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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Encountered a shop assistant yesterday (clearly leading a sheltered life, as this is the first real-life covid doubter I have come across) who didn't "believe" in it.

"I don't believe in it, you know. I think it's like a cold that you can get rid of. [conspiratorial whisper] I have had a friend, you know, who died from a cold, but they put coronavirus".




met police events twitter feed said:
A large group of protesters have moved off from #TrafalgarSquare and are ignoring officers directions.

This gathering is unlawful and is putting others at risk.

We are directing those there to go home.

Failure to do so will result in enforcement action.
What a fucking dickhead, they should have just called the police for back-up.
Nah, they did precisely what they should have done: ask questions relating to the law, record the situation and the replies (mostly refusals to answer questions) and let the cops come back later.
The number of supportive comments on that Facebook post is utterly depressing, zero solidarity. It seems the fuckwittery has spread beyond the drippy new age pricks to common or garden bellends. We’re fucked.
See the covidiots in Piccadilly Gardens yesterday…? One posted on Twatter, under a video of an alleged anti-lockdown protest in Germany: “Europe should do this every day, end this shit” (unsurprisingly, he’s also a gammon, so him acknowledging that the U.K. is part of Europe is summat, I suppose…). I can manage to get my head around most forms of dumbfuckery to an extent, but how can you be so dense that you don’t realise that, by gathering en masse you are simply guaranteeing more lockdowns - that you, because you are an irresponsibly selfish dickhead, are guaranteeing we stay in lockdown indefinitely…?

Every time I see one of these ‘freedom‘ marches (and the irony does make me laugh because you can guarantee that the vast majority of them will have voted for Brexit) I think of my parents friend Christine (76) who has COPD, and needs oxygen almost 24/7. Thankfully Buckinghamshire is below the national average for infections (136). She’s a mum and a granny, and her OH is her full time carer. Thankfully I’ve not heard from my mum that anything’s happened to her, but it’s always in the back of my mind.

I’m vehemently against mass surveillance but, in instances like this, we need some way of identifying everyone who was at that protest. Then, after they’ve been identified and we’re past the covid incubation period, they should be forced to take a test. If it’s positive, that info should be passed to their GP and their local hospital so that, if they turn up to either, they can be politely told to go fuck themselves. Why the fuck should the NHS waste precious resources on people who wilfully put themselves - and others - at risk…? And, no, it’s NOT a breach of your human rights. Article 5 of the HRA explicitly states that you can be lawfully detained if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you are a vector of a communicable disease.

Rant over! 😠😡🤬🤯
Yeah, fuck smokers, drinkers, windsurfers too.

Another 'Freeman of the Land' loon, gym owner refuses close based on common law, refuses to consent, refuses to give her details so a £1000 fine can be issued, got herself arrested, got 10 of her members inside fined £200 each, and got herself issued with a prohibition notice to close from the local council, which will increase penalties if she re-opens. :D

Another 'Freeman of the Land' loon, gym owner refuses close based on common law, refuses to consent, refuses to give her details so a £1000 fine can be issued, got herself arrested, got 10 of her members inside fined £200 each, and got herself issued with a prohibition notice to close from the local council, which will increase penalties if she re-opens. :D

If they continue get the 'bailiffs' in and confiscate all their equipment. :)
Another 'Freeman of the Land' loon, gym owner refuses close based on common law, refuses to consent, refuses to give her details so a £1000 fine can be issued, got herself arrested, got 10 of her members inside fined £200 each, and got herself issued with a prohibition notice to close from the local council, which will increase penalties if she re-opens. :D

Apparently the one in the soft play area was ex Bristol City right back Bradley Orr. :facepalm:
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