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    Lazy Llama

Did the US Troops really capture Saddam

Did they really catch him?

  • Yes, he was caught in a hole with 750k$ and a gun

    Votes: 44 60.3%
  • No, the US had to cought up plenty for cash for him

    Votes: 15 20.5%
  • It is a look alike

    Votes: 6 8.2%
  • It is 'Jungle Barry' back from the dead

    Votes: 8 11.0%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
And why dont you bother reading the information on the pages you link to because then you wouldnt make such as ass out of yourself......
Are you really this incredibly stupid?

Your whole supposition that the arrest was faked rests on the supposed 'impossibility' of dates being available at the time of Saddam's arrest.

I have proved conclusively from a wide variety of sources that dates can - and are - harvested as late as December.

Therefore your conspiracy theory is a load of ill-thought out, un-researched, naive bollocks based on an inaccurate and incorrect supposition.
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
And why dont you bother reading the information on the pages you link to because then you wouldnt make such as ass out of yourself......
That page clearly stated that dates are harvested in December, thus crushing your clueless 'argument'.

It says clearly on your link that hilali come in September -they are yellow like the khalal.. When dates are left to mature they turn brown/black.

My purpose was to show that the photos could be staged and I have provided ample proof. My reason for doing this was to expose that possibility and to provide a counterweight to the abuse you mete out to people who are prepared to consider information that is not coming from whatever authority you have chosen to believe.

What does Hutchinson have to say about the khalal and hilali fruit by the way?
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
My purpose was to show that the photos could be staged and I have provided ample proof.
FFS: you really are fucking stupid. You haven't produced a shred of proof - just a load of vague unresearched speculation that hasn't stood up to the slightest scrutiny.

From a previous post referring to dates grown on the same latitude as Iraq:

Deglet-en-Nour dates are traditionally sold on the branch, it's up to the most agile members of the family to shin up the trees, first to pollinate them by rubbing male branches onto female ones, then in mid-December for the harvest.

Whole branches of translucent yellow dates are picked by hand and passed carefully down the tree, the fallen and substandard fruit landing on sheets of polythene around the bottom of the trees
Got that? They are harvested in December. They are yellow. Just like the ones in Saddam's photo.

Now, have you actually got any solid proof to support your claims or do you still believe that you are right and encyclopedias are wrong?
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
There you go again talking about Tunisian dates, I thought I had already shown that Tunisian dates grow later in the season!
Nope. You're just too stupid to bother with anymore.

There's only so many times I'm prepared to be charitable and go out of my way to educate a conspiracy fruitloop and you've just reached your limit, pal.

And no matter how much you wriggle, twist and turn, the fact remains the same: dates can be harvested in Iraq in December and your 'theory' remains total and utter bollocks.
Originally posted by infobomb
Raisin D'Etre is a big fish in a small pond, perhaps? AICM£5

Raisin: care to answer my questions?
No Bigfish and whoever are completely distinct personas from I. Would you care to answer my question of whether the capture of Saddam now means that 10s of thousands of dead Iraqis was worth the misadventure? And clearly, you know that I dont believe the SH was orchestrating the insurgency in Iraq - the coalition have helped to create enemies there. If your mission was to liberate Iraq, well why dont Iraqis believe that and acquiesce to coalition rule?

Did it ever cross your mind that *shock horror* the weather changes from year to year?

Apart from the fact that there are dates that can be harvested in December, your own links show that dates other than hilali dates can be harvested up until November - and even though you can't accurately predict the interaction between the changing climate and ripening of fruit (ask any oenologist), you think this is incontrovertible proof?

How about answering my question: do you think Saddam stayed in this hole for the entirity of the last few months?
Originally posted by editor
There's only so many times I'm prepared to be charitable and go out of my way to educate a conspiracy fruitloop and you've just reached your limit, pal.

And no matter how much you wriggle, twist and turn, the fact remains the same: dates can be harvested in Iraq in December and your 'theory' remains total and utter bollocks.
I am not a conspiracy fruit loop but its been interesting getting to know you and learn about how charitable you are.
I've done the whole 'should we have fought this war?' question to death already - and it has little to do with this discussion.

Do you think that a guerilla force will disintegrate when a commanding officer is killed or captured?
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
I am not a conspiracy fruit loop but its been interesting getting to know you and learn about how charitable you are.
And you've just provided me with a thoroughly entertaining five minutes looking at a host of completely bonkers, UFO-loving sites who share your tagline: "Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right, those which most often succeed".

Priceless stuff!

Do you believe in UFOs?
Originally posted by infobomb
I've done the whole 'should we have fought this war?' question to death already - and it has little to do with this discussion.

Do you think that a guerilla force will disintegrate when a commanding officer is killed or captured?
"Was it worth it?" has everything to do with this discussion, we wouldnt be here arguing about psyops and date production otherwise. There would be no guerilla force to put down. The capture of SH was supposed to send a message to the counter insurgency that their days were numbered. That clearly has not arisen in the minds of those who target the coalition. Why?

It became clear from early on that this was a guerilla war, hence no need for central command. The fact that SH was found in a hole in the ground right under the noses of the coalition without any means of communication put paid to the lies that he was behind thet counter insurgency.
Originally posted by editor
And you've just provided me with a thoroughly entertaining five minutes looking at a host of completely bonkers, UFO-loving sites who share your tagline: "Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right, those which most often succeed".

Priceless stuff!

Do you believe in UFOs?

Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right, those which most often succeed.

- Marshall McLuhan


You do know who Marshal McLuhan is dont you?
McLuhan’s writings have opened up a forum for much discussion and academic study, and have laid the foundation for an area of study on communication mediums. In an interview with Playboy magazine, McLuhan argued that “man must, as a simple survival strategy, become aware of what is happening to him, despite the attendant pain of such comprehension” (Playboy). McLuhan states that his work has the “purpose of trying to understand our technological environment and its psychic and social consequences” (Playboy).
As critic Tom Wolfe asked: "Suppose [McLuhan] is what he sounds like: the most important thinker since Newton, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, and Pavlov - what if he is right?" (Hardwired) With the invention of the Internet, which some say McLuhan envisioned as the ultimate “cool” medium, many of McLuhan’s ideas seem almost prophetic. It is the test of time that will ultimately tell whether McLuhan was a true pioneering scholar.
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
You do know who Marshal McLuhan is dont you?
Yes, I do, thanks.

But what's that got to do with the "completely bonkers, UFO-loving sites" that I was looking at?

Do you believe in UFOs?
Raisin -you do love to avoid a direct question, don't you?

Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
"Was it worth it?" has everything to do with this discussion, we wouldnt be here arguing about psyops and date production otherwise. There would be no guerilla force to put down. The capture of SH was supposed to send a message to the counter insurgency that their days were numbered. That clearly has not arisen in the minds of those who target the coalition. Why?

Was it meant to send a message? It's pretty clear that capturing Saddam was an American goal from the outset, for a whole range of reasons. Do you really think that a trained guerilla force would simply stop fighting because one of its commanders was killed or captured?

It became clear from early on that this was a guerilla war, hence no need for central command. The fact that SH was found in a hole in the ground right under the noses of the coalition without any means of communication put paid to the lies that he was behind thet counter insurgency.

Okay, so you do think that Saddam spent the entirety of the last eight months in a hole in the ground? You don't think that he might have come out to take a piss? Who knows, maybe he even bumped into someone while he was out, said a few words, made a phonecall.... Oh wait - wouldn't that mean that he could have actually had some contact with people? God no - he can't have done, he spent the last eight months in a hole, and the $750,000 was just to keep the frost off at night....
Originally posted by editor
Yes, I do, thanks.

But what's that got to do with the "completely bonkers, UFO-loving sites" that I was looking at?

Do you believe in UFOs?
Marshal McLuhan has nothing to do with UFOs - his was the MESSAGE IS THE MEDIUM and thats is why I am here. If you have received only 5 minutes of entertainment from typing that into your search engine and coming across UFO sites, then you are poorer for it because MM has alot ot say about the medium you are using right now. I used to live in Africa and when I was 12 I saw a huge UFO in bright day light over a residential area, I happened to live there. So yes I do believe in UFOs. A UFO is a simply an unidentified flying object. Nobody, not I nor anyone else has ever been able to explain that to me, so it remains an unidentified flying object. However, I also happenened to specialise in the media and hence my interest in McLuhan.
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
I used to live in Africa and when I was 12 I saw a huge UFO in bright day light over a residential area, I happened to live there. So yes I do believe in UFOs.
Do you believe that Earth is regularly being visited by alien spacecraft then?
Since that visitation, I do keep my eyes open. I havent seen anything as astounding since. Is the earth regularly visited by alien space craft? I cant answer this question as I do not know.
Originally posted by editor
Yes, I do, thanks.

But what's that got to do with the "completely bonkers, UFO-loving sites" that I was looking at?

Admit it you never heard of McLuhan because you clearly have no education and you are now engaged in a search and destroy mission, if you can prove I believe in UFOs then supposedly I am scuppered. How simplistic.
Originally posted by editor
I'm afraid you're talking total bollocks, pal. I don't "hate" the internet (what a truly ridiculous supposition! How could I hate a network of linked computers?!)

I actually find the internet a wonderful resource, but I have supreme trouble with naive conspiracy fans who swallow up a load of unsourced, anonymously-authored twaddle and then parade it as 'fact' without troubling to check the claims being made.

I always tolk total bollocks pal.

It's a speciality of the human race.

It helps to recognise that unless we have experienced it ourselves then everything else is potentially bollocks, including encyclopaedias...

To help you distinguish: if it needs your memory, then it could be bollocks, if it only relies upon understanding, then it is real.
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
Admit it you never heard of McLuhan because you clearly have no education and you are now engaged in a search and destroy mission, if you can prove I believe in UFOs then supposedly I am scuppered. How simplistic.

But rasin, that's exactly it! That is the test, if you believe in UFOs then you just simply cannot be taken seriously. Everything else you say MUST be conspiracy based...

Even if you've seen one, and therefore no longer actually believe in them but instead know they exist, you must be off your rocker.

How is it in that mad mad world of yours ;) :D ?

I love insanity, it inures me from what passes for sanity...
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
Admit it you never heard of McLuhan because you clearly have no education and you are now engaged in a search and destroy mission, if you can prove I believe in UFOs then supposedly I am scuppered. How simplistic.
I've had quite a good education actually, but I fail to see why you're getting all aggressive just because I've asked you a question about UFOs.

You've already stated that you believe in them, so why throw a hissy fit when asked what you think was inside the UFO that you saw flying over your head?

What did your UFO look like?
Originally posted by fela fan
To help you distinguish: if it needs your memory, then it could be bollocks, if it only relies upon understanding, then it is real.
Roll us one of whatever you're smoking.
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