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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

It's not so much the hardliners supporters that get me as the undecideds and the dyed-in-the-wool Republican voters who seem like normal human beings. Gsv has several first cousins in the US who seem like decent guys but some of them will vote for trump :confused:

I guess a lot of it is selfishness and a shallow view of issues. Abortion, for example - I suspect there are a lot of people who think it's better that it exists but at the same time just don't think it's a big deal to get rid of it. 'Oh well, I guess young women who sleep around a lot will just have to be more careful, its not that bad' because that's so they assume uses abortions and they don't respect them very much. They don't think at all about the wider implications like treating pregnancy complications, for example. (Obviously, young women who sleep around have just as much fucking right to an abortion as a mum who can't afford any more kids, a rape victim or someone with dangerous pregnancy complications)

I’m sure that’s true.

But, I’m also seeing some of my folks actually adopting / expressing stuff that’s more aligned with the Trump stuff.

Like, one of them has been posting on Facebook about how America needs to turn away from satan and how abortion is evil. I’ve never heard or seen anything like this from him before. When we’d go to church with Granny, he never came with us and given how many children he’s fathered with different women I’d be surprised if none of his partners had ever had an abortion.

They’re generally far more open, brazen etc about views I’ve always known were there re: race, LBGT etc. And one of the people who used to visit regularly for cookouts and other social events was gay. He was always welcome. This hateful stuff was less hot, less vital. It was the background hum. No doubt they hid their views from us Brits (not least because we’d take them to task when we could); but I’m also certain that the prevailing attitudes were just not especially high on the priority list. The South trundled along being the South, prevailing views were safely passed down the generations intact.

Now that they see their old complacencies being challenged (statues taken down, the confederate flag more openly challenged, the BLM movement etc.) those things are becoming more critical for them.

Trump is saying out loud how they think and feel. The crazy stuff he’s coming out with doesn’t matter. He may be talking shit like old Uncle Bubba but that’s just cos he’s old; that’s forgiven or excused.
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And now:

"Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that “the Jewish people” would be partially to blame if he loses in November, escalating his persistent campaign trail criticism of Jewish voters and insisting that Democrats hold a “curse” over them ..."

Trump says at antisemitism event that Jewish voters would bear some blame if he loses in November:

"If I don't win this election - and the Jewish people would really have a lot to do with that if that happens because
if 40%, I mean, 60% of the people are voting for the enemy - Israel, in my opinion, will cease to exist within two years"
that's worse though.

Yes. It is.
That’s exactly what I mean.
Assuming it’s just the crazy people, assuming that people won’t vote for him because he’s all the most terrible things is to misunderstand what’s going on in the Republican heartlands.

Everyone over here on this side of the line can see how bonkers it all is, and how impossible it is to have Trump in the White House. But for them, it’s really not bonkers. Or at least, they overlook the bonkers because the stuff they do agree with is genuinely meaningful to them.

They don’t care that he doesn’t have any policy. They feel like they’re back against the wall, under attack from stuff that, to them, looks as unhinged and dangerous as theirs does to us.

I guess the reason it looked like I was arguing before was because I’m seeing a complacency (not only, or not necessarily on here), a sense of “this cant be happening, so it won’t happen”, which I think is foolish and potentially dangerous. So I’m pressing the point.

I’m really worried. As others have said, Harris needs to not just win but win huge. If it’s close this wound will continue to supperate. Even if it’s a huge win, the best we can expect is that the simmering resentment drops below the activity horizon. But the hate won’t go away.

I’ve been thinking about history books in the future teaching The Origins of the Second American Civil War. The line between the woman on Facebook saying that the friend of the daughter of her acquaintance said something about Haitians eating pets, and then Trump saying it on TV, and then her trying to retract that when it became a national story and then, and then, and then….
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Surely someone is feeding him these words. They’re so specifically incendiary.

He doesn’t read so I doubt he’s harvesting them from source. Does he watch the war channel every night? I can see him doing that but then we’d probably know about it?

He’s preparing for when /if he loses isn’t he. Stoking the fires, setting the land mines.
Or whoever is pulling his strings is doing that.
I think he is still preaching to his MAGA white male voter base in the hope that demographic can get him past the winning post. They like the invective and rabble rousing rhetoric Trump is so used to providing. And he does have many millions of US supporters lets not forget. Will they be enough? Time will tell.
Surely someone is feeding him these words. They’re so specifically incendiary.

He doesn’t read so I doubt he’s harvesting them from source. Does he watch the war channel every night? I can see him doing that but then we’d probably know about it?

He’s preparing for when /if he loses isn’t he. Stoking the fires, setting the land mines.
Or whoever is pulling his strings is doing that.
I don't think anyone is pulling his strings. I think people have tried but he's too uncontrolled and unpredictable and no matter how hard they try he just go wildly charging off.
I don't think he's planning for his defeat because I think he is so narcissistic and self-centred he can't conceive of being defeated.
He won't accept it though nothing will convince him that he lost and wasn't cheated, he is going to be a massive pain post-election.
Harris does need to win so decisively that the result is unchallengeable.
He loves banging on about his crowds, despite evidence that Harris is pulling bigger crowds, and he's off again -

Trump: So, I called up my wife and said, who can draw a crowd like me? Nobody can get close, I'm the greatest of all time. Maybe greater even than Elvis, because Elvis had a guitar, I don't have a guitar.

He fails to record what his wife said.
I don't think anyone is pulling his strings. I think people have tried but he's too uncontrolled and unpredictable and no matter how hard they try he just go wildly charging off.
I don't think he's planning for his defeat because I think he is so narcissistic and self-centred he can't conceive of being defeated.
He won't accept it though nothing will convince him that he lost and wasn't cheated, he is going to be a massive pain post-election.
Harris does need to win so decisively that the result is unchallengeable.

I don't think he's planning for his defeat either, but not necessarily (just) for the reasons you give. We need to remember/take into account that everything trump does is self-serving, that winning in November is primarily about trump and the charges he faces and how a win could and very likely would impact them.

If Trump takes office while the charges are still pending against him, he’s likely to move to quickly get rid of the charges. He would almost certainly appoint an attorney general who would fire Smith. If he has already been convicted, Trump could theoretically pardon himself, an untested legal idea. A Trump win would also throw the justice department into uncharted legal territory. While the department has long held that a sitting president can’t be prosecuted, it’s unclear how that would affect a prosecution of a former president that began when he was out of office.

“It would be very chaotic. It would put a lot of stress on our democratic system,” Bookbinder said. “You certainly don’t want a situation where Donald Trump would try to use the presidency to get himself out of criminal liability.”

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Surely someone is feeding him these words. They’re so specifically incendiary.

He doesn’t read so I doubt he’s harvesting them from source. Does he watch the war channel every night? I can see him doing that but then we’d probably know about it?

He’s preparing for when /if he loses isn’t he. Stoking the fires, setting the land mines.
Or whoever is pulling his strings is doing that.
You could start by looking at Stephen miller, Steve Bannon and djt's own copy of Hitler's speeches that he apparently keeps as bedside reading material.
Being as the polls suggest at least 43% of US Voters intend to vote for Trump, a lot of very normal people must intend to vote for him, alongside the more fanatical MAGA crowd.
There's significant amounts of tribal voting over there it seems. PPL will vote in a carrot if it was wearing the right coloured rosette...
Something else that must piss him off! :)

DJT Stock Hits New Record Low on Day Trump Can Begin Selling Shares

Until now, a lockup period has barred inside investors from selling shares.


That 52-week high of $79.38 has crashed to just $13.55 now, which frankly is still well over priced. considering it lost about $15.5m in the last quarter, on revenues of under $1m, there's no way it's worth $2.71bn.

The market is closely watching any move by Donald Trump and other big investors’ today as a lockup period that until now has barred any insider investors from selling shares expired. The question is: will they sell?

I bet he wants to sell, but that would crash the share price even further, which wouldn't be a good look on the run up to the election. Personally I am hoping one of the other big investors cash out, totally crashing the price, leaving Trump with fuck all value in this so-called business.

Trump Media, which trades under the ticker DJT , tends to trade less on traditional valuation metrics and fundamentals such as earnings and more as a proxy for Trump’s perceived chances of winning the presidential election on Nov. 5.

The social-media company operates platform Truth Social, a rival to X, formerly known as Twitter. DJT reported revenue of $837,000 and a net loss of $16.4 million for the quarter ending June 30.

Oh dear. how sad, never mind.
Am I alone in being reminded of the Nazi’s Strength Through Joy propaganda stuff when I read this Trump post?


“…at long last this national nightmare will be over. Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free!”

Or more accurately “AT LONG LAST THIS NATIONAL NIGHTMARE WILL BE OVER. WOMEN WILL BE HAPPY, HEALTHY, CONFIDENT AND FREE!” Because shouting injunctions at women in block capitals about their feelings and aspirations is correct. Even if women don’t agree, there are plenty of men who see this as something they can get behind.
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I don’t understand why no one is properly pushing back more strongly on the abortion after birth bullshit.

Maybe the thinking is that if they do, it highlights it and MAGA will dig in deeper.
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