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    Lazy Llama

Did the US Troops really capture Saddam

Did they really catch him?

  • Yes, he was caught in a hole with 750k$ and a gun

    Votes: 44 60.3%
  • No, the US had to cought up plenty for cash for him

    Votes: 15 20.5%
  • It is a look alike

    Votes: 6 8.2%
  • It is 'Jungle Barry' back from the dead

    Votes: 8 11.0%

  • Total voters
It's him alright. But the timing is perfect for the Xmas holiday period. In the next month we'll be reading that "consumer confidence" improved 10 days before Xmas. Call me a cynic but that's what I am!

Of course given the over-inclination to all things Xtian, this is just the fillip Dumbya needed. It tells all those Xtian nutters that Dumbya is "on the side of God" and that theU$ is "God's chosen land".
What the fuck is all this, "its not the kind of hiding place that I'd expect to find him", as evidence that it was set up.

I mean come on people, is that the best you can do. Saddam is hardly likely to be hiding in one of his many palaces, because they are full of American soldiers. I expect that all the command and control bunkers of the Iraqi Army and Secret service are the same. He was a fugitive, hiding from a force that has control of the whole country. So where exactly should he have hidden? Do Gucci build bunkers?

edited for spelling
Does Jessica Lynch smell of fish?


Maybe that's why the Iraqis let her go home...
Originally posted by JC2
Well, I'm pretty critical of you: does that count?

No it doesn't. Fuck off.

Early reporrts suggested PUK troops actually captured Saddam. I reckon it's another PR stunt, though I haven't been reading everything on the topic. I'll repeat my original question:

Originally posted by 888
I've got to say I think some people are a bit too quick to dismiss conspiracy theories, especially with the US's previous record of PR hoaxes like Jessica Lynch's "rescue"...

It seems pretty certain to me that US troops weren't the ones to capture Saddam. What are others' opinions on that point?

As for the rest... ?
Originally posted by 888
I've got to say I think some people are a bit too quick to dismiss conspiracy theories, especially with the US's previous record of PR hoaxes like Jessica Lynch's "rescue"...

It seems pretty certain to me that US troops weren't the ones to capture Saddam. What are others' opinions on that point?

As for the rest... ?

So the Kurds got him, though in fact it has been suggested that it was the Kurds that provided the intellegence, not the man power.

But lets accept that the Kurds did get him, and the US took the credit. It hardly proves any of the conspiracy theories now does it?
Originally posted by 888
I've got to say I think some people are a bit too quick to dismiss conspiracy theories, especially with the US's previous record of PR hoaxes like Jessica Lynch's "rescue"...

It seems pretty certain to me that US troops weren't the ones to capture Saddam. What are others' opinions on that point?

As for the rest... ?

So the Kurds got him, though in fact it has been suggested that it was the Kurds that provided the intellegence, not the man power.

But lets accept that the Kurds did get him, and the US took the credit. It hardly proves any of the conspiracy theories now does it? So they embellished the Jessica Lynch story, the did it in the last Gulf War with the hoax stories on the babies being killed. It certainly doesnt prove that conspiracy nuts right.

As for the rest???? Well what?
Has anyone found any definitive statement on the DNA test result, identifying the man in captivity as being Saddam Hussein and sourcing the scientist willing to put his name to it?
Originally posted by slaar
Dr J - what's your response to the Soham trial? You've been incredibly reticent.
Not really a topic of this thread, but I'm happy to admit that I no longer doubt Huntley's guilt. I don't get it right all the time.

I've said that this guy looks like Saddam and I haven't ruled out the possibility that it may be him. But - given Bush's penchant for blatant fibs and misrepresentations - shouldn't we be interested in tedious details such as DNA checks?
It looks like him to me and if his family believe it's him, that sounds conclusive to me.

Doesn't this have to involve more mind control? I mean, if this was an impersonator, the job prospects aren't too great, are they?
Originally posted by DrJazzz
Not really a topic of this thread, but I'm happy to admit that I no longer doubt Huntley's guilt. I don't get it right all the time.
Then learn from your total humiliation and don't swallow the offensive, despicable, bullshit lies of lying shitheads like Joe Vialls.

Every time you post up a bold proclamation based on that cunt's fantasies you make yourself look like a complete, stupid, ignorant twat.

I've met you. I like you. You're an intelligent fella. So learn from your hideous blunders here and stop being so ridiculously keen to buy into the pitiful conspiracy theories from charlatans.

Every time you post up a load of unresearched conspiracy bollocks and proclaim it as fact you get in the way of those trying to find the truth. You make them an easy target and make it easy for people to ridicule them as tinfoil fuckwits.
Originally posted by DrJazzz
Has anyone found any definitive statement on the DNA test result, identifying the man in captivity as being Saddam Hussein and sourcing the scientist willing to put his name to it?

I don't, but then, I don't have access to classified US govt computer files.
Originally posted by 888
No it doesn't. Fuck off.

Early reporrts suggested PUK troops actually captured Saddam. I reckon it's another PR stunt, though I haven't been reading everything on the topic. I'll repeat my original question:

Did you dream this up one night when your head was under the covers, following a dinner of kidney beans and cabbage?
I'm in awe.........

There are really people saying it's not him?

Is it a call for attention? Is there a shortage of common sense here?

Does any of the doubters realize what a conspracy it would take to pull this off.

I suspect it is only youth speaking, out of turn.
One single broadcast on Al Jazeera with the real Saddam holding today's copy of The New York Times would blow this out of the water.

But he can't do that because the Americans have him.
I reckon it really is the man himself, if they were going to try any fuckery with a fake Saddam they'd have done it a lot sooner, rather than look like complete fucking idiots for months and months.

You've got to wonder what all those Saddam doubles are doing for work these days though...


Originally posted by dilute micro
British companies make French and Russian weapons?
no, but largeish UK defence firms (eg BAe Systems), and VERY LARGE US defence firms (eg Lockheed) certainly DID supply a huge amount of Arms to Saddam. fully supported, promoted and risk-indemnified by their
yoss-how the FUCK did Howard Marks suddenly become relevant to this particular thread? :D :D
Well from what I've been reading I'm pretty sure that this is another scam like the Uday and Qusay one. I'll be writing to my MP to suggest that this might be a good time to dig out Saddam's fingerprint!

I'll let the forum know what happens.

To answer grubby local, Saddam had many surgically-enhanced doubles whose job was to impersonate him. They could not be told apart by looks - the Iraqis would play 'is it really Saddam' by looking at the body language of their bodyguards!
Originally posted by DrJazzz
Well from what I've been reading I'm pretty sure that this is another scam like the Uday and Qusay one.
No doubt you'll have as much hard evidence to support your latest paranoid bonkers conspiracy theory as you had for your 'untrained pooch PROVES Huntley's innocence' claim!

Oh, and I don't think you've answered this: do you believe in Icke's claims and his lizard stories or do you think that the guy is simply a fruitcake?
Originally posted by Lock&Light
Do you really think that Bush would announce the capture of Saddam without sufficient proof. As with his sons, how would he explain another tape, or even an appearance?
For FFS when has Bush ever given any one of us PROOF? Cast your mind back to WMD, the link between SH and Osama and 9/11 ---- Saddam and Niger yellow cake, the list is relentless, tedious. If you keep repeating the big lie then people will eventually relent and suspend all critical thought and BELIEVE. Thanks to some here for keeping critical inquiry alive and I include Dr Jazz in that pantheon of brave souls. The very whiff of conspiracy theory is bound to bring on the salivating hounds who are trained to destroy open dialogue. Free your mind AND your ass will follow!

In the meantime explain these anomalies
The CIA photograph, shown on the left, clearly shows a tree full of ripe dates which in Iraq ripen in late July or early August and never in December. The picture also shows a rope with hanging meat for drying. Our Iraqi sources informed us that this occurs always in the summer and never in December.

And then of course there is all that stuff about the kurds keeping SH in a hole until a distraction was needed - Cheneys Haliburton overcharging for petrol by some $61 million christmas!:eek:

The man they showed was clearly drugged and it is not a good antecedent for western democracy in the middle east..

Saddam captured?
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
In the meantime explain these anomalies:
"The CIA photograph, shown on the left, clearly shows a tree full of ripe dates which in Iraq ripen in late July or early August and never in December. The picture also shows a rope with hanging meat for drying. Our Iraqi sources informed us that this occurs always in the summer and never in December. "
FFS: that's utter shite of the first order. Why don't you bother to do some basic fucking research before posting up such ill-informed garbage?

It took me about 2 minutes to find this out:

Dates ripen between June and December in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries
Dates are also one of Iraq’s most famous food products, and August is the season that the fruits begin to ripen. The season runs through November
Although the trees fruit only once a season, the harvest lasts for months as the fruit ripens at varying speeds depending on where it is in the bunch.
The only 'anomaly' I can find is why people are so stupid to believe ill-informed conspiracy bollocks 'found on the internet' authored by clueless fuckwits of the highest order.
Great post. The ability of people to selectively believe what they read, listening to random fruit-loops on the internet whilst doubting institutions like the BBC, astounds me.
Originally posted by editor
FFS: that's utter shite of the first order. Why don't you bother to do some basic fucking research before posting up such ill-informed garbage?

It took me about 2 minutes to find this out:
"Dates are also one of Iraq’s most famous food products, and August is the season that the fruits begin to ripen. The season runs through November

The only 'anomaly' I can find is why people are so stupid to believe ill-informed conspiracy bollocks 'found on the internet' authored by clueless fuckwits of the highest order.

Um, this story appears on the same website today:

"Rumors follow capture: Was it really Saddam?"

spooky coincidence or on the spot media reporting?

Mass media is a wondeful beast. I certainly trust information given on a website called STARS & STRIPES. Plus i'd check their links page if i were you.
Terry McDermott is a reporter so we can trust his information is 100% accurate.
Originally posted by montevideo
Mass media is a wondeful beast. I certainly trust information given on a website called STARS & STRIPES. Plus i'd check their links page if i were you.
Are you questioning the fact that 'dates ripen between June and December in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries'?

That proves beyond doubt that Raisin D'etre's claims are total shite. Do you dispute that?

Oh, and my main reference that rubbished the 'dates' claim was from the Hutchinson Encyclopedia.

Do you have you a problem with them too?

In fact, what was the point of your post?
Originally posted by editor
Are you questioning the fact that 'dates ripen between June and December in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean countries'?

That proves beyond doubt that Raisin D'etre's claims are total shite. Do you dispute that?

Oh, and my main reference that rubbished the 'dates' claim was from the Hutchinson Encyclopedia.

Of course I have a problem with that - the reason for my post! So Hutchinson's is the last word on the subject for you? You have a very small mind. And I take it Stars and Stripes is to be trusted over the "ill-informed conspiracy bollocks" found elsewhere on the internet?

It was "ill-informed conspiracy bollocks" that led to the death and mayhem in Iraq, the weakening of the UN and the preemptive wars that are to follow.
Originally posted by Raisin D'etre
So Hutchinson's is the last word on the subject for you? You have a very small mind.
Until you find a source that credibly undermines it, it looks good enough to me.
By mid May the developing dates are marble sized and the female flower stalk has grown to a length of 4-6 feet. These flexible green stalks are bent over and tied down to a lower frond on the tree. This gives the developing bundles support as their weight increases and also makes them easier to access for the rest of the season.

In late August the bundles are nearly full-sized, but are still green and immature. Depending upon the variety, the dates will now turn either bright red or golden yellow. At this stage they are covered with heavy paper wraps to protect them from rain, birds, and sunburn.

In the Fall the fruit becomes fully ripe, turning either deep brown or jet black, and softening and sweetening into the lucious fruit that consumers love. The harvest season lasts from September through December, as each of the different varieties ripen. Typical adult trees will produce 200-300 pounds of fruit each season. After the harvest, the trees are trimmed and dethorned in preparation for the next year.

So the jury is still out on this........ it could be a red herring but so were the WMD, so save your outrage for that!
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