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Democracy: crap/not crap

Under Capitalism the wealthy have more power and opportunites.
Most people can make money starting from scratch, if they choose to.

Is it good or worthwile that I look after my sick and elderly parents? Or that I work for the council trying to help those who can't help themselves.
If that's what you choose to do, equally fine.

Should hundreds of billions, yes billions, have been spent on quantitative easing ...
Creating inflation is, to me, a bad idea.
* Pulls up chair *

and just the right height for you as well! Now, lets see you do basic economics while you have your rusks
capitalist mealy-mouthism. If you didn't have a state to be bought to protect you we'd string you up from the lamposts and we'd be right to do so. Remember that when you fake sleep in your fake richman bed. We won't even spare the dogs.

I was quiet enjoying this thread but really find this kind of threatening aggressive language chilling. Argue against capitalism fine, but threats like this shouldn't be acceptable.
I was quiet enjoying this thread but really find this kind of threatening aggressive language chilling. Argue against capitalism fine, but threats like this shouldn't be acceptable.
apt username then

but to respond as politely as you have- they will and have killed many many a socialist, commie, labour organiser, envoremntal protester etc etc. Look at what the reaction to a mild mannered social democrat like corbyn is? They called him a threat to national security for advocating some old labourite soc/dem policies. I don't want blood anymore than a sane person does but its increasingly- if it wasn't always- clear that it has to happen. These people are not at home to compromise.
You're right -- with the obvious exception of the sick.

Do you believe that everyone starts on a level playing field? That all are of equal intelligence, or equal physical capacity? Equal personality traits that are conducive to selling things/getting hired/winning friends and influencing people? Does everyone have equal health, or the same upbringing by their parents that's conducive to maximal personality and emotional growth?
I don't approve of giving to every loser, as it would encourage freeloaders.

What specifically do you mean by freeloader?
Like, is it necessary to be poor, to be one?
What exactly is it that makes someone a loser, in your view?

These terms are pretty loaded, clarification would be useful.
Communism will win eventually, and the corpses of many nardies will act as signposts.

Tempted to agree, but we've been there to many times, better that a society arrives at a decent compromise and the Nardies of this world are taken around the world, ascrubbing and acleaning as they go,to see the worst excesses of capitalism, however, apols if it's already been mentioned, isn't there a possibility that 'nardie' is a teenager using this place for his GSCE research?
not even the soviet union claimed to have reached communism. Transitory socialism yes but not claiming to be the real deal- but heading for the real deal.

Any 'real deal' that requires the elimination of the opposition? Thanks but no thanks,stripping them of wealth and influence, aye, love it, but if it involves cellars, concentration camps, and great leaps forwards? Count me out.
Any 'real deal' that requires the elimination of the opposition? Thanks but no thanks,stripping them of wealth and influence, aye, love it, but if it involves cellars, concentration camps, and great leaps forwards? Count me out.
I'm not going to unpack the three cliches there but you are welcome on the side of the non violent revolutionary cadre and yes do come crying to saner heads when they fuck you right up by means gross and subtle. This nonviolence stuff will get you killed, as the title of an interesting book on the american civil rights movements puts it
Not sure that the American Civil Rights movement has any equivalence in any way with the planned starvation of the Ukraine in the Thirties.
That's the point. I don't see any equivalence. I don't understand why you introduced the Civil Rights movement into a discussion about some of the violent aspects of the so-called communist states, as mentioned by coley.
That's the point. I don't see any equivalence. I don't understand why you introduced the Civil Rights movement into a discussion about some of the violent aspects of the so-called communist states, as mentioned by coley.
ah right. Well, coley was half arsedly referencin maoist, soviet and nazi practise/ideology (all in the same breath) as the totality of resistance- the end point is this, the end point is that. I mention the civil rights movements, particularly a book on its armed wing, to show that violence is neccesary. I do not want it but it is, and god knows I'd be first to fall.

How did non violent resistance go for african americans? very well in some ways. Steps forward. But they were always backed by the voice of 'you're talking to the acceptable black people here. Theres others behind us that might well...'

I have every respect for non violent resistance. I think they are very brave. But I think they are fools too. Those are not incompatible thinkings
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