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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

and the conspiraloons are off! Worldwide Cabal takes the lead at 4/1, just behind is The Jooos at 2/1 the solid favourite, nudging third is Industrial Military Complex, a former favourite but now lagging behind with an unfancied 17/1, gaining from 6th to 4th its The Spooks, well regarded at 3/1, 5th is False Flag, a joint favourite at 3/1, and coming up lame is He's Just A Fucking Sex Pest Who'll Cosy Up to Any Nasty Cunt In Order To Feed His Ego who scraped in at 4,000/1.
What odds can I get on the Illuminated Seers of Bavaria ?
‘Finding him guilty [of the 2012 charge of failing to surrender to the court], District Judge Michael Snow said Assange's behaviour was "the behaviour of a narcissist who cannot get beyond his own selfish interest".’

You’ve hit the nail on the head there, Michael Snow.

I suspect it would solve a lot of the world's problems if someone invented a virus that targets whatever gene combination that causes narcissistic personality traits.
If anything he may have more luck with Trump in the hot seat. Though it's pretty desperate times if you have to rely on Trump.

The absolute comic finisher here would be Assange doing a year in UK jail, then being extradited to Sweden to stand trial, getting done for it there and doing another little bit of time inside - being released and THEN Sweden refuse to extradite him to the U.S making every single thing he's done in the last seven years completely paranoid, egotistical and utterly pointless.
The absolute comic finisher here would be Assange doing a year in UK jail, then being extradited to Sweden to stand trial, getting done for it there and doing another little bit of time inside - being released and THEN Sweden refuse to extradite him to the U.S making every single thing he's done in the last seven years completely paranoid, egotistical and utterly pointless.
+having to then live in sweden forever.
He had that choice anytime over the last 7 years.
Aye fair shout and I believe Swedish nick is pretty alright but apart from the price of a pint I can't really see how living in Sweden is a deserved punishment for being the smuggest man on earth once his bird is up ;) I'd actually send him to live in somewhere like Rock Ferry for that or even London if I was feeling mean ;)
My memory is not good enough now. Why didn't Assange try to clear his name in Sweden?
Assange sounds like such an absolute stinking toerag but there's no denying the Ecuadorians are only booting him out cos Wikileaks has exposed corruption there.

The final straw. He might have got away with the rudeness and the farting and the skateboarding inside and the being ill... but they feel he's gone to far in messing with the state. Revoking asylum cos someone pisses you off tho... pretty incredible stuff.
He was a good guy coz he spilled loads of shit about the Merkins but then we found out he was a sex pest, privileged, pussy stroking narcissist who didn't empty his cat's litter tray or bathe regularly. At this point he became worse than Hitler. HTH ;)
Wasn’t he hanging out with Nigel Farage though (or Farage visited him). Totally agree about the leaked stuff. That footage of the Apache shooting up a load of journalists was pretty rough.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said that Assange had revealed "evidence of atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan" and his extradition "should be opposed by the British government".

Press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders said that the UK should resist extradition, because it would "set a dangerous precedent for journalists, whistleblowers, and other journalistic sources that the US may wish to pursue in the future".

Australia's Foreign Minister Marise Payne said he would continue to receive "the usual consular support" and that consular officers will try to visit him.

And actress Pamela Anderson, who has visited the embassy to support Assange, said the arrest was a "vile injustice".

Pamela Anderson condemns Assange arrest and says Britain is 'America's b**ch' and 'needed a diversion from your idiotic Brexit bulls**t'

Pammy Says Britain is America's bitch and we needed this as a diversion from our idiotic Brexit bullshit.:cool:

Pamela Anderson lashes out at UK after Julian Assange's arrest in London | Daily Mail Online

Wasn’t he hanging out with Nigel Farage though (or Farage visited him). Totally agree about the leaked stuff. That footage of the Apache shooting up a load of journalists was pretty rough.
When you're stuck in an Embassy playing off ground tick in London I suppose you'll hang out with whoever will visit you such as the lady quoted above. I bet he had some ace visitors turn up. Apparently in the new Bill and Ted movie they visit Assange and go back in time with him and prove that Jesus discovered Amerikkka before the Swedish Vikings :cool:
He was a good guy coz he spilled loads of shit about the Merkins but then we found out he was a sex pest, privileged posh kid, pussy stroking narcissist, who didn't empty his cat's litter tray or bathe regularly. At this point he became worse than Hitler. HTH ;)

Wasn't there that whole releasing a shitload of unredacted information including personal information of activists and such because he couldn't be fucked to work out which people were in danger or whatever?
Wasn't there that whole releasing a shitload of unredacted information including personal information of activists and such because he couldn't be fucked to work out which people were in danger or whatever?
I suppose if he was at his computer doing this sort of shit and Tommy and Pammy turned up with a glass pipe and some lube some mistakes were bound to happen but at least we got to find out what sort of cruel shit was really happening in the Ecuadorian embassy.

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