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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

I agree with ska. He should be send to Sweden to stand trial for the rape case.
Extradition to the US for Wikileaks stuff is dodgy and gives to much arguing power to the loons etc.

Little bit Isis
I thought that Sweden had dropped the charges?
Statute of limitations. “Prosecutors had until 13 August [2015] to question Mr Assange about one accusation of sexual molestation and one of unlawful coercion, while the time limit on a further allegation of sexual molestation runs out on 18 August.

The more serious allegation of rape is not due to expire until 2020.”

Assange assault inquiry to be dropped
I thought that Sweden had dropped the charges?

i get the impression that 'dropped' is used in the same way as i 'drop' a book i'm reading while i send a whatsapp message. once i've finished my whatsapp message, i pick up the book again. now Mr Assange is a available for investigation again, they'll take another look.


try not to smirk too much Copper, people might think you were enjoying the day!

is Assange carrying a book/magazine with his own face on the cover?
I'll bet a few people are worried about this - and I wonder what he'll say about who
Outside of a few diehard Assange worshippers does anyone actually give a fuck about what he says now? He's blown any shred of credibility he may have had by refusing to answer the Swedish investigations and holing-up in a cupboard for the last 7 years. Fuck him. If we can send him to Sweden and they still want him, that's where he should go. Today if possible.
I'll bet a few people are worried about this - and I wonder what he'll say about who

and the conspiraloons are off! Worldwide Cabal takes the lead at 4/1, just behind is The Jooos at 2/1 the solid favourite, nudging third is Industrial Military Complex, a former favourite but now lagging behind with an unfancied 17/1, gaining from 6th to 4th its The Spooks, well regarded at 3/1, 5th is False Flag, a joint favourite at 3/1, and coming up lame is He's Just A Fucking Sex Pest Who'll Cosy Up to Any Nasty Cunt In Order To Feed His Ego who scraped in at 4,000/1.
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