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DUP and Tory f*ck up thread

Peter Hain on TV is saying that the DUP will want a 'soft Brexit'. On what basis is he saying that? I was under the impression they were v strong Leavers.
Maybe they want a hard border and even the conservatives are saying 'you mental bastards are going to start the troubles again'
One of the main problems is the DUP like all the Irish parties want to avoid any border control fuckwittery and that implies a Soft Brexit. May having committed to a Hard Brexit will have great difficulty obliging them.

It's May having to concede to what is probably a growing list of DUP whataboutery that's risky for N.I. stability. Them uns getting a string of big concessions on totem issues would send part of SF's base wild.
Peter Hain on TV is saying that the DUP will want a 'soft Brexit'. On what basis is he saying that? I was under the impression they were v strong Leavers.
Coz they don't want to fuck up the soft border with Eire.
Plus Scots Tories wants soft Brexit (Davidson didn't want leave at all). Private talks about cross party working groups with Labour.

We may have fluked the right election result :)
One of the main problems is the DUP like all the Irish parties want to avoid any border control fuckwittery and that implies a Soft Brexit. May having committed to a Hard Brexit will have great difficulty obliging them.

It's May having to concede to what is probably a growing list of DUP whataboutery that's risky for N.I. stability. Them uns getting a string of big concessions on totem issues would send part of SF's base wild.
Think DUP will get soft Brexit, no United Ireland referendum, free hand on devolved matters such as education and abortion and maybe cheese and pineapple at functions.
Maybe they want a hard border and even the conservatives are saying 'you mental bastards are going to start the troubles again'

They used to want one with landmines and stuff . Nowadays they're anxious to have one with as little fuss as possible . Ysee there's this thing called logic and they..yknow . Their relationship with it...like with most things..can be somewhat strained .

Take dinosaurs for instance .
Think DUP will get soft Brexit, no United Ireland referendum, free hand on devolved matters such as education and abortion and maybe cheese and pineapple at functions.
Plus new building regs - they are for some reason incredibly demanding in their plasterwork preferences, always “never saw render” this, and “never saw render” that.
The official DUP policy is that pineapples are the fruit of Satan.

Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Matthew 7:16-20

Coming soon to UK agricultural policy. Well it will give farmers something sustainable to heat their barns with.
They are for soft yet hard Brexit, They're the Sebastian Gray of Brexit

Basically what they want is the anti immigration stance of UKIP but no interference or hindrance with cross border trade ....because thats money . And they like money . As opposed to " the ethnics " .
They wanted a hard border back in the day when there was a cross border insurgency . Now they realise the imposition of a hard border is one of the surest ways possible to reignite a cross border insurgency .
Also as much as they despise sinn fein they're savvy enough to realise a hard border would greatly diminish sinn Feins standing . And they need that sinn fein standing in order for sinn fein to be able to facilitate token orange marches through some contentious districts . Which they did temporarily a while back as regards Ardoyne until the residents there reorganised themselves in opposition to the orangemen free from Sinn fein influence . There'll be no deals for the Orangemen unless sinn fein can facilitate the deal . Asinn fein face pretty determined opposition at street level these days on issues like that so it's far from an easy job . It's probably impossible frankly but the DUP are counting on their ability to deliver in the future regardless .

So hard brexit = hard border = bad for business, bad for money, bad for sinn fein ,therefore bad for Orangemen in ardoyne and other contentious routes . Therefore bad for DUP .
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Basically what they want is the anti immigration stance of UKIP but no interference or hindrance with cross border trade ....because thats money . And they like money . As opposed to " the ethnics " .
They wanted a hard border back in the day when there was a cross border insurgency . Now they realise the imposition of a hard border is one of the surest ways possible to reignite a cross border insurgency .
Also as much as they despise sinn fein they're savvy enough to realise a hard border would greatly diminish sinn Feins standing . And they need that sinn fein standing in order for sinn fein to be able to facilitate token orange marches through some contentious districts . Which they did temporarily a while back as regards Ardoyne until the residents there reorganised themselves in opposition to the orangemen free from Sinn fein influence . There'll be no deals for the Orangemen unless sinn fein can facilitate the deal .

So hard brexit = hard border = bad for business, bad for money, bad for sinn fein ,therefore bad for Orangemen in ardoyne and other contentious routes . Therefore bad for DUP .

So weird, CR is pretty spot on.

Plus 10% of ALL EU farm subsidies go to NI farmers. Arlene Foster's first act after Brexit was to call May and insist on the protection of EU farm subsidies. Unionist farmers will want more than the 2020 Guarantee in place.

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Cake and eat it . Theresa May is Marie Antoinette..let the DUP eat cake she cries. Shortly before the Tory mob drag her off to the guillotine .
Ian Paisley is dead.

Yes, and long live Ian Paisley

One thing I've realised, every single time an orange march happens in the UK or there is a shooting or whatever in Northern Ireland which is linked to Loyalist paramilitaries there are going to be people referring back to the Tory/DUP coalition.
One thing I've realised, every single time an orange march happens in the UK or there is a shooting or whatever in Northern Ireland which is linked to Loyalist paramilitaries there are going to be people referring back to the Tory/DUP coalition.
its always been weird how such a heavily policed and often contentious- to the point of shots and burning cars- season just passes by as normal and gets a litle mention as third item on the beeb. If it was a city in the rest of the union there would be headlines in the boldest of fonts
Not saying they have, just clarifying that this wasn't a show of enthusiasm at recent events by building the bonfire a month ahead - as could potentially have been read from your post. Point of information, that's all.

The bonfires are already starting a month ahead. I'll be driving up to Belfast this evening, and I'll see plenty of "pallets wanted" or "will buy pallets" signs while I'm heading up there.
Question: Do DUP leaders generally attend marches as a matter of course? Enormous potential for mischief in marching season if so.
May not be shopped, but it's at least 2 years' old - probably 3.

There's no polish flags on it so it's either old or they're just not trying hard enough to offend everyone .

Here we have the poles lumped in with the Palestinians


And let's not forget the Chinese either. A great bunch of lads .


And as for those Fenian bastards from the Ivory coast...

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