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Ecuador would like Julian Assange out of their embassy by the sounds of it.

Ecuador no longer to intervene with UK for WikiLeaks Assange - foreign minister

QUITO (Reuters) - - Ecuador does not plan to intervene with the British government on behalf of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in talks over his situation as an asylee in the South American country’s London embassy, Ecuador’s foreign minister said on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister José Valencia said in an interview with Reuters that Ecuador’s only responsibility was looking after Assange’s wellbeing, after the Australian national sued the country over new conditions placed on his asylum in the London embassy.

“Ecuador has no responsibility to take any further steps,” Valencia said. “We are not Mr. Assange’s lawyers, nor are we representatives of the British government. This is a matter to be resolved between Assange and Great Britain.”

Exclusive: Ecuador no longer to intervene with UK for WikiLeaks Assange - foreign minister | Reuters

If only he had cleaned up after his cat.
Ecuador no longer to intervene with UK for WikiLeaks Assange - foreign minister

Exclusive: Ecuador no longer to intervene with UK for WikiLeaks Assange - foreign minister | Reuters

If only he had cleaned up after his cat.
Whilst Ecuador's change of heart of Assange is partly about political change in Ecuador, I do like the fact that it's also about his self important and self centred behaviour. It's getting close to the point where somebody just grabs him by the ear and throws him out on the street. Probably the cat will help them do it. Fucking hell, just imagine being dependent on Julian Assange for your food, water and clean litter tray.
I remember a journalist was hired to write a biog of him by team Assange and ended up losing favour with the various courtiers. In a piece he wrote about the whole affair he detailed what a lazy ungrateful bastard he was when he was staying in of his supporters country houses, not lifting a finger to clear up after himself etc. That sort of small scale entitled behaviour seems to have carried on throughout his time in the embassy - right through to cat neglect!

At the bigger scale, he did manage to lose his various liberal supporters somewhere around £240k when he skipped bail. Every cloud... :cool:

Well worth a read:
LRB · Andrew O’Hagan · Ghosting: Julian Assange
I asked him if he had a working title yet and he said, to laughter, ‘Yes. “Ban This Book: From Swedish Whores to Pentagon Bores.’ It was interesting to see how he parried with some notion of himself as a public figure, as a rock star really, when all the activists I’ve ever known tend to see themselves as marginal and possibly eccentric figures. Assange referred a number of times to the fact that people were in love with him, but I couldn’t see the coolness, the charisma he took for granted. He spoke at length about his ‘enemies’, mainly the Guardian and the New York Times.

LRB · Andrew O’Hagan · Short Cuts: With the Hackerati
i am told they'll have to send in a crack decontamination unit to bring it up to any sort of hygienic standard as assange left 'calling cards' all over the building

Diplomats from the Equadorian embassy this very morning...
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