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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Apologies if this has been posted in another sub-forum, quite bonkers story; what looks like a deliberate bomb attack on a testing centre. The article says it's not the first attack on similar things in the country.

Well yeah - though Vernon Coleman is (or was, probably retired by now) a doctor - he just to be a regular in the media decades ago, has always been a crank (eg thought AIDS was a hoax). He's always been anti vivisection, which is why some animal rights activists quote him without noticing what a loon he is on other issues.

Coleman is a straight-up crank on most stuff. He bought in big to the whole "autism is caused by child vaccination" balls, as well as the AIDS hoax bullshit.
My James post above has now been edited, because of the risk of people mixing up two really-easily-confused acts :D :p

(I suppose you needed to have read the BBC link, TBF)
I'd been hearing that :(

It really pissed me off, mainly because I'd been keenly hoping to get to see a The The festival gig at some point, when things got nearer to normal for those!
Did you not see him at Glastonbury that time? He was fucking great. My brother had never heard him and came away a fan.

Yep he always had a thing about being a bit possessed by the devil, which I just thought was an interesting lyrical thing. But he's gone right down the 'world run by a satanic cabal' hole.
Did you not see him at Glastonbury that time? He was fucking great. My brother had never heard him and came away a fan.

Yes, I have vague memories of the set being top-grade :), but quite a few gigs from that long ago are hard to remember for obvious reasons ... :(

(There could be a thread in that thought for ageing Urban gig and festgoers to play with, elsewhere/some other time! :cool: )
Yes, I have vague memories of the set being top-grade :), but quite a few gigs from that long ago are hard to remember for obvious reasons ... :(

(There could be a thread in that thought for ageing Urban gig and festgoers to play with, elsewhere/some other time! :cool: )
I remember being very chuffed he was on the bill as he didn't play live much so I'd always missed him. Would've liked to have seen The The when Johnny Marr was playing with him.

Bloody hell, poor old Johnny Marr eh? All his singers go fucking mental. :D
James (the band!), who are replacing Brown, will in any case provide better entertainment, with better songs, IMO :)
I never rated James until I saw them live, always thought of them as a mediocre pop act but realised how wrong I was. The singer (Tim something?) is a proper showman. Not better than the stone roses but miles better than Ian brown as a solo artist
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