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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

Someone Who Isn't Me in this house insists on making sure all switches are turned off before we go out or away.

Well it is that person's house, after all!

Reason : upbringing ..... and inherited fear of lightening strikes and risk of fire .....

I also (now!) have to follow this oh-so-sensible example ........ something I never bothered with prior to the age of 45! ;)

Luckily no actual unpluggings need to be done .... and at least the fridge stays on ..... it's the only exception though!
Yeah..but do you think some of them would get banned? I know for a fact some of mine would.

The one good IRL mate I have who is a member got bored to tears by the enforcing of orthodox opinions and the lack of meaningful discussions over actual points of disagreement and might have got provocative just to liven things up, but just became a non-poster instead. I think most of my other mates would either feel intimidated or alienated.

That's not a gripe about the place by the way; it is what it is. This was a long time ago though, I expect he would have enjoyed the bandwidthz thread (that dates it!), and some other discussions since.
Someone Who Isn't Me in this house insists on making sure all switches are turned off before we go out or away.
Well it is that person's house, after all!
Reason : upbringing ..... and inherited fear of lightening strikes and risk of fire .....
I also (now!) have to follow this oh-so-sensible example ........ something I never bothered with prior to the age of 45! ;)

Luckily no actual unpluggings need to be done .... and at least the fridge stays on ..... it's the only exception though!

mine goes off at the fuse box if its for any length of time ...I no longer have a freezer
going to work (pre CV19) I have a path I follow, doors,windows,plugs ....
Someone Who Isn't Me in this house insists on making sure all switches are turned off before we go out or away.

Well it is that person's house, after all!

Reason : upbringing ..... and inherited fear of lightening strikes and risk of fire .....

I also (now!) have to follow this oh-so-sensible example ........ something I never bothered with prior to the age of 45! ;)

Luckily no actual unpluggings need to be done .... and at least the fridge stays on ..... it's the only exception though!
The thing is...the gap in a mains switch (which is surprisingly narrow) is nowhere near enough to prevent a lightning strike arcing across and doing its damage regardless of the state of the switch. TBH, if the aim is to protect devices from lightning strikes, I would unplug them.

Having said that, I've done neither for decades, and have never yet lost a bit of kit to lightning.
Luckily no actual unpluggings need to be done .... and at least the fridge stays on ..... it's the only exception though!

I used to have my fridge on it‘s own circuit, if I was going away for a few days I’d quite often turn off some of the circuits such as lighting at the fusebox but be able to leave that on. That’s mainly because I was in LS12 though, so done to make it harder for anyone robbing the place to find their way around rather than worrying about lightning strikes.
Having said that, I've done neither for decades, and have never yet lost a bit of kit to lightning.
One of the other sites at a place I used to work was located in old flat-roofed buildings in an elevated part of town. There was a thunderstorm and the lightning punched a hole through the roof of the server room and hit it. Don't think the server worked very well afterwards.
given that BUF flags were on display, the guy with the "incremental fascism" sign might need to clarify if he's for or against that.

Bit of both, bit of both, you know, live and let live, or not, as the case may be; I’m all for celebrating difference, as long as everyone’s the same as me. Can’t say fairer than that.
It's hard to have any sympathy full stop really, including if they catch covid as a result of their stupidity.
Well, yes :). But it makes it pretty clear that it's the idea of lockdown that they're knee-jerk protesting against. It's essentially a group-based superannuated toddler tantrum (I typed that as "tantrump" first time :hmm:)..."DON'T WANNA!!! WON'T!!". At this stage you could have probably gone to them and offered them anything, and they'd have stamped their tiny feet and screamed.
Oh. It's already on Urban dictionary and apparently also a board game :D

So, it is, together with a wee video to illustrate the meaning. :D


When somebody whom is spoiled and used to having their way throws a tantrum much like Donald Trump.

Did you see Donald Trump throwing a Tantrump after he lost Wisconsin in the primaries to "Lyin' Ted Cruz".

View attachment 2.mp4
I’ve always wondered how people estimate crowd numbers
I think this instance they just googled "Trafalgar Square capacity" and took the number at the top of this article - How Many People Can You Fit In Trafalgar Square?

The square was in no way either completely full or packed solid, though there were definitely several thousand people there. The central area was pretty full but there was space all around it.
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