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Doctor Who Series 10

I don't get the hate for Marshall tbh.
He's a boyish romcom actor. I've only ever seen him do Hugh-Grant-lite. Now that might be massively unfair and he might have the range to pull off ancient-alien-hobo-rebel but I doubt it. (Due to my prejudice probably).

He reminds me too much of Peter Davidson, who I prefer to pretend didn't happen.
Similarly, Jodie could be terrible if the storylines are shite
A good doctor/companion team doesn't necessarily stand or fall on a bad story- lets face it capaldi's run had its stinkers but you rated his and colemans performance regardless. And when its good, it very good. Of course a consistent run of tripe will ruin anything but we'll see
Yup. I thought Capaldi was a great Doctor. But his first two series were not great series. Indeed they were mostly terrible.
Er no. The important things were kept consistent.
What are these 'important things' it is impossible for a woman to have/hold/portray?

"Gender politics"? It's a fucking TV show character. The fact that you think that this has something to do with "gender politics" only goes to prove that this change has been made for exactly the reasons we all know it has.
If a woman being incapable of portraying a character previously played by a male isn't an example of your crappy gender politics, what is?
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I don't get the hate for Marshall tbh. if written well, it could have worked. Similarly, Jodie could be terrible if the storylines are shite
The true test is if they are crap when the script is good.
Even Capaldi sucked when the script sucked.

I can think of few actors who can overturn a sucky script:
Gabriel Byrne.
Samusl L Jackson
Rosie O'Donnell

Those are A listers.
So they really are a rarity at the level of cheapish TV entertainment
The true test is if they are crap when the script is good.
Even Capaldi sucked when the script sucked.

I can think of few actors who can overturn a sucky script:
Gabriel Byrne.
Samusl L Jackson
Rosie O'Donnell

Those are A listers.
So they really are a rarity at the level of cheapish TV entertainment
You obviously didn't see Byrne in Vikings, he was awful.
As soon as the Doc starts explaining sciencey stuff - to men no doubt - the MRA's on here, and elsewhere, are going to go absolutely apeshit. I hope a few have the decency to stream their apoplexy so we can all have a good laugh as their heads explode.
I love the ones going "Jane Bond". Lol. I have no interest in the Bond franchise, which I think is shite. But I find myself hoping for a similar casting there too. Just to annoy them.
An actual comment just read
"Another Wales Online article to promote an agenda. Simply designed to make people look like sexists. You grow up with something one way and enjoy it...being nostalgic for it doesn't make you a sexist. Would feminists (and Wales Online love to see Wonder Woman played by a man? "
Even Capaldi sucked when the script sucked.
As soon as the Doc starts explaining sciencey stuff - to men no doubt - the MRA's on here, and elsewhere, are going to go absolutely apeshit. I hope a few have the decency to stream their apoplexy so we can all have a good laugh as their heads explode.
Are you womansplaining to us how men react?
I love the ones going "Jane Bond". Lol. I have no interest in the Bond franchise, which I think is shite. But I find myself hoping for a similar casting there too. Just to annoy them.
Jane bedding a fellow half her age would be worth all the other rubbish bits it would undoubtedly contain.
I think Who should be a weird sod, like he was when I was a kid.

That's why I would have loved Zawe Ashton, or Joe Gilgun or Ayaode, who can all play oddballs admirably
Me - They can time travel
Them - cool
Me - They have two hearts
Them - Cool
Me - They never die they re generate every season
Them - wow, thats cool
Me - they have this sonic screwdriver thing
Them - sounds good
Me - oh and the characters played by a woman
Them - you fucking what mate?!?!!)?!
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