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Criminalising Pregnant Mothers who Drink

Yeah, that's what mods want. People tagging them. :D

If someone wants to call a mod biased, let them. They're not untouchables.
Yeah, that's what mods want. People tagging them. :D

If someone wants to call a mod biased, let them. They're not untouchables.

No, of course they're not untouchables, and if AW wants to throw around accusations of mod bias, then I'm not trying to stop him.

But I do think he should at least do it honestly and openly, ie tag FM so that he can see that he's being accused on this thread of something related to another thread a month or so ago.

After all, if I was going to call you a cunt for something you said or did on another thread a month ago, I'd at least have the courage/courtesy to make sure you were aware of it and could respond if you wanted to.
His accusation of racism against me is on record
So is your racism:

as is his banning me from discussing the veracity of Anita Sarkeesian's research - which was backed up with evidence (given on request, I might add) in the feminist frequency thread.
You were not discussing the 'veracity of her research' you were focused on a single statement as to whether she liked video games or not (your argument being that if she didn't then she had no right to comment) which everyone had told you they didn't give a fuck about and was irrelevant to the discussion. No-one asked you to provide any evidence that I recall but you insisted on linking to incredibly dodgy sources (really fucking weird and nasty MRA stuff) to prove a 'point'. However I don't think you were banned from replying to one thread for that, I'm pretty sure you were banned for steamrollering the thread with posts continually increasing in length and hysteria demanding that the few posters on the thread that you weren't ignoring answer your 'questions'. There was also the video of weirdo US trots that you kept insisting were representative of feminism generally.
Generally speaking I dislike being tagged. I particularly hate it when some fucker tags me just to slag me off. I personally think doing that is pretty out of order. Hey, you there, come here and listen to me abusing you, NOW.

Fair enough, the next time I feel the need to slag you off, I won't bother to tag you.

Personally, I think that accusing moderators of bias, if it's going to be done at all, should be done openly. If FM decides he would rather AW or anyone else is just allowed to get on with it on the sly, I'll bear that in mind in future
Bit slow EG. toggle is already approaching a full house.

And with all this talk of disrespect and nastiness let's not forget that until recently Awesome Wells/Wishface's most notable contribution to these boards was regularly wishing cancer on other posters for such unforgivable crimes as disagreeing with him about a tv programme.
Which he then accused me of making up, that insult that he used about wishing someone cancer. He'd never do such a thing he said.
I just think it's sad people are incapable of having a sensible conversation. The feminist frequency thread was a joke, completely demonstrating the sort of attitude people they despise (like thunderf00t) criticise them for. Perhaps some grand irony there.
I just think it's sad people are incapable of having a sensible conversation. The feminist frequency thread was a joke, completely demonstrating the sort of attitude people they despise criticise them for. Perhaps some grand irony there.

toggle: need to up date your bingo card
But I do think he should at least do it honestly and openly, ie tag FM so that he can see that he's being accused on this thread of something related to another thread a month or so ago.

Good job you're around to police the boards then, Andy.
Okay, so I'm going to make the traditional ritual request that the thread get back on topic, that always works.

(As a note I am pretty well aware of AW's opinion of me given how often it is expressed.)
Bit slow EG. toggle is already approaching a full house.

And with all this talk of disrespect and nastiness let's not forget that until recently Awesome Wells/Wishface's most notable contribution to these boards was regularly wishing cancer on other posters for such unforgivable crimes as disagreeing with him about a tv programme.
I am slow to be fair - I am loaded up on meds ;)

No doubt the relief of pain is also frivolous. In fact, some of the meds I am on have been linked to birth defects. Plus I'm over 40. And, to put the icing on the cake, my medical condition is likely genetic. If had a child and they ended up with what I have, am I irresponsible for getting pregnant or is it just bad luck?
So is your racism:

You were not discussing the 'veracity of her research' you were focused on a single statement as to whether she liked video games or not (your argument being that if she didn't then she had no right to comment) which everyone had told you they didn't give a fuck about and was irrelevant to the discussion. No-one asked you to provide any evidence that I recall but you insisted on linking to incredibly dodgy sources (really fucking weird and nasty MRA stuff) to prove a 'point'. However I don't think you were banned from replying to one thread for that, I'm pretty sure you were banned for steamrollering the thread with posts continually increasing in length and hysteria demanding that the few posters on the thread that you weren't ignoring answer your 'questions'. There was also the video of weirdo US trots that you kept insisting were representative of feminism generally.

Incorrect. I comments on her vast misrepresentation of the games, particularly hitman and assassin's Creed. such faulty analysis forms the basis of her work on tropes vs women and its way off.

I also presented evidence, from her own mouth, of her contradicting herself when it comes to the subject matter. She's analysing video games with a huge bias and is, by her own admission, prejudiced against gaming: she doesn't like it.

I didn't deny that the source of those clips may be a misogynist. I don't know the person and, more importantly, it isn't relevant: it wasn't his words that were being discussed. When I was asks to provide sources for the clips I did so, and was then ignored.

So you are totally and utterly incorrect, and since you've decided to bring up the racist striper clip I'll ask you, asd I did then (to no avail either), to provide evidence.

Which you won't provide because none of you, when challenged, can do so.
Okay, so I'm going to make the traditional ritual request that the thread get back on topic, that always works.

(As a note I am pretty well aware of AW's opinion of me given how often it is expressed.)

Please Miss, please Miss, have you heard what that nasty boy AW is saying about you:D
No. It was quiet for hours. You are off the thread and banned for the weekend.

not you coley obviously before somebody says it
No doubt the relief of pain is also frivolous. In fact, some of the meds I am on have been linked to birth defects. Plus I'm over 40. And, to put the icing on the cake, my medical condition is likely genetic. If had a child and they ended up with what I have, am I irresponsible for getting pregnant or is it just bad luck?
The question isn't whether you were irresponsible, the question is whether you'd be criminally responsible.
Incorrect. I comments on her vast misrepresentation of the games, particularly hitman and assassin's Creed. such faulty analysis forms the basis of her work on tropes vs women and its way off.

I also presented evidence, from her own mouth, of her contradicting herself when it comes to the subject matter. She's analysing video games with a huge bias and is, by her own admission, prejudiced against gaming: she doesn't like it.

I didn't deny that the source of those clips may be a misogynist. I don't know the person and, more importantly, it isn't relevant: it wasn't his words that were being discussed. When I was asks to provide sources for the clips I did so, and was then ignored.

So you are totally and utterly incorrect, and since you've decided to bring up the racist striper clip I'll ask you, asd I did then (to no avail either), to provide evidence.

Which you won't provide because none of you, when challenged, can do so.
playing the race ca... oh fuck it.
Incorrect. I comments on her vast misrepresentation of the games, particularly hitman and assassin's Creed. such faulty analysis forms the basis of her work on tropes vs women and its way off.

I also presented evidence, from her own mouth, of her contradicting herself when it comes to the subject matter. She's analysing video games with a huge bias and is, by her own admission, prejudiced against gaming: she doesn't like it.

I didn't deny that the source of those clips may be a misogynist. I don't know the person and, more importantly, it isn't relevant: it wasn't his words that were being discussed. When I was asks to provide sources for the clips I did so, and was then ignored.

So you are totally and utterly incorrect, and since you've decided to bring up the racist striper clip I'll ask you, asd I did then (to no avail either), to provide evidence.

Which you won't provide because none of you, when challenged, can do so.

I've already provided links so people can decide for themselves, it's all there. However we've been asked to keep this thread on topic. If you can find a thread on which it wouldn't be disruptive to do so (PMs would be pointless) I'll happily provide exact quotes and analysis when I have time. You need to take a good look at yourself.
I just got a like from page 9 of this thread. :|

Don't do it Vintage Paw ! There are better ways to spend a Friday night!

I wasn't even half way through the thread, you made me skip ahead for this, you bastard :D

Edit: although looking up this page a bit... how the ever-loving fuck did it turn into a discussion of Anita Sarkeesian?

(rhetorical question)
I just got a like from page 9 of this thread. :|

Don't do it Vintage Paw ! There are better ways to spend a Friday night!

Not when yer waiting for an overactive sprog to go to sleep, and it's on topic, his mother likes a drink and possibly had a few before she found out she was pregnant.
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