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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

This seems like a hypothesis that would be relatively trivial to put to the test. Even if we ignore the fact that we can already detect ionising radiation and are aware of its effects on the human body (which do not look like the typical ageing process), we can study cave ecologies and even have people live underground for extended periods (or study populations of people who do likewise) in order to determine if a lack of exposure from whatever space radiation somehow makes its way through the atmosphere has any effect on the progression of ageing.

I don't understand why religious fundamentalists cling to ideas that can be so easily falsified. Whatever happened to having faith?
Given that faith is about believing things in the absence of any evidence, I'd say, if nothing else, that viewpoints like this are pure proof of the existence of faith... :D
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When I think about it calmly I've got sympathy based on people screwed over and left behind by neoliberalism, inequality, lack of opportunity. Theres a reservoir of mistrust that had a rational source, but the holes it then leaks out of are anything but rational, saying its misplaced doesnt even begin to do it justice.

I'd be lying if I claimed I can effectively carry that sympathy over to the worst of people and the ways this shit manifests in the current age. Its easy for me to wank on about what happens when communities and sense of belonging and shared worldview are fractured and reform in mutated, misguided ways, its not easy for me to come to terms with quite how ugly that can be in practice.
Was at a big gathering for one of my oldest friends' 60th. Met many people I hadn't seen in years. One turned out to be a Covid skeptic. An old friend, whose son I’d taught guitar years previously. He said lockdown was worse than Covid and when I said I had long Covid he said I probably got it from the vaccine. When I said I'd had it since before the first vaccine he expressed doubt that could be accurate, and furthermore seemed unconvinced that my pre lockdown Covid (which resulted in my LC) was as bad as I said.

It was very sad. I absented myself from the conversation. I found it hurtful and depressing.
Was at a big gathering for one of my oldest friends' 60th. Met many people I hadn't seen in years. One turned out to be a Covid skeptic. An old friend, whose son I’d taught guitar years previously. He said lockdown was worse than Covid and when I said I had long Covid he said I probably got it from the vaccine. When I said I'd had it since before the first vaccine he expressed doubt that could be accurate, and furthermore seemed unconvinced that my pre lockdown Covid (which resulted in my LC) was as bad as I said.

It was very sad. I absented myself from the conversation. I found it hurtful and depressing.

I had someone telling me the other day that my LC was probably caused by the vaccine, when I pointed out I developed it before the first jab, he then said there's no such thing as LC anyway, talk about moving the goal posts. :facepalm:
The Jehovah's Witnesses (or Jehovah's I-Never-Saw-Nothing, as they are called in certain parts of the East End of London) claim that humans lived to hundreds of years before the Flood. The "waters above" protected human beings from radiation from space. The waters above then fell from the sky for forty days and nights, causing the flood. Since then, ionising radiation has been able to reach the surface of the Earth and the people on it, causing the average lifespan to be much shorter.
God can be such a cunt sometimes
Was at a big gathering for one of my oldest friends' 60th. Met many people I hadn't seen in years. One turned out to be a Covid skeptic. An old friend, whose son I’d taught guitar years previously. He said lockdown was worse than Covid and when I said I had long Covid he said I probably got it from the vaccine. When I said I'd had it since before the first vaccine he expressed doubt that could be accurate, and furthermore seemed unconvinced that my pre lockdown Covid (which resulted in my LC) was as bad as I said.

It was very sad. I absented myself from the conversation. I found it hurtful and depressing.
What’s his job? I assume he’s the head of a virology uni department or something?

But yes sorry mate about that, must be depressing. Kind of know that the only thing to do is let go in situations like that.
No it hasn't...

You're confused. You are outside of reality, introducing specious drivel.

Full MMR coverage has fallen below the necessary 95%† in all regions, and significantly so in many highly populated urban areas.
† WHO target, considering the base reproduction number approaches 18.

Not by the incomplete, stale and misinterpreted out of context 'stats' that you are hawking.
the R number of Measles is significant

there is now the suggestion / requirment that Measles patients should be seen and cared for by Staff in 'red ' PPE even if vaccinated / have previously had measles
Here's the soundtrack for all the conspiracy twats

I met a bloke who told me about his South American ayahuasca experience. It did sound pretty incredible with all that stuff about extra-terrestrials coming into your brain and whatnot. I was happy to file it under 'Sounds interesting, but probably not for me,' then he told me it cured both cancer and AIDS... And I made my excuses and left, in best tabloid journo fashion.
Was at a big gathering for one of my oldest friends' 60th. Met many people I hadn't seen in years. One turned out to be a Covid skeptic. An old friend, whose son I’d taught guitar years previously. He said lockdown was worse than Covid and when I said I had long Covid he said I probably got it from the vaccine. When I said I'd had it since before the first vaccine he expressed doubt that could be accurate, and furthermore seemed unconvinced that my pre lockdown Covid (which resulted in my LC) was as bad as I said.

It was very sad. I absented myself from the conversation. I found it hurtful and depressing.
Someone so sure of their incorrect opinion that they'd scorn someone's real-life, thoroughly negative experience: I'm not surprised you found this hurtful. I would've done, too.

Well done on not reacting angrily. This would've tested me, I must admit.
Andrew Bridgen held a 'rally' outside Parliament on Thursday. A small crowd were addressed by Bridgen and an assortment of cunts and loons. They included Piers Corbyn. I hadn't realised he had also tried to stand for London Mayor but screwed up something to do with his deposit. 🤣

The @_johnbye x-twitter account has a small thread about it with names pictures and links. It's archived here as a webpage

(I've mentioned the @_johnbye x-twitter account before - it does excellent work on the anti-vax crowd if you're interested in that).
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