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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

From the John Bye x-twitter account :

John Bye: Conspiracy theorists ponder whether ''the global elite have .. a special antidote to shield themselves from COVID-19?''. Er.. it's called a vaccine.


John Bye @_Johnbye
Conspiracy theorists ponder whether "the global elite have .. a special antidote to shield themselves from COVID-19?"
Er.. it's called a vaccine. -
They did "hand it over to the rest of humanity", but you all convinced yourselves they were trying to poison you with it.
9:10 AM · Jul 21, 2024

Screencapped x-tweet by Jim Ferguson:
Jim Ferguson @JimFergusonUK
Breaking Exclusive: SHOCKING. Dr. Chris Shoemaker presents a startling viewpoint: Could the global elite have secured access to a special antidote to shield themselves from COVID-19 and potential future pandemics like the H5N1 avian flu?
"they actually know what the antidote to this whole thing is....this thing that was scientifically created and has certain genetic aspects, where it attacks certain races and circumstances more than others"
Could they be forced to hand it over to the rest of Humanity?

Breaking Exclusive: SHOCKING. Dr. Chris Shoemaker presents a startling viewpoint: Could the global elite have secured access to a special antidote to shield themselves from COVID-19 and potential future pandemics like the H5N1 avian flu?

"they actually know what the antidote to this whole thing is....this thing that was scientifically created and has certain genetic aspects, where it attacks certain races and circumstances more than others"

Could they be forced to hand it over to the rest of Humanity?

HIV strands may have been deliberately introduced into the vaccines. "This was CRISPR...done in the laboratory on purpose by the people who were paid by Daszak"

"it just so happens that the order of the nucleoids as part of what is attached to the Corona Virus has a great deal of commonality...an unbelievable commonality with the order of the ribonucleic acids in HIV"

"don't take these jabs that were intended to harm us because they've got the worst versions of these CRISPR created human attacking and attaching genomes in them"

We see the WHO and Tedros as well as other Bill Gates funded organisations constantly speak about the possibility of H5N1 causing another lockdown and pandemic and have even said that H5N1 is in the milk supplies!

After the failure to assassinate President Trump will the globalists go to plan B and attempt to thwart a free and fair election in the United States!!

Could we see another pandemic declared and another lockdown enforced to effectively cause a repeat of the election in the United States where mail in ballots saw Biden get into the White House.

"there are people in their 20s and 30s suddenly getting Type 1 Diabetes....there are many people getting new onset Type 1 Diabetes"

"this is happening because their immune system has been hurt by the jab...the immune system has made you hyper responsive and hyper attacking your own tissues"

Ivermectin could be used to help prevent people succumbing to H5N1 Avian Influenza.

"the only thing that actually kills a virus..a respiratory virus getting into your system is something called T-Cell immunity"

"these jabs create T-Cell destruction"

Financial donations can be made to support the work of Dr Shoemaker here pleasetakeallmymoney @gmail.com

Its time to get ready and prepared.

Join freedomtraininternational which is the fastest growing International Freedom movement in the World and together we can get ready for whatever comes our way.

Don't be Scared. Be Prepared.

Jim Ferguson: "Businessman entrepreneur. Founder of Freedom Train International" which is "building a network of international Freedom Fighters in a New Resistance and freedom movement across many countries." Former Brexit Party candidate. Long-term covidiot.
Conspiracy theorists ponder whether "the global elite have .. a special antidote to shield themselves from COVID-19?"
Er.. it's called a vaccine. -
They did "hand it over to the rest of humanity", but you all convinced yourselves they were trying to poison you with it.

Not even just applicable to vaccines. Vaccines dont confer 100% protection.

Health and wealth inequalities are strongly tied to covid outcomes and pandemic burden.

So when they go on about the virus attacking 'certain circumstances' and whether the elites could be forced to hand it over, actually they might, without any degree of awareness, really be pondering whether the rich should hand over all their wealth and security to the rascal multitude. Without fucking realising that this is where a sensible version of that idea actually points. And I doubt this chimes with their actual political and economic beliefs at all. But it made me laugh.
Well this is an interesting one, we spent time with a friend last night, this friend has always been a bit alternative which I quite liked and still often agree with, in many ways but it seems as though she and her housemate are fully behind the 'Vaccines cause lots of damage' viewpoint, both of them quoting Malhotra and her saying she'd happily vote for worm-in-brain Kennedy and his book on Big Pharma was thoroughly researched and fully cited. She'll happily sit through a three-hour podcast by John Campbell. It's all rather distressing,
Listening to Campbell or Malhotra, and also Trump, just makes me go ... "Wha ? ". There's just no consistent contact with anything like my experience of reality.
I'm always reminded of that radio programme, "The Long View", when I look at phenomena like this. It's tempting to assume that it's novel, and then cast around for societal novelties - social media, eg. - that might be responsible.

But "The Long View" approach (love the concept, delivery is a bit meh) would suggest that we look for examples in the past where similar things have happened - in this case, that significant swathes of the population suddenly become able to completely set their cognitive abilities aside in favour of some extreme narrative. It's definitely not new.

Then, I suppose, the question is "Did anything work last time, and what was it?"
I'm always reminded of that radio programme, "The Long View", when I look at phenomena like this. It's tempting to assume that it's novel, and then cast around for societal novelties - social media, eg. - that might be responsible.

But "The Long View" approach (love the concept, delivery is a bit meh) would suggest that we look for examples in the past where similar things have happened - in this case, that significant swathes of the population suddenly become able to completely set their cognitive abilities aside in favour of some extreme narrative. It's definitely not new.

Then, I suppose, the question is "Did anything work last time, and what was it?"
I suspect the answer would be "removal of the social tensions which led to people taking up these opinions in the first place" which while possibly true from a long view perspective is less use in the short view.
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