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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

From editor 's post earlier .....

Among the protesters taking part was Chloe Toop, 32, a schoolteacher. “I’m doing it for the next generation, fighting for them,” she said, adding that she was anxious about young people “not having a life that I have growing up, not being able to go on holiday or to festivals”.

You'd better not be planning to go to any of the many festivals we'll be heading for in Normal Times, loon-twat! :mad: :mad: :hmm: :rolleyes:
editor said:

It would be nice to see it implemented first :facepalm:

Not sure that this is altogether that loon-thread relevant really :oops:

I was chatting with a couple of mates (who are very anti-loon and pro-vaccination :cool: ) about ten days ago, and they're both absolutely paranoid that the more vaccination refuseniks there might be, the more dangerous it will be for the sanity-merchants who'll be queueing up for vaccines.

I really doubt that I got my friends' logic there though :confused:

Surely, in that theoretical circumstance, the safest of all people would be the enthusiastically-getting-the-vaccine people?
People who'll maskwearingly pass by the nutter-protesters outside clinics and go 'Fuck you, you muppets! We're the ones in safety now!' :p ;) :beer:

I appreciate (in reality :oops: ) that the more who refuse vaccines there'll be, the less (genuine, vaccine-protected) herd immunity will work :( :(

But in terms of personal safety, the presence of Wakefieldists/Piers Corbynists ( :mad: ) wouldn't be too much to worry about for the vaccinated, intelligent,, logical and rational cohort**, would there? :confused:

**:cool: :thumbs: ;)
A question- my 16 year old has not heard of QAnon but follows Anonymous on Twitter does anyone know if there is a link between the two?
Well there you have it
Scientists in Brazil have linked resistance to Covid-19 safety measures, such as wearing a mask, with antisocial personality traits.

Their study was the first of its kind in Latin America and surveyed over 1,500 people aged 18-73.

Using a questionnaire, the scientists sought to identify the participants’ affective resonance - their impulse to act on feelings stirred by another person - and asked a series of personality questions about how well certain statements represented their behaviour on a scale.

The survey also asked about compliance with Covid-19 containment measures over time, such as mask wearing.

When profiles were analysed, two were identified: an antisocial pattern profile who were resistant to Covid-19 safety measures and an empathy pattern profile who were compliant.

The antisocial profile was linked to higher scores in the personality questions related to “callousness, deceitfulness, hostility, impulsivity, irresponsibility, manipulativeness, and risk-taking”, antisocial traits which, the study notes, “are typically present in people diagnosed with Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)". This group also had lower scores in affective resonance.

The empathy pattern profile showed higher scores in affective resonance and lower scores in the traits associated with ASPD.

At least one of them has finally changed his mind

Covid: Anti-masker who caught virus had 'worst two weeks'

A man who refused to wear a mask to protect himself from Covid-19 after believing fake theories about the disease has said battling the virus was "the worst two weeks of my life". Trevor Jones from Bolton said he initially listened to those who told him coronavirus was "man flu" or linked to the 5G network, but became gravely ill after testing positive in September.
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