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Do angry vegans turn you against going vegan?

OK, I'll get it out in the open. I'm vegan, pleased to meet you.

I'm vegan because I believe we should treat animals much better in this world, and the environment, and our own health.

There's an argument between vegans that seems to be gathering pace. Some vegans claim that you can be vegan and eat honey, drink beer with fish bladder in it... Other vegans think that you have to be 100% vegan or get to f***. Those in the latter group tend to be quite militant/vegans.

My question to the good people of Urban75 is this. Do angry vegans make you want to shout bacon in their face? Do angry vegans make you think say oh f*** off would you? Are you more receptive to a non judgemental, the right side of sanity vegan? Or do you still want to shout bacon in their face?

I'd be grateful of responses.
Loud obnoxious vegans are a comedy staple for a reason. They just put people's back up and are either ignored or ridiculed.
When animals evolve enough to potentially order a beer then I'll stop killing and eating them.
They and their products taste really good and the vegan alternatives don't. Imho.
What's a Fining?

No it just puts me off that particular vegan, like the one who insisted the vegan chocolate cake I had made for the vegan and vegetarian coffeeshop I worked in was not vegan because it had chocolate in it despite being told that it had no dairy in the cocoa powder.
I've never understood why honey is supposed to be verboten for vegans. Sure, it's used by the bees as a form of food storage for winter and other times of scarcity, but my understanding is that beekeepers feed their bees because dead hives aren't very profitable. I doubt the bees in commercial hives are all that put out by the fact that their honey has been replaced with sugar.

It's not like with leather boots, where it is generally frowned upon if the animal isn't dead when you fashion footwear out of its hide.
Yeah angry vegans make me want to post eggs and bacon through their letterbox...

Ooh! Right, kalidarkone, I am a horribly angry vegan. Very angry, lots of angry.

So, would you come along and post bacon and eggs through my letterbox, please? (Because I might like having breakfast delivered to me and might find that I am not vegan at all, but just a greedy lying chancer.) :)
As for annoying vegetarians/vegans, for sure they exist. PETA is a thing, and they must be getting the funding for their cringe-worthy publicity stunts from somewhere.

But that's not what turns me off veganism. What turns me off veganism is the total lack of animal products. No meat is bad enough, but no dairy either? No leather too? No thanks.
I'm not that into eating meat or fish or eggs or dairy these days, but the signboards outside a restaurant near me saying things like "Vegan as fuck" or "Grow up go vegan" still kind of put me off going in there.

I don't think I've ever met a vegan in person who was boring or preachy about it though, seems to be a lot more of that kind of behaviour from people who like talking about how non-vegan they are.
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