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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Can see a split perhaps forming "on the right". Centre right and Liberal one nation types, the rest a mix of the far right and utter batshit WTF do you mean there's an alien in the vacinne types. With even the far right raising an eyebrow at Keith on WhatsApps claims occasionally. Other than the Chakra Left, I can't see the left have fallen fowl to the batshit stuff. The right are welcome to them if they have.

Mention goes to my tory middle England boss. When I tried to explain to him about how some thought the vacinne was spread by 5G he just muttered "what in gods name are you talking about?"

We need better immunity from this bullshit, no matter where people sit politically.
The reason a lot of them seem like lefties, imo, is because these sorts of people are very good at reflecting whoever they're speaking to back at them, because they have no grasp on their own value system or reality. So when you interact a lot of conspiracy theorists, on the surface they will seem like whatever you are. Obviously online algorithms do a lot of this work for them
Loveworld, a religious nutjob TV channel from an Evangelical Christian denomination, has been whacked with a £125k fine by OFCOM, for spreading bullshit. :thumbs:

A religious TV channel has been fined £125,000 after airing conspiracy theories about Covid-19 that were unproven.

On December 1 2020, TV channel Loveworld aired a 29-hour programme called the Global Day of Prayer, during which claims were made about the coronavirus pandemic.

These claims included the notion that the outbreak was ‘planned’, that the ‘sinister’ vaccine can be used to implant ‘nanochips’ that can control and cause harm to members of the public and the debunked theory that the virus was somehow caused by 5G.
Chakra Left? Those types always struck me as being far too individualistic to be lefties. Chakra Libs more like.

I think the idea of them as left goes back to that whole 60s counter culture stuff doesn't it? There's the roots of a lot of anti-establishment stuff in there as well as a lot of the hippy stuff. How meaningful that was at the time is probably for someone else (ie someone older :p ) to answer, although you'd struggle to portray them as right wing in the sense that Richard Nixon was.
Shit like this must piss people off. Certainly annoyed myself and the staff in the local Icelands when a local conspiraloon kicked off in there. And he just came across as a nutter. I guess if you're a conspiracy theorist you're not gonna be blessed with much self awareness.

It's evangelism isn't it. The same need religious fundies have to preach to everyone, no matter where they are.
I don't think I'd react too well to one of these twats invading my space.
I know I shouldn't, but I sometimes read the Daily Mail online, partly as a means to avoid the social media echo chamber and learn how 'the other side' thinks, and partly to troll their comments section and wind up the red-faced shire men (childish I know).

Looking at the comments sections after coronavirus and lockdown news items, there does seem to have been a shift over the last few months.

At the start of the pandemic last year they were mainly supportive of Johnson, and arguing against or 'red-arrowing' anyone (such as myself) who dared suggest that the UK's huge death rate was down to abysmal mismanagement and incompetence. There was also general vilification of rule-breakers or 'covidiots'. But in recent months there's been a definite shift in favour of the conspiraloons, with the most upvoted posts being those telling people to "wake up" and realise the vaccine is simply a ruse, the lockdown measures are there to control us, coronavirus is "no worse than flu" etc etc.

I can't prove it, but something has changed, and there appear to be large numbers of Daily Mail readers who subscribe to the most fantastical nonsense imaginable*, the paranoid fantasies of the 'Great Reset' or 'Agenda 21' etc are largely accepted. It's very depressing.

* of course it could be argued that DM readers' have always been gullible fantasists, in that (until recently) they regarded Johnson as a Churchillian man of vision, honour and probity. His popularity now seems to have come to an end and is seen as a tyrant doing the bidding of Bill Gates' New World Order.
I've no idea but it's a very specific name so I wouldn't be surprised if it has some history.
I had initially thought this White Rose bollocks was a Yorkshire-based loon movement, but reading above, these stickers have been seen in Camberwell Grove, Brixton and elsewhere in the UK. Here's one I saw yesterday on a bus stop in Whetstone, north London. Should've torn it off - but didn't to touch it in case the twat who stuck it up had Covid. So instead added hasty and partially illegible comments in biro. Will have to start carrying gloves to tear down any more I see.

Apart from the tone-deaf offensiveness of co-opting the name from the Sophie Scholl anti-Nazi resistance group, isn't there something very very depressing about the fact that so many people appear to subscribe to this dangerous, fact-free gibberish? Sad!


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I know I shouldn't, but I sometimes read the Daily Mail online, partly as a means to avoid the social media echo chamber and learn how 'the other side' thinks, and partly to troll their comments section and wind up the red-faced shire men (childish I know).

Looking at the comments sections after coronavirus and lockdown news items, there does seem to have been a shift over the last few months.

At the start of the pandemic last year they were mainly supportive of Johnson, and arguing against or 'red-arrowing' anyone (such as myself) who dared suggest that the UK's huge death rate was down to abysmal mismanagement and incompetence. There was also general vilification of rule-breakers or 'covidiots'. But in recent months there's been a definite shift in favour of the conspiraloons, with the most upvoted posts being those telling people to "wake up" and realise the vaccine is simply a ruse, the lockdown measures are there to control us, coronavirus is "no worse than flu" etc etc.

I can't prove it, but something has changed, and there appear to be large numbers of Daily Mail readers who subscribe to the most fantastical nonsense imaginable*, the paranoid fantasies of the 'Great Reset' or 'Agenda 21' etc are largely accepted. It's very depressing.

* of course it could be argued that DM readers' have always been gullible fantasists, in that (until recently) they regarded Johnson as a Churchillian man of vision, honour and probity. His popularity now seems to have come to an end and is seen as a tyrant doing the bidding of Bill Gates' New World Order.
Noticed this too just in general online. I think though a large factor is that the sad twats take over online spaces and shout the loudest. Remember these "beliefs" often, I suspect, are believed purely to fulfil some deep-rooted need. When people call them loons, it might seem a little reductive, but from my observation it's not far off...this is not normal political discourse we are talking off between say a breixiter and a remainer, it's almost demonically possessed extremists throwing their weight around online, clicking, commentating, screeching. I would think the vast majority of mail readers, though pretty misguided generally, are resistant to it. Eh, I hope, anyway. This group is also far different in my view than then the "end lockdown sooner" crowd.

In other news, Google "frazzledrip". Read about that and tell me that they are not playing out some grand psychosocial projection. Warning, dark in the extreme.
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Here's a thought; maybe the Daily Mail comment sections are among the last few mainstream places left that the loons can push this shit without getting downvoted to hell or buried by the algorithm? Remember that although a scary amount of people (I think it is about 40%, but don't take my word for it as this is based on my faulty memory) subscribe to this kind of arrant nonsense, there's still a lot of people who either don't care or who are actively opposed to this kind of shit.
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This is promising, but a fucking slow process and things can change ...

'Allergic reaction to US religious right' fueling decline of religion, experts say
Percentage of churchgoing Americans is steadily falling, and the swirl of rightwing politics and Christianity is playing a key role

Fewer than half of Americans belong to a house of worship, a new study shows, but religion – and Christianity in particular – continues to have an outsize influence in US politics, especially because it is declining faster among Democrats than Republicans.

Just 47% of the US population are members of a church, mosque or synagogue, according to a survey by Gallup, down from 70% two decades ago – in part a result of millennials turning away from religion but also, experts say, a reaction to the swirling mix of rightwing politics and Christianity pursued by the Republican party.
What are these white rose stickers? Yorkshire separatists?
No, COVID deniers taking inspiration from similar in Germany who co-opted the name of the anti-Nazi group Weiße Rose, to which resisters like Hans and Sophie Scholl belonged before they were tried and guillotined for distributing leaflets.

They are all still really really paranoid about the census. People refusing to open the door, throwing the envelopes away etc. What's so weird is that if you look at these folks profiles they, at least before the pandemic anyway, are so ordinary seeming. Steve Average and Jane Plain and Bill Basic. I don't mean that in a condescending way at all. Just there is nothing that suggests maniacal extremism. Football, gardening, holidays morphed into drinking children's blood and writing "I do not stand under you" on census forms.
You absoloutly cannot move for tacky "spiritual" memes as well (amongst the calling to slaughter the leads in the democratic party etc). "Awaken" as if we are asleep.
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