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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

the tracklisting for the latest Van Morrison album looks quite something. Looking forward to finding out who the 'they' that own the media are.

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That's fucking appalling. Who puts 28 songs on an album? It's alright if you're writing 60-second hardcore or 30-second grind songs, but having that many songs on an album where you're also going past the five- and six- minute song mark is just inexcusable. On the other hand, I read some of the posts on the next page about "Morrison's always been a twat" first, and I'm glad that it didn't turn out to be Grant.

Anyway, not UK based but might as well go here, LA black bloc vs anti-vaxxers with silly hats: Los Angeles, CA: Antifascists Confront far-Right, Anti-Vaxxers Outside of Vaccine Injection Site - It's Going Down
Argh! My brother's girlfriend reckons Israel (apparently) requiring visitors to have some sort of electronic proof of vaccination is 'like the Nazis all over again.':facepalm:
I've even seen some of these nutters claim that in Israel you have to wear a star if you get the vaccine. They provided no proof though, and didn't say if it was a yellow star of david, but I got the idea. The comparison to Nazi Germany was there.
Piers Corbyn arrested again.
And again today.
I think it depends on the religious stuff eg fewer Jews or animists will I think be found among the ranks of qanon than twice too often born again Xians

i'm not sure these numbers are dispositive but i'm going to disposit anyway.

the Qanon/antivax/stopthesteal stuff is more prevalent in the states among fundamentalists imho because of its solipsistic mindframe: your religious/personal work, whatever you want to call it, is an individual relationship, with god/the world. my rights! amongst, say, catholics and quakers, your beliefs are (theoretically) to be mediated, by the church (catholics) or the meeting (quakers). i don't know but i'm going to guess that the loonery has not gotten far with Friends; it certainly hasn't gotten far among RCs. in my officially-secular-but-still-kinda-catholic workplace i'm in the dwindling minority who haven't yet gotten the shot. and:

Receiving the COVID-19 vaccine ought to be understood as an act of charity toward the other members of our community," they said. "In this way, being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility for the common good.

not to mention that this trumpism/qanonism is a rival belief system and will get no official toleration. it's only popular among rightwingers:
(it wasn't a mutual decision, he was shown the door by the bishop. he blames "catholic antifa" for cancelling him.)

being a believer does not in itself prime a person to dive into Qanonism, but i agree with Pickman's model the kind of believer you are might.
Out in force today. These utter fucking dickheads. Seriously, all of them. If people share a different world view than me, I have no issue - it really interests me more than bothers me. I might actually learn from such people. I quickly get bored if everyone has the same views.

But these utter, utter fucking dickheads - they literally are building citadels of bile out of absoloutly nothing. I may sound dramatic, but there is almost something demonic within the reasoning of the worst of them. Like a sort of heartless brainlessness - a heady mix of extreme thickness and blood thirsty nastiness.

I probably sound dramatic but I've monitoried many of these groups for months. Qanon, anti mask, anti vax - if these groups morph and start fencing in parts of the mainstream then god help us. It's like any kind of reasoning is now up for grabs, when before we had a sort of shakey, falable agreement that we should at least try and follow reality. Not with this lot.

as I mentioned, i lost a very close friend to this particular rabit hole. a friend who is still in contact with him got a text from him the other day that read "if you get that poison in your arm, i will never speak to you again."
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