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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

It’s like they believe in magic words
They are magic words and so far they're working for him. Three visits from Plod and three times they have left and his business is still open. At some point Plod will either have to a) accept he is going to stay open or b) come back mob handed and shut him down by force. Which is kind of how the law works, it relies on people obeying it voluntarily but ultimately heads will get busted if they don't
I suppose if primary schools are open, letting toddlers scramble over play equipment isn't much worse ?
I feel sorry for the plant and Xmas tree shop up the road - half their stock on the pavement, double door always open - it's more like a market stall ...
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this is just brilliant.
A Freeman Of The Land trying to use the magna carta to make it so he can keep his soft play center open .

i couldn't rest until i found PART TWO of that encounter, here it is for any other weirdos.
There's more:

Trouble is he's made monkeys out of the coppers in all of those and the FoT twats will see those encounters as victories.

They should've just cuffed the cunt and dragged him down the nick. It's about time this bollocks was ended once and for all.
This afternoon's timewasting has been to look up details of various versions of, and clauses in, the Magna Carta - apparently though only three from the 1297 statute are actually still on the books, and #61 didn't even make it into that at all.

Only three clauses of Magna Carta still remain on statute in England and Wales. These clauses concern 1) the freedom of the English Church, 2) the "ancient liberties" of the City of London (clause 13 in the 1215 charter, clause 9 in the 1297 statute), and 3) a right to due legal process (clauses 39 and 40 in the 1215 charter, clause 29 in the 1297 statute). In detail, these clauses (using the numbering system from the 1297 statute) state that:

I. FIRST, We have granted to God, and by this our present Charter have confirmed, for Us and our Heirs for ever, that the Church of England shall be free, and shall have all her whole Rights and Liberties inviolable. We have granted also, and given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to have and to hold to them and their Heirs, of Us and our Heirs for ever.
IX. THE City of London shall have all the old Liberties and Customs which it hath been used to have. Moreover We will and grant, that all other Cities, Boroughs, Towns, and the Barons of the Five Ports, as with all other Ports, shall have all their Liberties and free Customs.
XXIX. NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.

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View attachment 237062

fucking loons
The text equivalent of the 2 hour YouTube video :rolleyes:
They are magic words and so far they're working for him. Three visits from Plod and three times they have left and his business is still open. At some point Plod will either have to a) accept he is going to stay open or b) come back mob handed and shut him down by force. Which is kind of how the law works, it relies on people obeying it voluntarily but ultimately heads will get busted if they don't

Not sure I would describe collecting ever increasing fines as working for him, TBH.

He'll probably contest them in court, collect more costs, refuse to pay, and end-up in prison.

The twat.
One of my local anti-mask/vaxers is busy crowdsourcing a letter for local businesses (including his) to send to the government, which begins:
"Put the government on notice of "conditional acceptance" NOW.
This is the highest form of honour, they have made you an OFFER you have ACCEPTED it under CONDITIONS, the ball is then in their court, they MUST rebut your points with clear factual evidence."

And goes on to include a hodge podge of allegations about the pandemic mixed with quasi-legal stuff I recognise from the Freeman / Get out of Debt with Magic Words school of jurisprudence.

A contributor argues that it is a mistake to include words all in capitals, as they will be ignored by the government! So easy to get this stuff wrong and the magic fails.
View attachment 237062

fucking loons
And this appearing on UKIP pages is not in the least surprising. But the petition dates from 7 years back so it seems to have been given a new lease of life by the current loons.

Can't be arsed watching all of that, so I skipped forward a bit and saw a cop saying something like "Erm, that actually doesn't make any sense." :D
I watched it all the way through the cop on the left did almost all the talking and was very reasonable throughout.
Not sure I would describe collecting ever increasing fines as working for him, TBH.

He'll probably contest them in court, collect more costs, refuse to pay, and end-up in prison.

The twat.
The head busting can be metaphorical, it doesn't have to involve any actual skulls no matter how thick they seem
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