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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Yes (to both). :D

Although "not magnetic" becomes a fairly relative term when dealing with machines that can magnetise a glass of water.
That's assuming we are still talking about implanted microchips and MRI machines.

I'm so confused. :D
As we are mostly water wouldn't that cause us problems in a MRI scanner? :eek:
I'm lying :mad: tin's magnetic we have the answer :thumbs:

As we are mostly water wouldn't that cause us problems in a MRI scanner? :eek:

It's actually the whole point of how the scanner works. You get the protons in the water (in your body) aligned with the magnetic field, whack 'em with radiowaves to disrupt the alignment, then when they pop back into alignment energy is released which is proportionate to the water content of the originating tissues. You can also use contrast agents to adjust the realignment energies to show up particular areas.

While you wouldn't normally magnetise a glass of water, a couple of mates of mine (the MR physicists) did so in order to test a new sensor. They carried the glass of water 10 yards down the corridor to the sensor and it picked up some remaining magnetism.
It's actually the whole point of how the scanner works. You get the protons in the water (in your body) aligned with the magnetic field, whack 'em with radiowaves to disrupt the alignment, then when they pop back into alignment energy is released which is proportionate to the water content of the originating tissues. You can also use contrast agents to adjust the realignment energies to show up particular areas.
I know. I was thinking more of us being attracted to the magnet after being magnetised. :eek: :D

While you wouldn't normally magnetise a glass of water, a couple of mates of mine (the MR physicists) did so in order to test a new sensor. They carried the glass of water 10 yards down the corridor to the sensor and it picked up some remaining magnetism.
I know. I was thinking more of us being attracted to the magnet after being magnetised. :eek: :D

Fortunately the magnetism isn't on that scale. When I was told about issues with MRI scans and my pacemaker I also assumed it was the magnetism (and got the kind of horrifying visions you might expect :D ), but the bigger concern is apparently the interaction of the field and the radiowaves. Sometimes they can change frequencies to account for certain devices.

disclaimer: two thirds of this is from a pub conversation and as such may be variable in its accuracy and/or completeness, maybe sometimes the sheer magnetism is problem, I guess, though I did hear a story about someone who lied about a piercing and the result was more localised incineration than explosive tearing
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Quick rant and some. I am CEV and have since discovered a new colleague is also CEV. We also work with predominately elderly people and many vulnerable people in their homes.
The last I heard was a colleague was staunch anti vax. I have since found out that they are now self isolating as their (adult) daughter has caught covid. This has really muddied the waters
as they are booked to visit family in Jamaica in a week or two.
Said person has now tested positive; I am guessing Jamaica is now off :facepalm:
I have since found out that another of my colleagues has refused to get a vaccine - should I have to work with these people?
Said person has now tested positive; I am guessing Jamaica is now off :facepalm:
I have since found out that another of my colleagues has refused to get a vaccine - should I have to work with these people?

That's just life im afraid mate. You cant be responsible for or control other people's daft decisions beyond a certain point. It's always worth trying to influence people you work with in gentle and questioning ways though without berating condescending or attacking them. I've tried to do that recently. In the end though yes a fair chunk of people are not gonna get vaccinated and that sucks but you wont change it through anger/anxiety/misanthropy.
I think the only thing you can do (beyond normal human interactions of asking them why, and discussing it/taking the piss/explaining/etc.) is talk to occupational health or managers or similar about your concerns. For me concern might be less the non-vaccinated, and more that it might be an indicator that they're not following other guidelines carefully as well. The anti-vaxxer I had contact with was clearly ignoring all other mitigation measures as well, and had to be told repeatedly to wear a mask in the workplace etc.
That's just life im afraid mate. You cant be responsible for or control other people's daft decisions beyond a certain point. It's always worth trying to influence people you work with in gentle and questioning ways though without berating condescending or attacking them. I've tried to do that recently. In the end though yes a fair chunk of people are not gonna get vaccinated and that sucks but you wont change it through anger/anxiety/misanthropy.
I'd make a point of masking up every time I was in a room with the antivaxxer.
Maybe too tolerant idk. I’ve just apologised for my initial reaction, tried to explain it etc. I am a bit extreme I think.

I dunno, I'd likely be the same. At the very least I'd lose a chunk of respect for their judgement and ability to make good decisions, and that could easily impact the friendship on some level. Maybe if she's just after a casual thing stuff like that matters less anyway?
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I dunno, I'd likely be the same. At the very least I'd lose a chunk of respect for their judgement and ability to make good decisions, and that could easly impact the friendship on some level. Maybe if she's just after a casual thing stuff like that matters less anyway?
Yeah, that’s why it makes me so sad. I’ve taken the time now to check out the content of what he was telling her (she sent it to me to ask if there was truth in it) and been able to prove that every single mad statement in it is totally wrong / a lie . So that will hopefully do the job.
Yeah, that’s why it makes me so sad. I’ve taken the time now to check out the content of what he was telling her (she sent it to me to ask if there was truth in it) and been able to prove that every single mad statement in it is totally wrong / a lie . So that will hopefully do the job.

So they've been messaging/in contact and he's been sending her a bunch of anti-vax/conspiracy stuff?!

Yeah it’s not the first time either. Honestly, this stuff (conspiracism) used to be a sort of special interest of mine but since covid it’s just a daily depressing doom-fest, it’s ducking everywhere, those who were already that way inclined have gone all the way out but must be many millions of new adherents now to the relevant YouTube truth tellers. I seem to find myself discussing it daily. Exhausting. Best year for david Icke and co since the millennium.
I think I’m an extremist. Friend is going to meet some dude off tinder who uses the phrase ‘The Mainstrean tells us..’ (in relation to covid) and I feel like she is being an idiot to even meet him. So tired of this shit.

I matched with an attractive looking lady on POF. Then I started reading her profile... "questions everything"... "smiles, not masks".

I presume to these people "questions everything" means everything except the dodgy anti-vaxx vid you found on YouTube?
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