for buyers to tell lemons from good cars, and sellers can't get a good price, even when they have a good car.

By making it easier to see where the problems are inside of companies, we identify the lemons. That means there's a better market for good companies. For a market to be free, people have to know who they're dealing with.

You've developed a reputation as anti-establishment and anti-institution.

Not at all. Creating a well-run establishment is a difficult thing to do, and I've been in countries where institutions are in a state of collapse, so I understand the difficulty of running a company. Institutions don't come from nowhere.

It's not correct to put me in any one philosophical or economic camp, because I've learned from many. But one is American libertarianism, market libertarianism. So as far as markets are concerned I'm a libertarian, but I have enough expertise in politics and history to understand that a free market ends up as monopoly unless you force them to be free.

WikiLeaks is designed to make capitalism more free and ethical.

Those comments are some of the reasons I've long disliked him and the way he ran wikileaks.

Also, he is a dismal failure by his own standards:

It's summed up by the phrase "courage is contagious." If you demonstrate that individuals can leak something and go on to live a good life, it's tremendously incentivizing to people.

An Interview With WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
Maybe they can have some sort of free market bidding system for who should get him. Given what Assange said to Forbes many years ago....

Those comments are some of the reasons I've long disliked him and the way he ran wikileaks.

Also, he is a dismal failure by his own standards:

An Interview With WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
his use of the 'word' incentivizing alone should see the key thrown away
Does anyone know what the Manafort link is? Is there some sort of regular prosaic crime the US can ask for extradition on instead of having to go down the heavy threat to national interest /espionage route?
Does anyone know what the Manafort link is? Is there some sort of regular prosaic crime the US can ask for extradition on instead of having to go down the heavy threat to national interest /espionage route?
I think it's that Manafort was meant to have visited him in the embassy according to a report in the Guardian that has been widely seen as false - but has it only been widely seen as such by loons?
He probably would only get 5 years for hacking.

And then about a thousand years for all the other stuff....

If the US are determined to make case after case they will with the full weight of the Justice departments.
They only need to get hold of their target.
being threatened by 5 years is like a community sentence the way the US justice system works unless you are loaded then you can walk.
Hehehe, a sentence of <7 years *would* be funny. He's an unlikable character by the sound of things*, but I don't think I'd be cheering if the USA got hold of him.

* An Andrew O'Hagan article from a few years ago was rather good, I thought. O'Hagan being really quite restrained considering Assange's self-importance and inability or refusal to understand how things like book contracts work, or how people putting you up in their house for a while works.

ETA: LRB · Andrew O’Hagan · Ghosting: Julian Assange
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