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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I hooked up on FB with an ex girlfriend and we were getting on really well, with talk of meeting up for a drink soon.

But then the conspiracy bullshit started to flow from Pyramid batteries and ancient Egyptians inventing the light bulb to the full suite of anti vaxx bobshattery,

So that drink's been put on permanent hold.
Here's a new one from a mate of a mate on Facebook.

The migrants crossing the channel are actually UN soldiers, sent here by the WHO to enforce the next pandemic lockdown.

I'd been wondering for a while what the next step for the Covid conspiraloons would be given that it's fading away as a thing. Now we know one angle, anyway.

Naturally, had a look at this fella's profile and it ticks all the boxes - Bill Gates, that mural Jeremy Corbyn liked, David Icke, chemtrails, pedophile elites - but there was also a new one on me that Microsoft have bought Coca-Cola which supposedly has some pernicious tracking chemical in it along with the all the known-about dodgy stuff.
Here's a new one from a mate of a mate on Facebook.

The migrants crossing the channel are actually UN soldiers, sent here by the WHO to enforce the next pandemic lockdown.

I'd been wondering for a while what the next step for the Covid conspiraloons would be given that it's fading away as a thing. Now we know one angle, anyway.

Naturally, had a look at this fella's profile and it ticks all the boxes - Bill Gates, that mural Jeremy Corbyn liked, David Icke, chemtrails, pedophile elites - but there was also a new one on me that Microsoft have bought Coca-Cola which supposedly has some pernicious tracking chemical in it along with the all the known-about dodgy stuff.

TBH, that one has been kicking around in various forms for decades, even pre-WWW.

I remember people back in the 1970s banging-on about how the proliferation of Chinese takeaways was really the PLA's catering corps getting themselves positioned to support an imminent invasion...! A few years later, it was the all-new Indian Takeaways, then Kebab shops that gave them the fears. :D

More recently, a lot of the ones I come across have been repositioning themselves against immigration/diversity and "cultural erosion" in various ways.
Torygraph story getting the anti-vaxxers excited

Covid vaccines could be partly to blame for the rise in excess deaths since the pandemic, scientists have suggested.
Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.
They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate the underlying causes, including possible vaccine harms.
Funnily enough if you look at the original paper that's not what the researchers are saying:)

they mention several other possibilities and can't say how significant they all are. Does need to be studied though, and they've called for more transparency in covid data.
It was the Telegraph that promoted vaccine as main possibility, in the paper it's only discussed as a possibility alongside the impact of containment measures, restricted healthcare and socioeconomic upheaval during the pandemic.

Some might be covid complications, plus there were predictions of an increase in deaths because of late diagnoses cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia etc. Or perhaps in the UK it might be down to increased pressure on NHS.
It was the Telegraph that promoted vaccine as main possibility, in the paper it's only discussed as a possibility alongside the impact of containment measures, restricted healthcare and socioeconomic upheaval during the pandemic.

Some might be covid complications, plus there were predictions of an increase in deaths because of late diagnoses cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia etc. Or perhaps in the UK it might be down to increased pressure on NHS.
some page on facebook had something about it analysing the wording and sources (includes some fairly vocal antivax peeps sources in the paper) in french

which led me to this (I think australian) website :)
Arguing with a Rabbit Hole friend on FB.
This is the level of his debate: "Not scientifically proven to work, but anecdotally strong."
it was a french twitter thread which analysed the original paper from the BMJ looking at the wording and the sources pointing out that a lot of the wording is antivax adjacent and some paper from at least one prominent antivax french person was in the sources.
do you have a link ?
Excess mortality misinformation (amongst other RefUK lies and specious claims) was touched upon in R4's More or Less this week... (beginning 8m20s in):

Related thread:
View attachment 427677 View attachment 427678
Please let us know if you ever see any further analysis of the 20-44 age groups raised mortality rates. Ideally I'd like to see some cause of death analysis.
Please let us know if you ever see any further analysis of the 20-44 age groups raised mortality rates. Ideally I'd like to see some cause of death analysis.
There could be all sorts of confounders there. One factor, in part, might be due to migration resulting in the incorrect cohort population estimate. What is clear is that the most vaccinated group (continues to be repeatedly vaccinated group) isn't exhibiting any significant excess. Additionally, the very small 20-44 excess isn't seen in comparable countries (European figures for the closest comparable cohort have been below baseline in recent months).
There could be all sorts of confounders there. One factor, in part, might be due to migration resulting in the incorrect cohort population estimate. What is clear is that the most vaccinated group (continues to be repeatedly vaccinated group) isn't exhibiting any significant excess. Additionally, the very small 20-44 excess isn't seen in comparable countries (European figures for the closest comparable cohort have been below baseline in recent months).
Yeah I dont have any vaccine angle in mind myself, I was just interested in general because I've seen this stuff in raw mortality data in the past too, not adjusted for population. And certainly I believe the ONS changed to a different population estimate at some point quite a way through the pandemic.

If the trend isnt down to population estimates or genuine population changes, then other possible reasons could include impaired health services, the virus itself, and various socio-economic factors either related or unrelated to the pandemic and its impacts.
TBH, that one has been kicking around in various forms for decades, even pre-WWW.

I remember people back in the 1970s banging-on about how the proliferation of Chinese takeaways was really the PLA's catering corps getting themselves positioned to support an imminent invasion...! A few years later, it was the all-new Indian Takeaways, then Kebab shops that gave them the fears. :D

More recently, a lot of the ones I come across have been repositioning themselves against immigration/diversity and "cultural erosion" in various ways.
Why do you think Windsor Castle is ringed by Chinese restaurants?

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