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Criminalising Pregnant Mothers who Drink

I didn't ask you to provide eveidence that FM, a biased moderator who abuses his position, barred me from that discussion since I have not disputed that. I asked you, again, for evidence of the accusation you made in this thread.

Evidence would have to come from things I have said. YOu don't seem to understand this so it would be better for you to retract your accusation. Would you like to do that? Or would you like to consider being dishonest and lacking any integrity?
can I count that as a 'liar'?
can I count that as a 'liar'?
You made an accusation quite freely, quite an unpleasant one since I don't like being called manipulative etc, and many pages later I'm still waiting for you to have the courage to either honestly rtract that statment, or provide evidence.
I didn't ask you to provide eveidence that FM, a biased moderator who abuses his position, barred me from that discussion since I have not disputed that. I asked you, again, for evidence of the accusation you made in this thread.

Evidence would have to come from things I have said. YOu don't seem to understand this so it would be better for you to retract your accusation. Would you like to do that? Or would you like to continue being dishonest and lacking any integrity?

That's rather a serious accusation to throw around. Don't you think it would be better to confront the person with it directly, or at least tag them so they can see what you're saying about them?
You made an accusation quite freely, quite an unpleasant one since I don't like being called manipulative etc, and many pages later I'm still waiting for you to have the courage to either honestly rtract that statment, or provide evidence.

Have a look at this thread before and after your participation; you may not like being called manipulative but you just love manipulating.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
You made an accusation quite freely, quite an unpleasant one since I don't like being called manipulative etc, and many pages later I'm still waiting for you to have the courage to either honestly rtract that statment, or provide evidence.

you've provided more than enough evidence of your ability to be a disruptive, mmanipulative shitwank in this thread.
I simplified a bit. This was the finding of the 'thud' experiment in the US in the 70s. Diagnosis varied according to the amount of money the establishment charged for admittance, with the less stigmatised 'bipolar' far more common in the exclusive private clinics.

This is a review of studies in both the US and the UK from 1997 detailing differences in diagnosis and the effect of race and class. A section at the start of page 107 seems relevant to this discussion - a finding that alcohol abuse is less likely to be detected in better-off patients. The review does suggest that class bias is becoming less of a problem, but it also suggests that the clinicians' preconceptions about what a particular kind of patient looks like are still a significant factor in diagnosis. Tbh the most shocking differences are those relating to race, both here and in the US.

By the "thud experiment" presumably you mean On Being Sane in Insane Places" by Rosenhan? It has no mention of class or bipolar or money charged for admittance.
Would that be nasty shit like 'bias' and 'dishonesty'? Awesome you may well be, but not in the reflection or irony departments apparently.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

is there actualy anyhting he accuses people of that ins't better applied to his own drivel?
whereas accusing people of nasty shit is great.

And speaking of that
I didn't ask you to provide eveidence that FM, a biased moderator who abuses his position, barred me from that discussion since I have not disputed that. I asked you, again, for evidence of the accusation you made in this thread.

Evidence would have to come from things I have said. YOu don't seem to understand this so it would be better for you to retract your accusation. Would you like to do that? Or would you like to continue being dishonest and lacking any integrity?
don't you think FridgeMagnet is entitled to know what sort of accusations you're making about him?
And speaking of that

don't you think FridgeMagnet is entitled to know what sort of accusations you're making about him?
Should I send him a postcard?

Nothing I have said about him is untrue and if he wishes to refute it he is at liberty to do so. His accusation of racism against me is on record, as is his banning me from discussing the veracity of Anita Sarkeesian's research - which was backed up with evidence (given on request, I might add) in the feminist frequency thread.

If he wants to read this thread then he can do so. I have made no attempt to stop him. How could I?
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