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    Lazy Llama

Describe your politics!

How do you see yourself politically

  • Left wing

    Votes: 19 13.7%
  • Right wing

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 11 7.9%
  • Socialist

    Votes: 26 18.7%
  • Communist

    Votes: 12 8.6%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 24 17.3%
  • Pro-working class independence

    Votes: 9 6.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • Racial nationalist

    Votes: 6 4.3%
  • Civic nationalist

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 10 7.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 7.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm not too keen on drugs and prostitution. And I tend to take a fairly "severe" approach to certain types of crime as well - but i think that everyone should be able to get married to whoever they want and that if marriages for e.g. aren't working out then they should get divorced , so i am not like a total fuckwit
But, anyway, I'm not very keen on prostitution or drugs, either. I didn't realise that made me socially conservative.
I used to say some variant of communist or anarchist, and they still are. But I´m struggling what exactly that means I should be doing with my (political) life.
Yeah, I don't think being against prostitution, or indeed criminalising those that buy it makes you a 'social conservative'.
I'm not too keen on drugs and prostitution. And I tend to take a fairly "severe" approach to certain types of crime as well - but i think that everyone should be able to get married to whoever they want and that if marriages for e.g. aren't working out then they should get divorced , so i am not like a total fuckwit

That's why the format of the poll is sound it brings this sort of stuff out, you see I may agree with you on drugs and prostitution - do you support full legal prohibition, or legalisation with heavy regulation, and zero tolerance for people trafficking?
No it's a strength, if you define yourself as leftwing and a Labour or Lib Dem member or supporter does the same, then what's the problem - that in itself is interesting to me at least!:p

I admit there's not enough options, but the maximum allowed by the software on this board is 12.

I dont really have the time to go into a political analysis... but imo libs n labs are not left wing in the true understanding of the word...
I explained my reasoning for my choice earlier...

would have been easier to have multi-choice...
also i am not some complete daily mail reading cunt, and i'm not talking about grassing people up or anything, but i don't like people who take the piss, completely outrageously, with the benefit system, like the family who had like fourteen kids or something and refused to work or even consider looking for work. admittedly i read about this in the sun and so that probably wasn't the most reliable source, but if it was true, then it annoyed me.
That's why the format of the poll is sound it brings this sort of stuff out, you see I may agree with you on drugs and prostitution - do you support full legal prohibition, or legalisation with heavy regulation, and zero tolerance for people trafficking?

the latter, i don't think out and out banning prostitution works.
I dont really have the time to go into a political analysis... but imo libs n labs are not left wing in the true understanding of the word...


That's your (and mine) opinion though - why do some people who define themselves as left wing support the Lib Dems or Labour?

I find that interesting.
in the case of my housemate it was because all her family voted labour and because as bas as the labour party were she couldn't find another party that reflected her views as well. :(
also i am not some complete daily mail reading cunt, and i'm not talking about grassing people up or anything, but i don't like people who take the piss, completely outrageously, with the benefit system, like the family who had like fourteen kids or something and refused to work or even consider looking for work. admittedly i read about this in the sun and so that probably wasn't the most reliable source, but if it was true, then it annoyed me.

Seriously though, there are people like that, who take the piss, and I don't like them either, they're anti social frankly.

I wouldn't describe it as social conservatism that makes me feel that way about the subjects, in fact I would say it was an aspect of my socialism - but it's interesting that you (and plenty of others) do.
I don't like them either, they're anti social frankly.
I don't like anti social people, either. People who shit on their doorstep, who don't understand about solidarity, community, that sort of thing.

Scabs. - Not keen on them. Housebreaking junkies. - Cunts, the lot of them. Need a doing. Pimps. - Hate them.

This makes me socially conservative, does it?
I don't like anti social people, either. People who shit on their doorstep, who don't understand about solidarity, community, that sort of thing.

Scabs. - Not keen on them. Housebreaking junkies. - Cunts, the lot of them. Need a doing. Pimps. - Hate them.

This makes me socially conservative, does it?

I would say it makes you a socialist, but when coupled with other beliefs - but other people would disagree.

Seriously though, there are people like that, who take the piss, and I don't like them either, they're anti social frankly.

I wouldn't describe it as social conservatism that makes me feel that way about the subjects, in fact I would say it was an aspect of my socialism - but it's interesting that you (and plenty of others) do.

Yeah I know. maybe it's not actually social conservatism that makes me have those views, i don't know :confused: but i'd say its perfectly consistent to have those views and still be left wing.
I ticked 'other'. Left-wing on many economic issues, pro-working class independence in that if working-class people don't try to organise things on their own terms, they get walked all over. Visions of the working class taking over are just motivating myths though imo.

Basic views on what people tick are more in accord with the 'tragic vision' of some conservatives: 'out of mankind's crooked timber no true thing was made'. I don't even have faith in human reason, but I think it's all we've got.

Expectations for the future around the themes of liberty, equality and fraternity: championing of individual liberty will remain a strong current in an individualised society, equality will take the form of bureaucratic management of declining resources, fraternity will be most likely sought by many through religious and ethnic affiliations, both with mystical elements.

Have become more sympathetic to environmentalism in recent years, partly because it's achieved quite a number of successes (which oddly enough environmentalists tend not to trumpet), because it's often evidence-based, and because the arguments against it are so poor.

I don't like politicos much in real life and tend to avoid them. I've only ever voted in local council elections.
I fluctuate between 'anarchist-communist' and 'i don't give a fuck'.

I haven't studied all the various political philosophies in enought depth to really align myself strongly to one in particular. I voted anarchist on the poll though.
I haven't studied all the various political philosophies in enought depth to really align myself strongly to one in particular. I voted anarchist on the poll though.
Left wing
- vague label.

Right wing
- twats.

- wealthy people who want to rob you, but ask you politely for your money.

- a socialist.

- wrong when with an upper case C.

- Sensible people.

Pro-working class independence
- Correct people.

- People who are right about the environment but haven't noticed class.

Racial nationalist
- idiots.

Civic nationalist
- tartan Tories.

- anarchists.

I don't like anti social people, either. People who shit on their doorstep, who don't understand about solidarity, community, that sort of thing.

Scabs. - Not keen on them. Housebreaking junkies. - Cunts, the lot of them. Need a doing. Pimps. - Hate them.

This makes me socially conservative, does it?

Not unless it makes me socially conservative too. And I don't think your, or my views on this triop are socially conservative in any way.
the anarchists are winning!!!

which are probably words that have never been uttered honestly in history at any time before :D

except perhaps in ukraine and that went tits up
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