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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

I didn’t know a Pfizer trial killed African children.
And of course I’d agree it’s everyone’s right to refuse the vaccine if they don’t want it in their bodies. But that is an individual choice which affects the wider community.
I know it is very difficult subject. If I can mind on later on there was a good article article about this thing another country had tried to increase vaccine uptake which was really successful, TUNE IN TOMORROW WHEN I'M NOT CROSS EYED
I regularly thank fuck that a u75 Socialist Utopia is never going to happen. :D

Though I suppose I could definitely do with losing some weight. :hmm:

You and Mojo need to now identify the proponents of "A socialist utopia" cause fuck knows what youse are on about. Discussing alternatives to capitalism doesn't mean you think the right set of people will deliver 100 per cent ticks to your amazon political wish list.
And no, I don't think socialist alternatives to
Tyranny (I hate that word but whatever) or not, by this point much shit hitting the fan environmentally is basically inevitable isnt it. That's going to have consequences for most people's individual freedom, even if we suddenly lived in a socialist utopia tomorrow.

Actually now I think of it, most Socialist Utopias I can imagine would rely on a lot of individuals sacrificing a fair amount of freedom. The question is, for what purposes is it OK for the state or even just the community, to make individuals give up those freedoms?
Sit down Lenin
And aside from going to the cinema twice, I haven't done anything of the sort.
I didn't say you did. :confused:

But do you think people should be able to be subjected to medical procedures in order to do these things, and where do you or don't you draw the line...?
If I want to go to certain countries on holiday I have to get the relevant vaccinations. We have a medical emergency on at the moment so why shouldn't you be expected to be vaccinated before going somewhere where it's more likely that the virus can spread. If we can eliminate the virus by people following simple rules instead of being selfish dicks then we can get rid of the covid passports. So yes I do believe people should be subject to these vaccinations just as you should get the childhood vaccinations.
See how my post isn't so bonkers after all, cupid_stunt ? Can you see how the direction of travel in technological development, when combined with other social and ecological pressures, could result in some very concerning tendencies? Throw in a precedent-setting change in the relationship between state and individual in regards to bodily autonomy, and you get something quite terrifying.

Yes it is, you are bonkers, look at the state of your paranoia...

Soon? Maybe not. But it depends what your time horizon is. I think it is possible that in 100 years we will all be some form of China.

You 'think' that vaccine passports could possibility result in the UK becoming 'some form of China' in a 100 years. :facepalm:
Yet another reason to mask up around the maskless nutters. Their breath smells like farts, probably cos they won't have those toothbrushes imposed on themselves

It is of course sensible to keep farts in your trousers rather than whip your trousers down and blast away
Have we had this yet?

Yeah, all over the place. Needs to have some kind of health/eye/vomit inducing warning. 🤮
Yes it is, you are bonkers, look at the state of your paranoia...

You 'think' that vaccine passports could possibility result in the UK becoming 'some form of China' in a 100 years. :facepalm:
Hey surely all sorts of bullshit could happen in 100 years CS.

As I said I would share this yesterday- I think I might have originally picked this up on urban- but here’s an article about a program in Quebec that seemingly reduced vaccine hesitancy by 40 per cent....

I've been thinking about how some sceptics or 'COVID has been overhyped' types are going 'Well, I don't know anyone who's died' and the fact is, I don't directly know anyone who's died either, but I do have two friends who have lost a parent and my parents have lost a friend, and thats 3 more friends or family connections killed by the same virus within 18 months than has ever been the case in my life. Some twat replied to mate posting the Guardian story about the very fit 42 year old guy who died of COVID as basically he was convinced against the vaccine with 'Oh you can get hit by a car and they'll say you died of COVID these days'. I mean, Jesus....
I know loads who have had it including several family members and they have varied from shrugged it off as little worse than a cold to being very ill with it but I don't know personally anyone who has died. I know loads of people who know of people who have died. My brother's youngest and only daughter works in a nursing home (the same one where my Gran spent her final years) and they have lost a third of their residents to it.
Middle Q worked as a nurse in A&E when this started and she has seen loads die of it and has lost several colleagues to it.
The fact that is so variable in its effects doesn't help convince people it's real. Middle Q caught it and was quite poorly with it. Paddy her fiance was barely effected at all. According to my brother my niece had it and had no symptoms whatsoever it was only caught by a test sadly after it completely floored my brother and sister-in-law.
I've been thinking about how some sceptics or 'COVID has been overhyped' types are going 'Well, I don't know anyone who's died' and the fact is, I don't directly know anyone who's died either, but I do have two friends who have lost a parent and my parents have lost a friend, and thats 3 more friends or family connections killed by the same virus within 18 months than has ever been the case in my life. Some twat replied to mate posting the Guardian story about the very fit 42 year old guy who died of COVID as basically he was convinced against the vaccine with 'Oh you can get hit by a car and they'll say you died of COVID these days'. I mean, Jesus....

One of the guys who worked in my local Spar died of Covid. Older gentleman, I didn't really know him, but he was definitely a familiar face to me. Now he's gone. They're all family working there, it must have been hard for them.

Thinking about it now, these tinfoil scum and their endless excuses and rationalisations actually make me fucking furious. How fucking dare you, fucking selfish pricks.
Well quite NoXion - it also pisses me off with their attitude of 'You people are all so scared of a thing that's really not that dangerous', as if we all think covid means instant death and piles of bodies everywhere. No, we're just aware of nuance and the issue isn't that it's the deadliest disease ever or that it kills more people than anything else, it's that it hits so many people at the same time when uncontrolled that it overwhelms the health system. Yes, I imagined that an actual global pandemic would feature more terror of death and less boredom and staying at home, but things aren't always what you expect.
I've been thinking about how some sceptics or 'COVID has been overhyped' types are going 'Well, I don't know anyone who's died' and the fact is, I don't directly know anyone who's died either, but I do have two friends who have lost a parent and my parents have lost a friend, and thats 3 more friends or family connections killed by the same virus within 18 months than has ever been the case in my life. Some twat replied to mate posting the Guardian story about the very fit 42 year old guy who died of COVID as basically he was convinced against the vaccine with 'Oh you can get hit by a car and they'll say you died of COVID these days'. I mean, Jesus....
Oh, I hear that a fair bit. "They just put Covid on the death certificate, whatever you died of..." :rolleyes:
he was convinced against the vaccine with 'Oh you can get hit by a car and they'll say you died of COVID these days'. I mean, Jesus....

But the corollary is if you get hit by a car after getting the vaccine, the nutters will say you died of the vaccine. All that magnetism must have attracted the car maybe, or perhaps it was the excellent 5G signal that tempted their eyes from the road.

My partner's grandmother died of it, as did the chap who ran my local corner shop; not people I knew well, but certainly people I knew directly.
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