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Detail your latest clothes and slap related purchases here #2

I haven't got them but am considering getting these. Dunno if they are a bit trashy or if I should say "Fuck it" and get them anyway.

I haven't got them but am considering getting these. Dunno if they are a bit trashy or if I should say "Fuck it" and get them anyway.<snip>
Such, IMHO you could dress like a vicar's wife and still manage to look filthy to some people. It's just something you seem to radiate (no bad thing). That being the case, you might as well wear what you like. If you think you'v got the legs for those tights, go for it; at least they're a more interesting look than either fishnets or plain tights/stockings.
Aaargh! Just got a sweater out and it has moth holes in it.

I vaguely assumed this place would be moth free.... I now have to go on a mission to de moth the whole house. Fuckity fuck fuck
Aaargh! Just got a sweater out and it has moth holes in it.

I vaguely assumed this place would be moth free.... I now have to go on a mission to de moth the whole house. Fuckity fuck fuck

FUCK moths! :mad: Fucking bastards have wrecked so much of my stuff over the years! Can you do the *sticking the jumper in the freezer for a few days* thing for a start? :hmm:

ETA - ACTUALLY :hmm: ...I had them in my last place (transferred from the previous one etc etc) and bought some of those cedar ring things you can stick on hangers/bung in drawers (and sand down a bit from time to time) and now that I come to think of it (and as dubious as I always am about miracle solutions etc :rolleyes: ), I've not seen any sign of them since.... :hmm:
FUCK moths! :mad: Fucking bastards have wrecked so much of my stuff over the years! Can you do the *sticking the jumper in the freezer for a few days* thing for a start? :hmm:
oh, good idea. I was too busy ranting and going over the seams of everything else I own to do anything sensible :D

Fucking annoying. And they never go for the cheap synthetic stuff- it's wool, and silk, and cashmere they love. Fucking things
Such, IMHO you could dress like a vicar's wife and still manage to look filthy to some people. It's just something you seem to radiate (no bad thing). That being the case, you might as well wear what you like. If you think you'v got the legs for those tights, go for it; at least they're a more interesting look than either fishnets or plain tights/stockings.

Is that because I post naked pictures of myself all the time? I always used to think the opposite, that I looked weirdly wholesome all the time. I'll get them, they are only $10 so if I don't like them then it's no big deal.
oh, good idea. I was too busy ranting and going over the seams of everything else I own to do anything sensible :D

Fucking annoying. And they never go for the cheap synthetic stuff- it's wool, and silk, and cashmere they love. Fucking things

Well it's defo sensible to be checking everything else cos that's how the bastards get you, eh! :mad:

And yeah...that's the worst thing...it's always the best/most expensive stuff you have that they go for :( ...I'd kind of forgotten my serious MOTH HATRED till you posted that, lol!
Yeah...I know exactly what you mean about the defined waist band bit...(I kept going back for days...'Do I like it? Or do I not?! :hmm: :confused: ' )...and concluded that I do think it's pretty but it's defo one for someone way more slender/narrow hipped and with a smaller bust etc etc etc than me!
You seem to be getting into this accessory malarky now then :D That necklace is really good :cool:

Why thank you! I figured if I buy stuff that I like that's not too pricey then no dramas if I don't wear it much. As wanky as it sounds every now and again I get clothing crisis of confidence and start panicking that I don't know how to dress myself properly :oops:
I might have buyed/bought/brought two coats from la redoute but internet buying didnt work so had to do it over the phone but now I have no reciept :hmm: or any idea if/when its coming. no money gone from my account yet :hmm: :confused:
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