The primary aim of the article is, to argue that as a result of 30 years of neo-liberal oppression, one of the consequences is the emergence of an underclass seperate and distinct from the working class and indeed actively hostile to it, even on a day to day basis. It's also points out that one of its distinguishing features is its lack of morality, brazeness, it's egregious sense of entitlement, absense of empathy, - identifying features in other words. It is not about criminality as such, but a philosophical attitude the lumpen have towards it. The lumpen can be made up from all social classes, what unifies them, (apart from the above) is that they ultimately reside at the bottom of the food chain.
Being long term sick or unemployed does not mean you are no longer working class, unless it comes with the core philosophy. However, when one generation follows another over a 30 year period or more, then, inevitably, social and political attitudes are impacted. It matters to the rest of society, but most of all it matters to the working class in whose communities they reside.
Ulimately the question is whether you allow political standards to drop in order to accomodate them within the working class; become in fact apologists for them, as many on here, and in a wider field are doing, which if succesful, will in time destroy entirely working class morale, and with it the ability to think for itself, or you set your face against it. And for reasons of political self-interest, whole-heartedly condemn it.
Ps: as for Elbows and 'the fights at the Xmas social', if that is the point you are making, what he describes, is nothing more than a cameo of working class life at the rougher end, many will be familiar with, and has nothing at all to with the predicament outlined by the IWCA.