It's my view, comrade, that chromaticism is something that can be explored as superstructure to the Aeolian-Dorian base.
noted modern thinkers including yngwie malmsteen and h.marvin et al have long been suggesting this position
H.Marvin has long been exposed as a revisionist although his early work as Brian Robson Rankin is still regarded as seminal.
While I think this idea of so-called "outside" playing was a refreshing change in the 60s, bolstered by Marscuse, Ayler, et al, (c/f C. Taylor, O. Coleman, Frank Kofsky, LeRoi Jones), most of those theorists who lived beyond this revolution soon reverted to quasi modality, if only in the implied structures. A post modern understanding of harmony moves beyond this dead end of deconstruction, and into a structural phase that sees diatonism as a branch of the tree rather than misunderstanding it as the tree, the Aeolian-Dorian hegemony must be broken, chromaticism is not the super-structure, it is, without the false dichotomy of Aeolian-Dorianism or even phrygian-lydian influences, the fundamental building block of struggle
i look forward to the day when semi-tone can stand with semi-tone without classical impositions and modal so-called harmony
Economic Left/Right: -7.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.87
While I think this idea of so-called "outside" playing was a refreshing change in the 60s, bolstered by Marscuse, Ayler, et al, (c/f C. Taylor, O. Coleman, Frank Kofsky, LeRoi Jones), most of those theorists who lived beyond this revolution soon reverted to quasi modality, if only in the implied structures. A post modern understanding of harmony moves beyond this dead end of deconstruction, and into a structural phase that sees diatonism as a branch of the tree rather than misunderstanding it as the tree itself.
libertarian socialist/anarchist I spose.
Crap poll.
needs more options for r/wingers too - neo-liberal, one nation tory, r-wing libertarian etc.
So what you doing in the Lib Dems?
Trying to faciliate democratic reform and infulence mainstream public opinon.
Hardcore praxis?
Good luck with that!
I would have to say Libertarian .Why are not the poll made public?
I think your point is best answered by comrade Parker when he says "You can play any note over any chord, it just depends on the context". Indeed, to disagree with this is reactionary and the mark of a counter revolutionary bourgoise must be noted that the tonal quality only exists when placed in context with other degrees of chromaticism
I think your point is best answered by comrade Parker when he says "You can play any note over any chord, it just depends on the context". Indeed, to disagree with this is reactionary and the mark of a counter revolutionary bourgoise lacky.
What does libertarian mean in this instance? The traditional definition, i.e. synomous with anarchist, or the modern distorted version, i.e. radical free market capitalist (not actually libertarian at all)?
It means whatever the people who voted for it thinks it means.
Should have been multi choice as I consider myself to be a libertarian tory with a heavy stripe of social responsibility.
Should have been multi choice as I consider myself to be a libertarian tory with a heavy stripe of social responsibility.