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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

Some conspiracy shit


Paul M is alleged to have contacted Assange on 3 occasions (Backed up by documents from Ecuador’s Senain intelligence agency leaks to the newspapers), some saying with Trump's blessing, or even under Trump's orders

Wikileaks published the emails

Russia hacked them

Trump encouraged Russia to do so on live TV

Apart from the first one that's only very likely, the rest are facts

Paul M is alleged to have contacted Assange on 3 occasions (Backed up by documents from Ecuador’s Senain intelligence agency leaks to the newspapers), some saying with Trump's blessing, or even under Trump's orders

Wikileaks published the emails

Russia hacked them

Trump encouraged Russia to do so on live TV

Apart from the first one that's only very likely, the rest are facts
The conspiracy stuff is as asaange sitting on stuff that would blow the world apart. Just sitting on them for years in his shitted up cell.
There is a range of things they can/may get him on - they have to be careful due to lack of specialty/mirroring with espionage, they effectively have to make it criminal. Which opens up Rusbridger and others to the same, which the Obama admin decided against. Stuff like exporting stolen goods.
They also have to make the crime plausibly distinct from subsequently publishing the results of the crime, which their Ist amendment guarantees the right to do. For which reason Rusbridger will not be in the frame, the stolen property crime being far too minor to justify an attack on journalism.
They also have to make the crime plausibly distinct from subsequently publishing the results of the crime, which their Ist amendment guarantees the right to do. For which reason Rusbridger will not be in the frame, the stolen property crime being far too minor to justify an attack on journalism.
Not for extradition they don't. For conviction in the US, yes.
Now look at the charges and the evidence, or lack of it, then consider the US laws regarding press freedom, and go on to look at how the prosecution might go for a conviction.
They'll have to stick to charges about giving passwords they have sod all evidence for, or other dodgy charges they have just as little to back themselves up with - but only if it's in an open court.
Install the 'right' judge, and they can do what they want, all hidden nicely away in the name of national security.
Prosecute him for conspiracy to steal secret military info with Manning (if that’s what he did).

On what evidence? All they have on that is the password thing and that's flimsy at best. Since all that stuff was about war crimes, publication is likely protected so they only have conspiracy but very limited evidence
On what evidence? All they have on that is the password thing and that's flimsy at best. Since all that stuff was about war crimes, publication is likely protected so they only have conspiracy but very limited evidence
What are you worried about then? You already know the full range of possible charges ( i strongly suggest reading around this a bit), that they are false and that assange has the dirt to stop any prosecution in it's tracks. Win Win. He should demand to be extradited.
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Not for extradition they don't. For conviction in the US, yes.
This is high profile and contentious, extradition without an easy route to conviction would amount to pointless grief for the US authorities with little or nothing in it for them. As it is it they've chosen something they hope to be able to prove even though Chelsea Manning is back in jail because she refuses to testify against Assange to their grand jury.
This is high profile and contentious, extradition without an easy route to conviction would amount to pointless grief for the US authorities with little or nothing in it for them. As it is it they've chosen something they hope to be able to prove even though Chelsea Manning is back in jail because she refuses to testify against Assange to their grand jury.
Have they?
What are you worried about then? You already know the full range of possible charges ( i strongly suggest reading around this a bit), that they are false and that assange has the dirt to stop any prosecution it it's tracks. Win Win. He should demand to be extradited.
They’re just going to disappear him though. We’ll never see him again.
The idea that the US only does things that it wins on - or it wouldn't do it - is challengeable at least. As a few recent extradition cases have demonstrated.
Not sure which recent cases you're thinking of but the subject matter and his notoriety means the fallout from an acquittal would have wider implications than if eg, the Chinese Huawei woman eventually gets off. Guzman, the only other really high profile case recently that I can think of, was convicted.

It's ok though, he has some anti-trump krytonite.
of course :oops: I should have thought of that.
They’re just going to disappear him though. We’ll never see him again.

Going to? Surely he is already boiler suited and on his way to gitmo?

Some talk in the press today suggesting he could do a year in the UK for skipping bail. That should be ample time for Sweden to get their ducks in a row. Difficult crime to prosecute for Sweden I imagine though.
Going to? Surely he is already boiler suited and on his way to gitmo?

Some talk in the press today suggesting he could do a year in the UK for skipping bail. That should be ample time for Sweden to get their ducks in a row. Difficult crime to prosecute for Sweden I imagine though.

From hazy memory in at least one of cases the victim / complainant had willingly gone to bed with him but then went to sleep and woke up to find him assaulting her. I don't know much about Swedish law but in the UK I imagine that would be hard to prove in a court, as are most rape cases depressingly.
One may hope. I'm with Amnesty International on this, Assange deserves to fry for what he did, but whole life imprisonment will have to do.

Amnesty want him to fry? That's quite strong for them, he must be really hated.
From hazy memory in at least one of cases the victim / complainant had willingly gone to bed with him but then went to sleep and woke up to find him assaulting her. I don't know much about Swedish law but in the UK I imagine that would be hard to prove in a court, as are most rape cases depressingly.
Oh you just meant hard to win cases like this. Showing willingness to try even with shameless people like this - and he admits it happened - would be a good start.
Oh you just meant hard to win cases like this. Showing willingness to try even with shameless people like this - and he admits it happened - would be a good start.


I didn't know he'd coughed though, in the sense of confirming the events took place.
he's rather cooked his goose according to the mail

should have tried to connect with the donald whereas now he'll be connecting with the gaolers employed by the donald
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