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Criminalising Pregnant Mothers who Drink

you need me to find the posts where you made accusations of prejudice?

This is what you said: "what, like claiming that challenging prejudice is displaying prejudice?"

I asked you to show me the statement to which what you said refers to.

You are now asking me if I need you to find posts where I made accusations of prejudice. That is a different question.
Hyperbole is also entirely absent.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
It isn't hyperbole. I have repeatedly asked, in many threads when similar accusations are made, for evidence of the behaviour in question to be provided. It is never provided. The same thing happened in the Feminist Frequency thread. Instad I was barred fromt he discussion.

That is why i am critical of the discussion on here. This sort of nonsense. I came here looking for sensible discussion, not cliquishness.
This is what you said: "what, like claiming that challenging prejudice is displaying prejudice?"

I asked you to show me the statement to which what you said refers to.

You are now asking me if I need you to find posts where I made accusations of prejudice. That is a different question.

when you find your own posts making accusation of prejudice, you will find those statements that you requested.
It isn't hyperbole. I have repeatedly asked, in many threads when similar accusations are made, for evidence of the behaviour in question to be provided. It is never provided. The same thing happened in the Feminist Frequency thread. Instad I was barred fromt he discussion.

That is why i am critical of the discussion on here. This sort of nonsense. I came here looking for sensible discussion, not cliquishness.
I've provided all the evidence you asked for on this and the feminist frequency thread but you have me on ignore because you are incapable of taking part in a conversation where people might disagree with you.
Ok i was having a poke at you but come on that post was so very pompous and really if you think that was 'nasty' then you are a bigger softy than myself........................
Again, not listening: I disn't say it was nasty. I said it was disrespectful.
It isn't hyperbole. I have repeatedly asked, in many threads when similar accusations are made, for evidence of the behaviour in question to be provided. It is never provided. The same thing happened in the Feminist Frequency thread. Instad I was barred fromt he discussion.

That is why i am critical of the discussion on here. This sort of nonsense. I came here looking for sensible discussion, not cliquishness.

Perhaps then you could share your view clearly and succinctly on what you think should happen in this case and why.

If people disagree with you, if lots of people disagree, well that's life really innit. Perhaps you will be able to put forward clear and sensible points that may make others reconsider their views or perhaps we'll all agree to disagree.

Either way, getting drawn into a circular discussion as has happened with the past couple of pages isn't going to contribute to the discussion.
It isn't hyperbole. I have repeatedly asked, in many threads when similar accusations are made, for evidence of the behaviour in question to be provided. It is never provided. The same thing happened in the Feminist Frequency thread. Instad I was barred fromt he discussion.

That is why i am critical of the discussion on here. This sort of nonsense. I came here looking for sensible discussion, not cliquishness.

Of course it is hyperbole; i.e. 'the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally.'

Unless you are actually contending that nobody backs up any statement ever, which would just be silly; especially as I've just done so.

I get the feeling that you like a bit of an argument and enjoy appearing to be the aggrieved party; you must love the potential afforded by these boards.

Enjoy - Louis MacNeice
bringing this here as well

View attachment 62438
goalpost moving
How so?

You were asked to provide evidence of your accusations and you referred to Fridge Magent, who is already someone that's biased who called me a racist and then refused to back down when she couldn't provide evidence either (nice thing to do, just call people racist without evidence).

All FM has done is agree with you. That is not evidence. I could agree with some conspiracy theorist, for example, that the moon landings were faked, that doesn't prove they were.
Of course it is hyperbole; i.e. 'the use of exaggeration as a rhetorical device or figure of speech. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is not meant to be taken literally.'

Unless you are actually contending that nobody backs up any statement ever, which would just be silly; especially as I've just done so.

I get the feeling that you like a bit of an argument and enjoy appearing to be the aggrieved party; you must love the potential afforded by these boards.

Enjoy - Louis MacNeice
Yes, I love being accused of fun things like racism. Or being excluded by prejudiced moderators.
How so?

You were asked to provide evidence of your accusations and you referred to Fridge Magent, who is already someone that's biased who called me a racist and then refused to back down when she couldn't provide evidence either (nice thing to do, just call people racist without evidence).

All FM has done is agree with you. That is not evidence. I could agree with some conspiracy theorist, for example, that the moon landings were faked, that doesn't prove they were.

I think you like being the much put upon hero of your own imagination; nice avatar by the way.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I think that's pop pyshcology nonsense. I think that's an easy statement to make to someone you don't agree with putting them in a position where they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. That's intellectually dishonest IMO.
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