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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I don't know if I or anyone else has brought this up before (and it's kinda off topic, though probably still linked to covid deniers/anti-lockdowners etc), but I've noticed the Great Reset conspiracy theories doing the rounds in left-wing/anarchist circles online. And this is not helped by the fact that people such as Naomi Klein and Russell Brand appear to be taking it seriously.
There's no surprise with him, slightly more surprised with her. Have you got a example ref for this?
Naomi Wolf, not Naomi Klein.
Bill Gates hasn't sold software for decades. Not that he sells vaccines either - his relationship to pharmaceutical companies is more complex than that, though has some similarities I think to Microsoft's anti-competitive and lobbying practices when he was there.
Footsoldiers4Freedom in the house!

Covid-19 anti-vaxx conspiracy kooks return to Brixton tube station

Will be strange if their mind changes in the following years and they see that it was an actual pandemic and that millions died. Their memory of themselves during that time will be of them standing outside a tube station or stomping through a supermarket bellowing dangerous misinformation that could directly link to people being harmed. I suppose that'll be too painful to own up to so it'll be a mental fight to keep the "it was all a hoax" thing going until they die. They've got some serious skin in in the game - smug selfies of them everywhere without masks etc. As I said, if and when we come out of this, there'll be a lot of processing of it by the world, a lot of reflection and it'll not age well for those who have put people at risk throughout and encouraged others too. It's sad really, feel a bit sorry for em.
Footsoldiers4Freedom in the house!

Covid-19 anti-vaxx conspiracy kooks return to Brixton tube station

I don't know about any of the other shit but the message on her sign seems rather uncontroversial. In fact I'm pretty sure it's national government policy. Seems a bit of waste of time to be protesting in support of standard policy. Furlough has a lot to answer for.
Nice dismissal chaps. Let's just ignore the problem, call them all twazzocks and loons and not wonder why the problem might be increasing.

Did you engage your superior "critical thinking skills" in coming up with those responses? ;)

Hang on now, I was the only one who was slating conspiraloons in those terms, and at the time I was drunk (as I admitted).
And at least partly, I was taking the piss anyway.

I'm now posting this while sober, and I retain a huge difficulty in being patient with and sympathetic towards conspiracists who so obviously badly lack critical thinking ability, a problem BigMoaner outlined really well.

Most anti-conspiracists who analyse and argue seriously ( ;) ) are nowhere near as bad as conspiracists in the criticial thinking stakes, and that's demonstrably the case when you read the serious parts of CT discussions on here with reputable links, facts, accurate history, etc.

Myself, I have been and would be really bad personally at trying to counter their 'arguments' when with them, as I'd freely admit. I could offer sensible sources, but you can't even lead a horse to water in some cases!

I tend to avoid the conspiracy-inclined anyway, IRL (I'm good at that! :p)

But FFS, at no point was I advocating as a strategy calling them twazzocks and dingbats!!! (At least not to their faces! ;) :D )

BigMoaner said:
And if you don't think that someone who believes thay Bill Gates wants to kill us all and Obama drinks babies blood could do with better critical thinking skills and instead needs a break, then you're doing them a disservice.

Spot on! :) :cool:
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I don't know about any of the other shit but the message on her sign seems rather uncontroversial. In fact I'm pretty sure it's national government policy. Seems a bit of waste of time to be protesting in support of standard policy. Furlough has a lot to answer for.
Clearly just trying to grab peoples' attention with a statement nobody would disagree with, while suggesting that it is actually going on secretly. They could similarly have a sign "NO killing people for eating bread rolls without a knife and fork".
Clearly just trying to grab peoples' attention with a statement nobody would disagree with, while suggesting that it is actually going on secretly. They could similarly have a sign "NO killing people for eating bread rolls without a knife and fork".

It wouldn't surprise me if they have actually convinced themselves, rather than just suggesting, it is going on secretly.
Will be strange if their mind changes in the following years and they see that it was an actual pandemic and that millions died. Their memory of themselves during that time will be of them standing outside a tube station or stomping through a supermarket bellowing dangerous misinformation that could directly link to people being harmed. I suppose that'll be too painful to own up to so it'll be a mental fight to keep the "it was all a hoax" thing going until they die. They've got some serious skin in in the game - smug selfies of them everywhere without masks etc. As I said, if and when we come out of this, there'll be a lot of processing of it by the world, a lot of reflection and it'll not age well for those who have put people at risk throughout and encouraged others too. It's sad really, feel a bit sorry for em.

The 'vaccines will kill you' timeline has already changed from straight away, to 2 months to now 2 years so they are already clutching at straws.
I don't know if I or anyone else has brought this up before (and it's kinda off topic, though probably still linked to covid deniers/anti-lockdowners etc), but I've noticed the Great Reset conspiracy theories doing the rounds in left-wing/anarchist circles online. And this is not helped by the fact that people such as Russell Brand appear to be taking it seriously.

Had a quick look at Brand's Youtube channel, fucking hell, he's properly gone for it with the Great Reset and some other stuff. He's also hosted Naomi Klein and Vandana Shiva recently. Long videos so I couldn't be bothered watching them but it does alarm bells that they might have gone a bit down similar roads, or at least not be critical enough of him and his bollocks. I mean it's not that much of a surprise with him, an unstable and out of control ego.
Had a quick look at Brand's Youtube channel, fucking hell, he's properly gone for it with the Great Reset and some other stuff. He's also hosted Naomi Klein and Vandana Shiva recently. Long videos so I couldn't be bothered watching them but it does alarm bells that they might have gone a bit down similar roads, or at least not be critical enough of him and his bollocks. I mean it's not that much of a surprise with him, an unstable and out of control ego.
Naomi Wolf. Not Klein.

(He has done things with Klein but that was years ago.)
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