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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Bezza's older brother (mid to late70s ish) has already turned down one offer of the vaccine.
This is a guy who is normally very sensible and pragmatic.
The explanation was "we don't go out, apart from shopping once a week"

I'm going to try & persuade bezza to let me have a go, next time he rings for a chat.
Do you wanna ring my mam too? :D
Cunts. Go and protest the BBC and the govt if they're the ones who are lying. Don't hassle some poor minimum wage shop worker for fucks sake. Wankers.
They seem to be attracted to supermarkets for some reason. There was a conspiraloon harrassing staff recently in the local Iceland where I am and footage I've seen of these twats before has been in supermarkets.
Protesting in Asda

Shit like this must piss people off. Certainly annoyed myself and the staff in the local Icelands when a local conspiraloon kicked off in there. And he just came across as a nutter. I guess if you're a conspiracy theorist you're not gonna be blessed with much self awareness.

It's evangelism isn't it. The same need religious fundies have to preach to everyone, no matter where they are.
camera operator says "we're working for god" at 10 seconds, I didn't go any further.
I worry I might get done for assault if I encounter some of those.
without getting all Big Vern, i know a few faces across south london. many who have been affected badly by covid. i know for a fact many wouldn't appreciate these folks wiht their megaphones. they will bellow in the face of hte wrong people one day.
without getting all Big Vern, i know a few faces across south london. many who have been affected badly by covid. i know for a fact many wouldn't appreciate these folks wiht their megaphones. they will bellow in the face of hte wrong people one day.
Or they'll get in the face of someone who's just lost someone to Covid, for whom it was just the last straw.
We've had a couple of these fuckers "somewhat locally" to me, back during the first lockdown.

Before I had a chance to draw breath to say anything, someone yelled "You fucking murderous cunt" and took extreme physical umbrage ...
I was told that the guy protesting the presence of the anti-masking loonie had lost both parents and a sibling to the 'rona ...

A group started chanting "wear masks, save lives" in response, and the muzak over the PA was turned up ,,,
the groups are in meltdown over this. apparently the ships containers all contain trafficked kids. being shipped around the world.

another thing i have noticed about these groups is that they have no central core belief structure or aim amongst them. So a 10k member ship forum and nearly every post has it's own sort of conclusion, or end. So you will have one lunatic saying that Bill Gates is trying to control us through 5g and microchips, and then another thread with 50 posts a few hours later from someone else saying hte swabs have got carcigens in (which they have, at harmless levels). So what is it, team, that bill gates wants to sell more x boxes through microchips, or that boris and the global cabal is trying to kill us? Then the next thread will be someone saying that Obama just wants to drink kids blood and is hte head of global peadophile ring, then the next that the police murdering the woman was just a false flag. It's just becomes a sounding board for occurances of paranoid, magical thinking. Just chuck whatever comes to mind onto it. People who don't tend towards this thinking, right or left, just see 4+8=78. but they just cannot see the logical jumps. there's a void there where that should be.

it's mental and i think what keeps me coming back is that there part of me that really is concerned that this stuff could grow (the capital riot a warning sign?). back in the day, magical, non-reality based thinking seemed largely contained (and I wouldn't say we were brainwashed or controlled) by a very limited national media. We filled in the blanks with books and general education, not michael on whatsapp.

no chance of them ever forming in solidarity - it's like a ball of string but instead of one long string, it's a bunch of single batshit strings scrunched together, or something.

enough, probably starting to sound as mad as them, lol (nervous laugh). #lockdown21
the groups are in meltdown over this. apparently the ships containers all contain trafficked kids. being shipped around the world.

another thing i have noticed about these groups is that they have no central core belief structure or aim amongst them. So a 10k member ship forum and nearly every post has it's own sort of conclusion, or end. So you will have one lunatic saying that Bill Gates is trying to control us through 5g and microchips, and then another thread with 50 posts a few hours later from someone else saying hte swabs have got carcigens in (which they have, at harmless levels). So what is it, team, that bill gates wants to sell more x boxes through microchips, or that boris and the global cabal is trying to kill us? Then the next thread will be someone saying that Obama just wants to drink kids blood and is hte head of global peadophile ring, then the next that the police murdering the woman was just a false flag. It's just becomes a sounding board for occurances of paranoid, magical thinking. Just chuck whatever comes to mind onto it. People who don't tend towards this thinking, right or left, just see 4+8=78. but they just cannot see the logical jumps. there's a void there where that should be.

it's mental and i think what keeps me coming back is that there part of me that really is concerned that this stuff could grow (the capital riot a warning sign?). back in the day, magical, non-reality based thinking seemed largely contained (and I wouldn't say we were brainwashed or controlled) by a very limited national media. We filled in the blanks with books and general education, not michael on whatsapp.

no chance of them ever forming in solidarity - it's like a ball of string but instead of one long string, it's a bunch of single batshit strings scrunched together, or something.

enough, probably starting to sound as mad as them, lol (nervous laugh). #lockdown21

It is interesting how little they seem to argue amongst themselves, comments claiming that virus's don't exist sit contentedly alongside claims that it's just a bad flu, or an engineered virus, and the vaccine can be a vector for microchipping or genocide, as long as its a reason to oppose it, it's unlikely to be contested etc :hmm:
the groups are in meltdown over this. apparently the ships containers all contain trafficked kids. being shipped around the world.

another thing i have noticed about these groups is that they have no central core belief structure or aim amongst them. So a 10k member ship forum and nearly every post has it's own sort of conclusion, or end. So you will have one lunatic saying that Bill Gates is trying to control us through 5g and microchips, and then another thread with 50 posts a few hours later from someone else saying hte swabs have got carcigens in (which they have, at harmless levels). So what is it, team, that bill gates wants to sell more x boxes through microchips, or that boris and the global cabal is trying to kill us? Then the next thread will be someone saying that Obama just wants to drink kids blood and is hte head of global peadophile ring, then the next that the police murdering the woman was just a false flag. It's just becomes a sounding board for occurances of paranoid, magical thinking. Just chuck whatever comes to mind onto it. People who don't tend towards this thinking, right or left, just see 4+8=78. but they just cannot see the logical jumps. there's a void there where that should be.

it's mental and i think what keeps me coming back is that there part of me that really is concerned that this stuff could grow (the capital riot a warning sign?). back in the day, magical, non-reality based thinking seemed largely contained (and I wouldn't say we were brainwashed or controlled) by a very limited national media. We filled in the blanks with books and general education, not michael on whatsapp.

no chance of them ever forming in solidarity - it's like a ball of string but instead of one long string, it's a bunch of single batshit strings scrunched together, or something.

enough, probably starting to sound as mad as them, lol (nervous laugh). #lockdown21

I've got a relative who has been skirting this stuff for most of the lockdown. Her latest thing is Germ Theory denial which I hadn't even realised was a thing
It is interesting how little they seem to argue amongst themselves, comments claiming that virus's don't exist sit contentedly alongside claims that it's just a bad flu, or an engineered virus, and the vaccine can be a vector for microchipping or genocide, as long as its a reason to oppose it, it's unlikely to be contested etc :hmm:
The blockage in the Suez should cause a slow down in the number of covid cases then. :)
the groups are in meltdown over this. apparently the ships containers all contain trafficked kids. being shipped around the world.

another thing i have noticed about these groups is that they have no central core belief structure or aim amongst them. So a 10k member ship forum and nearly every post has it's own sort of conclusion, or end. So you will have one lunatic saying that Bill Gates is trying to control us through 5g and microchips, and then another thread with 50 posts a few hours later from someone else saying hte swabs have got carcigens in (which they have, at harmless levels). So what is it, team, that bill gates wants to sell more x boxes through microchips, or that boris and the global cabal is trying to kill us? Then the next thread will be someone saying that Obama just wants to drink kids blood and is hte head of global peadophile ring, then the next that the police murdering the woman was just a false flag. It's just becomes a sounding board for occurances of paranoid, magical thinking. Just chuck whatever comes to mind onto it. People who don't tend towards this thinking, right or left, just see 4+8=78. but they just cannot see the logical jumps. there's a void there where that should be.

it's mental and i think what keeps me coming back is that there part of me that really is concerned that this stuff could grow (the capital riot a warning sign?). back in the day, magical, non-reality based thinking seemed largely contained (and I wouldn't say we were brainwashed or controlled) by a very limited national media. We filled in the blanks with books and general education, not michael on whatsapp.

no chance of them ever forming in solidarity - it's like a ball of string but instead of one long string, it's a bunch of single batshit strings scrunched together, or something.

enough, probably starting to sound as mad as them, lol (nervous laugh). #lockdown21

They seem ripe for some demagogue. A lot of them latched on to Trump without him really taking advantage of. Are we going to have to suffer through come absolute cunt getting into power and more skilfully manipulating these people for their own ends, before the danger of these loons is more widely recognised? Anti-Semitism is basically a conspiracy theory, and there seems to be a disturbing amount of crossover between the anti-Jewish lot and the conspiracy lot.

Trump was an obvious piece of shit, but I worry that he might have been just a dry run for someone more clever, subtle and insidious to come along and push the same kind of buttons without alerting the liberals too much, who've all gone to sleep now that's Trump's out of office.
They seem ripe for some demagogue. A lot of them latched on to Trump without him really taking advantage of. Are we going to have to suffer through come absolute cunt getting into power and more skilfully manipulating these people for their own ends, before the danger of these loons is more widely recognised? Anti-Semitism is basically a conspiracy theory, and there seems to be a disturbing amount of crossover between the anti-Jewish lot and the conspiracy lot.

Trump was an obvious piece of shit, but I worry that he might have been just a dry run for someone more clever, subtle and insidious to come along and push the same kind of buttons without alerting the liberals too much, who've all gone to sleep now that's Trump's out of office.
I don't know. I'm not sure of ability or extent it can spread. It's projection politics at its worst. I Don't want to get all Jungian, but I believe they are projecting every dark slithering part of their psyche externally. We all do this, to greater or lesser extents. That's why a lot of it is about sex and perversion and sinister forces. It has little or nothing to do with actual material political reality.
They seem ripe for some demagogue. A lot of them latched on to Trump without him really taking advantage of. Are we going to have to suffer through come absolute cunt getting into power and more skilfully manipulating these people for their own ends, before the danger of these loons is more widely recognised? Anti-Semitism is basically a conspiracy theory, and there seems to be a disturbing amount of crossover between the anti-Jewish lot and the conspiracy lot.

Trump was an obvious piece of shit, but I worry that he might have been just a dry run for someone more clever, subtle and insidious to come along and push the same kind of buttons without alerting the liberals too much, who've all gone to sleep now that's Trump's out of office.
I think it's interesting though that as Trump imploded there was a huge amount of division within online Trumpworld between far right Trump supporters and Q-Anon believers - with the far right belatedly realising that having these people in the tent was not helpful whatsoever politically as a) it made them look crazy and b) the 'trust the plan' mantra of the Q-Anonists meant they were really passive, always expecting Trump to prevail even weeks after he'd gone. Perhaps though we have been lucky that this has been so completely batshit, and so scattergun in conflicting beliefs, that it hasn't completely cohered into a simple straightforward conspiracy narrative that could have wider appeal.
the 'trust the plan' mantra of the Q-Anonists meant they were really passive, always expecting Trump to prevail even weeks after he'd gone.

The bit on their passivity is spot on. Some QAnon types seemed like sad case celebrity worshippers who"d got redpilled in the wake of #MeToo and other revelations into the truly sleazy world of the famous. Brits are generally pretty cynical about celebrities but lots of Americans project a bizarre goofy idealism onto famous people and evidently become angry and disoriented when they're let down.
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